Cisco Support Tools
User Guide
Release 1.0(1)
May 2004
Updated January 2006
Contains all information necessary to install, configure and use
Cisco Support Tools 1.0(1).
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
Table of Contents
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
Table of Contents
Index ..............................................................................................285
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
Table of Contents
About Cisco Support Tools Documentation
Welcome to the User Guide for Cisco Support Tools, version 1.0(1). This guide
An overview of Support Tools
Installation and configuration instructions
Instructions for using the Support Tools Dashboard
Instructions for using Support Tools utilities from the Support Tools Dashboard
Instructions for using Support Tools utilities from a command-line
This guide is intended for all Support Tools users, including individuals who deploy,
install, administer, and use the product. It assumes that readers are familiar with:
For Support Tools installation specialists: The platforms and operating systems
on which Cisco ICM (Enterprise, Hosted, and IPCC) runs; basic Web server and
firewall configuration.
For Support Tools users: Cisco ICM and ICM components; the platforms and
operating systems on which ICM runs.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Cisco Support Tools Documentation
The Support Tools Documentation Set
The following documentation is available for the Support Tools 1.0(1):
Primary Audience:
Support Tools User
All Support Tools users
Provides information on:
Support Tools features and deployment;
How to install and configure Support Tools;
How to use the Support Tools Dashboard;
How to use Support Tools utilities from the
Support Tools Dashboard;
How to use Support Tools utilities from a
command line;
The Support Tools User Guide also provides context-
sensitive Help for screens in the Support Tools
Available formats: HTML and PDF
Support Tools
Release Notes
All Support Tools users
The Support Tools Release Notes contain up-to-date
information on known issues and workarounds and any
special instructions not covered in this guide.
Available formats: PDF
To Access Support Tools Documentation
After installation, to access the Support Tools User Guide:
On the Support Tools CD, open getstart.htmat the top level of the CD.
After installation, from the Support Tools Dashboard, click the Help icon.
After installation, on the Support Tools Server, open index.htm(for HTML) or
icm_10_st_userguide.pdf(for PDF) in
On a Support Tools Node, open index.htm(for HTML) or
icm_10_st_userguide.pdf(for PDF) from
Note: The Support Tools Release Notes are not installed with the product. They are
only available on the Support Tools CD.
Support Tools documentation is also available for download from the technical
publication section of Cisco's Web site at:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Cisco Support Tools Documentation
Support Tools Document Conventions
Support Tools documentation uses the following conventions:
Indicates information of particular interest or significance.
Indicates the possibility of an adverse condition, such as poor or improper
performance, data loss, or a security risk.
Indicates a file or path name, user entry, or a code snippet.
Indicates a variable. For example: <servername> represents a server's
host name. When prefaced by "Press," a bracketed term represents a
keystroke. For example, "Press <Enter>" means to press the Enter
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Cisco Support Tools Documentation
About Cisco Support Tools 1.0(1)
Cisco Support Tools 1.0(1) is a suite of over fifty utilities that allow you to manage
and troubleshoot the ICM servers which process call load, routing, and reporting.
Through Support Tools, you can troubleshoot configuration and performance
problems on these systems from a single machine in your network--the Support
Tools Server.
Access to utilities in the Support Tools suite is through a browser-based interface--
the Support Tools Dashboard--installed on the Support Tools Server. Levels of
security control both access to the Dashboard and the ability to use specific tools
once logged in. In low bandwidth conditions (for example, via dialup access) or when
Web browsing is otherwise impractical, most Support Tools utilities can also be
accessed and run via command line.
Key Features
The Support Tools suite includes the full set of standard diagnostic tools delivered
with earlier ICM versions. It also provides key new functionality including:
The ability to interrogate individual Support Tools nodes for their hardware/OS,
Cisco component, and third party product information.
The ability to view, stop, and start services running on Support Tools nodes.
The ability to view and terminate processes running on Support Tools nodes.
The ability to compare and synchronize registry settings from different Support
Tools nodes.
The ability to pull logs from most Support Tools nodes including ICM call routers,
loggers, peripheral gateways (PGs), admin workstations (AWs), CTI Object
Server (CTIOS), Cisco Collaboration Server (CCS), Cisco Email Manager (CEM),
Cisco Media Blender (CMB), as well as Cisco CallManager.
The ability to create enhanced time-synchronized merged logs across servers.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Support Tools Components
About Support Tools Network Topology
About Support Tools Platforms
About Support Tools Security
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Cisco Support Tools 1.0(1) 10
About the Support Tools Dashboard
About the Support Tools Utilities
Frequently Asked Questions
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Cisco Support Tools 1.0(1) 11
About Support Tools Components
Support Tools uses a client/server architecture to support remote ICM systems. The
architecture is comprised of the Support Tools Server and the Support Tools Node.
The server and node connect using TCP/IP and can exchange large volumes of
messages with only a minimal impact to ICM system performance.
The Support Tools Server
The Support Tools Server is installed on a system that has little or no performance
load, such as a standalone network server or a client ICM Admin Workstation (AW).
To ensure redundancy, the Support Tools Server can be installed to multiple
Major components of the Support Tools Server include:
The Support Tools Dashboard, a browser-based interface that allows access to all
Support Tools utilities.
Cisco Web utilities-- a set of system management tools specifically designed for
use with Support Tools.
The Support Tools Repository, the central storage location for files (for example,
logs, registries, etc.) gathered and saved through Support Tools. These files can
be downloaded, viewed, and used for system comparison or restoration. Note
that multiple installations of the Support Tools Server do not share a common
repository--each will maintain its own instance.
The Support Tools Node
The Support Tools Node serves as the client to the Support Tools Server. It is
installed to each ICM node to be managed through Support Tools.
Major components of the Support Tools Node include:
The Node Agent Service, used to accept connections from the Support Tools
Command-line versions of Cisco Web utilities, allowing these tools to be run from
a node when access to the Support Tools Server is unavailable or otherwise
impractical (for example, during a network outage).
A local Repository used to store saved and downloaded files when Support Tools
utilities are run directly from a node (via a command line) outside of the
Dashboard interface.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Support Tools Components 12
Note: The Support Tools Server installation automatically installs the Node Agent
Service to the Support Tools Server, ensuring that this machine can also be
managed through Support Tools.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Support Tools 1.0(1)
About Support Tools Network Topology
About the Support Tools Dashboard
About the Support Tools Utilities
Frequently Asked Questions
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Support Tools Components 13
About Support Tools Network Topology
The Support Tools Server is installed to a standalone server or a client ICM Admin
Workstation in your network. To ensure redundancy, the Support Tools Server can
be installed to multiple systems. Note however, these multiple installations do not
have the ability to share data with one another.
The Support Tools Server can communicate with Support Tools nodes through a
firewall provided the appropriate ports on the firewall has been enabled.
User access to Support Tools is limited to your network. Remote users wishing to use
the Support Tools Dashboard must first connect to the network--remote access via
the Internet is not supported.
The following diagram illustrates a Support Tools deployment in a simplified ICM
See Also
For related information, see:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Support Tools Network Topology 14
About Support Tools Components
About Support Tools Platforms
About Support Tools Security
How to Enable Ports for Support Tools
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Support Tools Network Topology 15
About Support Tools Utilities
Support Tools includes over fifty utilities to monitor, administer, and configure ICM
systems on which the Support Tools Node is installed. Utilities are grouped into these
Cisco Web utilities: Four new Cisco utilities created for distribution with Support
Tools 1.0(1).
Cisco Common utilities: Pre-existing Cisco utilities which in most cases will
already exist on ICM nodes as part of a standard ICM installation.
Common utilities: Bundled third-party Windows, DOS, and Unix utilities. Windows
and DOS utilities will already exist on ICM nodes as part of a standard Windows
installation. Unix utilities are installed as part of the Support Tools node
Utility Installation Locations
Support Tools utilities exist and can be run from individual ICM nodes (note that the
Support Tools Server is itself treated as a Support Tools node). When you run one of
these utilities through the Support Tools Dashboard, you are actually running the
utility remotely from the currently selected node.
Not every utility is installed on every node. For the most part, Cisco Common Tools
are installed on core ICM components only: AWs, PGs, Call Routers, and Loggers. For
example, CICMan is only present on NAM Call Routers. See the table in the next
section for more information.
If you attempt to launch a utility that is not present on the current system, the
Support Tools Dashboard returns a message stating that the command is not
Non-Dashboard Utilities
Certain ICM and third-party utilities are only available for use through their own GUI;
they have no command line access. This also precludes the ability to launch and run
these utilities from the Support Tools Dashboard. Note that while these utilities are
listed on the Dashboard menu, they cannot in fact be run from there.
These utilities include:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Support Tools Utilities 16
Privileged Utilities
Some utilities, when accessed through the Support Tools Dashboard, can only be
used by members of the Support Tools privileged user group. If you are not a
member of the privileged user group, these utilities will not appear on the Support
Tools Dashboard menu. These utilities include:
registry compare and repair
Processes and services
Note that these privilege levels only apply to utilities when accessed through the
Dashboard; they do not preclude users from running any utility through an
independent command line on a node.
Command-Line vs GUI Access
For users who prefer command-lines to GUIs, note that in addition to access via the
Support Tools Dashboard, most Support Tools utilities can also be run from an
independent command line. For more information, see the instructions for individual
Also note that certain utilities (see Non-Dashboard Utilities above) have no command
line access.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Support Tools Utilities 17
Support Tools Utilities List
The following tables list and describe the utilities accessible through Support Tools.
Utilities are grouped into these categories:
Cisco Web utilities
Cisco Common utilities
Common utilities
Cisco Web Utilities
The following Support Tools utilities were created by Cisco specifically for use with
Support Tools 1.0(1). They can be run from within the Dashboard interface or from
an external command line on either the Support Tools Server or an individual node.
Utility Name:
Installed On: Dashboard
External GUI-
Users Only:
Dashboard or
Line Access:
Log Collector
Use to collect and view log files from
ICM nodes. Allows you to create
merged logs from two ICM nodes for
comparative analysis.
All Support
Tools nodes
Registry Compare
and Repair
Use to view, compare and repair ICM All Support
node registry entries.
Tools nodes
System Interrogate
Use to display system information
(for example, OS, hardware, ICM,
All Support
Tools nodes
Processes and
Use to view and stop Processes and
services running on an ICM node.
All Support
Tools nodes
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Support Tools Utilities 18
Cisco Common Utilities
The following Support Tools utilities were created by Cisco specifically for use with
ICM. Most can be run both from within the Dashboard interface, or from an external
command line.
Utility Name:
Installed On: Dashboard
External GUI-
Users Only:
Dashboard or
Line Access:
Use on a NAM CallRouter to view and NAM Call
set NAM to CICM session information. Routers
Use for debugging or demonstration
in a Cisco ICM CTI environment. Can
be used in place of an Interactive CTI
client application.
Third-party (Microsoft) tool to
compare database tables. Invoked
with the diffconfig.bat tool.
Nodes on
which SQL
Server is
Dump Config ICM audit utility. Use to Loggers (but
analyze the ICM Config_Message_Log can be run
table. Allows you to determine WHO
from any ICM
did WHAT, WHEN, from WHERE, using component)
WHICH program.
ICM Database Administration tool.
Use to create, monitor, and edit ICM
databases, including Logger, HDS,
AWs, Loggers
and AWDB databases. ICMDBA is also with DBs)
used to manage various SQL Server
operating parameters.
Use to provide a playback from the
Nortel Meridian Automatic Call
Distributor (ACD) to troubleshoot
potential issues.
MerPim PGs
Routers for
NIC Remote Operator Interface. Use
to configure and debug the (old-style customers
DOS-based) AT&T NIC. Often invoked running an
with the NIC.BAT batch program.
Node Manager Start. Use to start an
ICM service on a CallRouter, Logger,
AW, or PG.
AWs, PGs, Call
Node Manager Stop. Use to stop an
AWs, PGs, Call
ICM Service on a CallRouter, Logger, Routers,
AW, or PG. Loggers
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Support Tools Utilities 19
Use to interpret a Peripheral
Gateways (PG) status, statistics, etc.
It is also possible to enable specific
debug tracing in the OPC process.
General-purpose debugging tool. Can PGs, Call
be used in conjunction with various
Network Interface Controller (NIC)
and Peripheral Interface Manager
(PIM) processes. Use to verify status,
set debug trace bits, etc.
Use to set various debug tracing on a Call Routers
CallRouter. The additional tracing is
output to the .EMS log files, and
viewed with the Log Collector.
Use to interpret a Call Router's events Call Routers
and states live without interruption to (but can be run
the running router processes. Rttest
has several subroutines that allow
viewing status, statistics, etc. It is
also possible to enable specific debug
tracing in the call router.
from any ICM
Use to view and set various debug
trace bits on a new style NT SS7 NIC
Use to output tracing information
from a Voice Response Unit (VRU)
device and to and from its PIM
process. VRUTrace allows capture and
playback of session data.
Common Utilities
The following Support Tools utilities are bundled third-party Windows, DOS, and Unix
utilities. Most can be run both from within the Dashboard interface, or from an
external command line.
Utility Name:
Installed On: Dashboard
Dashboard or
Line Access:
Users Only:
Use to find the media access control
address of a host on the same
physical network.
All Support
Tools nodes
Use the CAT utility to display, print,
and combine files. Equivalent of the
DOS type command.
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to change file permissions.
Equivalent of the DOS attrib
All Support
Tools nodes
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Support Tools Utilities 20
Utility Name:
Installed On: Dashboard
Dashboard or
Line Access:
Users Only:
Equivalent of the DOS copy
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to view disk free information.
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to compare two text files or two
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to view disk usage information.
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to search for text patterns within All Support
a set of files. Tools nodes
Use to find strings in logs or text files. All Support
Similar to UNIX's grep command.
Useful when parsing log files or other
text files to find a snippet of text.
Tools nodes
Use to search for text patterns within All Support
a set of files.
Tools nodes
Use to view user-defined number of
lines from the start of a file.
All Support
Tools nodes
IPConfig -all
Use to get host computer
configuration information, including
the IP address, subnet mask, and
default gateway.
All Support
Tools nodes
Interactive SQL for Windows. Use to
query and update Microsoft SQL
Server databases.
Nodes on
which SQL
Server is
Use to view directory listings.
Equivalent of the DOS dir command.
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to move files and directories.
Equivalent of the DOS move or
rename command.
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to troubleshoot NetBIOS name
resolution problems.
All Support
Tools nodes
Net Session
Use to view information about all
current client sessions with the
current system.
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to view network information for
All Support
the current system, including protocol Tools nodes
statistics and current TCP/IP network
Net Statistics Server Use to view statistics for the local
Server service.
All Support
Tools nodes
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Support Tools Utilities 21
Utility Name:
Installed On: Dashboard
Dashboard or
Line Access:
Users Only:
Net Statistics Works Use to view statistics for the local
Workstation service.
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to get the IP address and fully
All Support
qualified DNS of the current system's Tools nodes
DNS name server.
A route tracing tool that combines
features of the ping and tracert
commands with additional
All Support
Tools nodes
Low-level connectivity test. Use to
verify end-to-end TCP/IP network
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to list all NT or Win2K processes, All Support
their process ID (PID), memory and
cpu utilization, etc.
Tools nodes
Use to delete files and directories.
Equivalent of the DOS delete,
recursive del subdirectories
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to view the contents of the
network routing tables.
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to shut down a remote host.
When used from the Dashboard,
shutdown will automatically restart
the host after 60 seconds.
All Support
Tools nodes
SQL Enterprise Manager. Use to
monitor and update SQL Server
operating parameters, expand
databases, etc.
Nodes on
which SQL
Server is
Use to stop a system from shutting
down due to an application or
operating system failure.
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to find printable strings in a
binary file.
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to view user-defined number of
lines from end of a file.
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to change the creation date/time All Support
for any file.
Tools nodes
Related to ping command. Use to
show each intermediary Hop in the
TCP/IP network. Useful in
All Support
Tools nodes
troubleshooting LAN and WAN faults.
Use to view a count of characters,
words, or lines in a file.
All Support
Tools nodes
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Support Tools Utilities 22
Utility Name:
Installed On: Dashboard
Dashboard or
Line Access:
Users Only:
Use to view the name of the first file
encountered while traversing a path
or directory tree.
All Support
Tools nodes
Windows NT Diagnostics. Use to
gather detailed configuration
information about computers running
Windows NT.
All Support
Tools nodes
See Also
For related information, see:
About Support Tools 1.0(1)
About Support Tools Components
About Cisco Web Utilities
About Cisco Common Utilities
About Common Utilities
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Support Tools Utilities 23
About the Support Tools Dashboard
The Support Tools
Dashboard is a
desktop that allows
you to access and use
all Support Tools
utilities through a
single interface. The
Dashboard integrates
access to all ICM
systems, eliminating
the need to manually
connect to each
remote system.
Accessing the
Users access the Dashboard via a URL
(http://<hostname_or_ip_address>:<Tomcat_HTTP_port>) entered in a browser
window. Upon connecting, users must login by providing their Windows NT user
name and password, or the user name and password of a privileged account.
Access to the Dashboard is restricted to the local network: access via the Internet is
not supported. To access the Dashboard from a remote location, a user must connect
and authenticate against the corporate network.
Dashboard Privileges
The Support Tools Dashboard recognizes two categories of users:
Privileged users have full access to all Support Tools functionality, including tools
and commands that can be used to modify system settings, registries, etc.
Regular users have limited access to information gathering functionality only.
Tools capable of system modification are not available to regular Support Tools
Support Tools assigns privilege based on regular Windows user groups (defined on
your domain controller or through Active Directory). During the Support Tools Server
installation, you are prompted to enter the name of one (and only one) Windows
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About the Support Tools Dashboard 24
user group that will serve as the Support Tools privileged group. Users in all other
groups are treated as regular Support Tools users.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Support Tools Components
How to Access the Dashboard
About Using the Dashboard for the First Time
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About the Support Tools Dashboard 25
About Support Tools Security
Support Tools operates with the following security restrictions:
A. Access to Support Tools is limited to the local network. Remote access via the
Internet is not supported. Users must authenticate against the network in order
to use Support Tools.
B. Users must login to the Support Tools Dashboard using their network ID and
password, or the ID and password of a valid network account. If desired, you can
configure the Support Tools Login page to use SSL so that user passwords are
encrypted when they are sent to the server.
C. Within the Support Tools Dashboard, access to specific utilities is determined by
Windows User Group membership. Only members of the user group designated
as the Support Tools privileged group can use utilities capable of system
modification from the Dashboard. Non-privileged users are limited to information
gathering functionality only. Note that Support Tools utilities used outside of the
Dashboard environment (namely, via command-line) do not impose these levels
of privilege.
The use of Support Tools utilities outside of the Dashboard environment
(accessed via a command line on a node) is not controlled by a login/password.
System administrators can use Windows NTFS directory privileges to limit this
method of access to specific users or groups.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Support Tools Components
About the Support Tools Dashboard
How to Create Support Tools User Groups
How to Configure the Dashboard Login for SSL
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Support Tools Security 26
About Support Tools Platforms
This section provides platform support information for Support Tools 1.0(1),
ICM Platform
Support Tools Server Platform
Support Tools Node Platforms
Support Tools Dashboard Browser Support
ICM Platform
Support Tools 1.0(1) is designed for use with ICM version 5.0 and 6.0 (Enterprise,
Hosted and IPCC).
Support Tools Server Platform
The Support Tools Server can be installed on a standalone server (that is, one on
which no ICM products are installed), or on a client ICM Admin Workstation (AW) in
your ICM network.
Caution: Due to possible performance issues, do not install the Support Tools Server
on a distributor AW; AW installation should be limited to client AWs.
The Support Tools Server runs on the following platform:
Server Type:
Operating System: Web
Windows 2000 with
service pack 3 or 4
Apache Tomcat 4.0.6 Java Runtime
(included in Support Environment 1.3.1
Tools Server
(included in Support
Tools Server
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Support Tools Platforms 27
Support Tools Node Platform
The Support Tools Node can be installed on any ICM nodes listed below that you
want to manage through Support Tools. All ICM 5.0 nodes run on the Windows 2000
Server sp3 platform:
Cisco CallManager (CCM)
Cisco Collaboration Server (CCS)
Cisco E-Mail Manager (CEM)
Cisco Media Blender (CMB)
CTI Object Server (CTIOS)
ICM Admin Workstations (AWs)
ICM Call Routers
ICM Peripheral Gateways (PGs)
ICM Loggers
Support Tools Dashboard Browser Support
The Support Tools Dashboard is designed to work with Microsoft Internet Explorer
5.5 SP 2 or greater. Other browser platforms are not supported.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Support Tools Components
About the Support Tools Dashboard
About Installing Support Tools
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Support Tools Platforms 28
Frequently Asked Questions About Support Tools
This section gives brief answers some to some common questions about Support
Tools. All of the subjects addressed here are described in greater detail elsewhere in
this guide.
What is the benefit of Support Tools?
Support Tools provides a common interface (the Support Tools Dashboard) to
approximately fifty utilities you can use to examine and troubleshoot Cisco ICM
What ICM version does Support Tools 1.0(1) work with?
Support Tools 1.0(1) is designed to work with ICM 5.0 and 6.0 (Enterprise, Hosted
and IPCC). Earlier ICM versions are not supported.
What components make up Support Tools?
The Support Tools Server provides the engine and interface through which users
access Support Tools utilities. The Support Tools Node is the listening agent that
allows the Support Tools Server to interact with ICM components.
Where do I install the Support Tools Server?
The Support Tools Server can be installed on a client ICM Admin Workstation (AW) or
(recommended) on its own dedicated network machine.
Caution: Because Support Tools Server installs the Apache Tomcat Web Server as a
service, and with specific port requirements, DO NOT install it on a machine with a
pre-existing installation of Tomcat in use by other applications.
Where do I install the Support Tools node?
The Support Tools node should be installed on each ICM component that you want to
manage with Support Tools. See About Support Tools Platforms for a complete list of
supported components.
What performance impact will running Support Tools have on my ICM
Support Tools processes run silently with minimum performance impact. It is
recommended that: 1) the Support Tools Server be installed on its on its own
dedicated machine, 2) because of the possible need to reboot, the Support Tools
node be installed on ICM components during an off-production maintenance period,
3) large log collections be performed at times of low system traffic, and 4) the
Support Tools Repository and its subdirectories be excluded from continuous virus
Who can use Support Tools?
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
Frequently Asked Questions About Support Tools 29
Any ICM user can use Support Tools. Permissions can be set to limit access to certain
sensitive utilities in the Support Tools Dashboard to a privileged group.
What configuration does Support Tools require after installation?
While some optional configuration is available (see the Configuring Support Tools
section) no post-installation configuration is required to use Support Tools out of the
Note, however, that to use Support Tools' merged log capabilities, each Support
Tools Server and node must be able to communicate with the same Simple Network
Time Protocol (SNTP or NTP) server. See How to Collect Information for a Support
Tools Installation for more information.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Support Tools Components
About Support Tools Platforms
About Support Tools Security
About Configuring Support Tools
How to Collect Information for a Support Tools Installation
How to Create Support Tools User Groups
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
Frequently Asked Questions About Support Tools 30
About Installing Support Tools
Installing Support Tools 1.0(1) consists of:
A. Installing the Support Tools Server to a central server with access to your ICM
system. If desired, you can install the Support Tools on multiple servers to
provide redundancy. Note, however, that data is not shared between these
separate installations.
B. Installing the Support Tools Node on each ICM node to be managed through
Support Tools. Note that the Node Agent is automatically included in the Support
Tools Server installation; a separate installation of the node on this machine is
not required.
Support Tools Installation Tasks
To install Support Tools, follow the sequence of steps in the checklist below. Each of
these steps is described in greater detail in following sections. Cisco recommends
you review this list before proceeding with the installation.
Note: Before proceeding with installation, also be sure to review the Support Tools
Release Notes for any updates pertaining to Support Tools installation. The Release
Notes are available at the top level of the Support Tools CD
(st_10_release_notes.htm) and at
Caution: In some instances, the Support Tools Server and Node installations may
require a reboot to complete. For this reason, it is strongly suggested that you
perform the installation during a regular maintenance period when machines are not
in production mode.
Step 1. Collect information for the install
Prior to installing Support Tools, collect the information that you will need to provide
during the install.
Step 2. Create the Support Tools privileged user group
Create and assign users to the Windows user group that will serve as the Support
Tools privileged user group.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Installing Support Tools 33
Step 3. Create the Distinguished User Account
The Support Tools Server installs the Tomcat Web server which runs as a service.
This service must run as a distinguished user. To do this:
A. Prior to installing the Support Tools Server, create the Distinguished User.
B. After installing the Support Tools Server, assign the Distinguished User the
requisite directory privileges.
Step 4. Review the Support Tools Server hardware and software
Prior to installing the Support Tools Server, ensure that the machine you are
installing it on meets the minimum hardware and software prerequisites.
Step 5. Install the Support Tools Server
The Support Tools Server installation includes:
The Support Tools Dashboard
The Support Tools Node
Support Tools documentation
Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.3.1
Apache Tomcat 4.0.6
Step 6. Review the Support Tools Node hardware and software prerequisites
Prior to installing the Support Tools Node, ensure that the ICM nodes you are
installing it on meet the minimum hardware and software prerequisites.
Step 7. Install the Support Tools Node
Install the Support Tools Node on each ICM node you want to manage through
Support Tools. The Support Tools Nodes installation includes:
The Support Tools Node Agent
Support Tools Web utilities and certain Unix-style common utilities.
Support Tools documentation
Note: Other Support Tools utilities are not part of the Support Tools installation.
Rather, these utilities already exist on each node, distributed as part of standard ICM
and Win2K installations.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Installing Support Tools 34
Step 8. Enable ports for Support Tools
Support Tools uses the following ports:
Tomcat (the Support Tools Web server) by default listens for HTTP requests on
port 8188. It listens for HTTPS requests (used if you configure the Dashboard
Login page for SSL) by default on port 8189.
Support Tools requires a port (39100 by default) to communicate with ICM
nodes. Ensure that this port is available on each node managed by Support Tools.
If a firewall stands between the Support Tools Server and any Support Tools node,
and/or between the Support Tools Server and remote users, you must enable these
ports on the firewall.
Step 9. Test the installation
After installing Support Tools, perform a few simple tests to verify that the install
was successful.
Post-Installation Configuration
All basic configuration required by Support Tools is set during installation.
Immediately after installation, no further configuration is necessary to begin using
the product.
However, as desired, after installation you can modify the settings chosen during
installation, or use certain optional behaviors (such as configuring the Dashboard
Login page for SSL) that require further configuration. For more information, see
About Configuring Support Tools.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Installing Support Tools 35
See Also
For related information, see:
About Support Tools Platforms
How to Collect Information for a Support Tools Installation
How to Create Support Tools User Groups
About Support Tools Server Hardware and Software Prerequisites
How to Install the Support Tools Server
About Support Tools Client Hardware and Software Prerequisites
How to Install the Support Tools Node
How to Enable Ports for Support Tools
How to Create the Distinguished User Account
How to Test the Support Tools Installation
About Configuring Support Tools
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Installing Support Tools 36
How to Collect Information for a Support Tools
Installation Step 1
Prior to installing Support Tools, collect the following information that you will need
to provide during the install:
For the Support Tools Server:
A. Determine the name of the Support Tools privileged user group. Determine which
users will be members of this group.
B. Determine the username, domain, and password of the distinguished user for the
Tomcat Web server.
C. Determine the IP address or fully-qualified DNS of your network time server (see
below for more).
For the Support Tools Node:
A. Take an inventory of the ICM nodes on which you want to install Support Tools.
B. Determine the IP address or fully-qualified DNS of your network time server.
C. Determine whether a firewall stands between the Support Tools Server and any
ICM nodes it will manage.
About the Network Time Server
To use Support Tools merged log capabilities, each Support Tools Server and node
must be able to communicate with the same Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP or
NTP) server. This is required even for networks that have fully synchronized
Windows 2000 systems as the allowable machine drift is greater than the tolerance
of the log event times.
Note that Support Tools does not make time adjustment to host machines. Instead,
the time offsets are tracked in a database to use for log merging only. Your SNTP or
NTP server must support unauthenticated requests. Refer to RFC-2030 for more
details on SNTP. Most Cisco IP Routers support the SNTP / NTP protocol. Consult with
your IT department on available SNTP / NTP servers in your network.
If any system in a merged log collection cannot communicate with the SNTP server,
the merge will fail, and the outputted log will contain the alert: "Missing SNTP data
for all of the following files logs prevented merging logs:..."
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Collect Information for a Support Tools Installation 37
See Also
For related information, see:
About Installing Support Tools
How to Create Support Tools User Groups
About Support Tools Server Hardware and Software Prerequisites
How to Enable Ports for Support Tools
How to Create Support Tools User Groups
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Collect Information for a Support Tools Installation 38
How to Create Support Tools User Groups
Installation Step 2
Support Tools recognizes two categories of users:
Privileged users have full access to all Support Tools functionality, including tools
and commands that can be used to modify system settings, registries, etc.
Regular users have limited access to information gathering functionality only.
Tools capable of system modification are not available to regular Support Tools
To Create Support Tools User Groups
Support Tools assigns privilege based on regular Windows user groups. This can be
either a local group you define on the Support Tools Server machine or a domain
group you define using Active Directory).
During the Support Tools Server installation, you are prompted to enter the name of
one (and only one) Windows user group that will serve as the Support Tools
privileged group. Users in all other groups are treated as regular Support Tools
Note: The privileged user group name is case-sensitive. It must match in case its
corresponding Windows user group name.
Note: All Support Tools users must be members of the Windows Everyone group;
anonymous users will not have access to Support Tools.
After installation, if necessary, you can modify the privileged group name by running
the Support Tools Server configuration.
Creating Local Accounts on the Support Tools Server
To ensure you have local access to the Support Tools Dashboard in situations when
network authentication is unavailable (for example, due to a downed network or
authentication server) it is a good idea to create one or more local user accounts on
the Support Tools Server.
To ensure full access to all utilities, these local accounts should be made members of
a local user group named identically to your Support Tools privileged user group.
When logging into the Dashboard using a local account, enter
<hostname>\<Windows_username> as your username; for example,
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Create Support Tools User Groups 39
See Also
For related information, see:
About Installing Support Tools
About Support Tools Utilities
How to Collect Information for a Support Tools Installation
About Support Tools Security
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Create Support Tools User Groups 40
How to Create the Distinguished User Account
Installation Step 8
The Support Tools Server installs the Tomcat Web server which runs as a service.
This service must run as a distinguished user. To do this:
A. Prior to installing the Support Tools Server, create the Distinguished User account
as described below.
B. After installing the Support Tools Server, assign the Distinguished User the
requisite directory privileges as described below.
How to Create the Distinguished User Account
Before installing the Support Tools Server, on the machine on which the
Support Tools Server will be installed, create a local or domain account to be used
for the Tomcat HTTP service.
Note: This account is only used to run the Tomcat HTTP Service and should not be
an administrator or user account for any other purpose. It is recommended that a
local account be created since this will restrict access of the Tomcat HTTP Service to
the one machine. In some scenarios using a local account for the Tomcat HTTP
Service will prevent users from authenticating with a domain account. If this
condition exists, you will need to use a domain account instead.
How to Assign Directory Privileges to the Distinguished User
If your Support Tools Server uses NTFS directory security that limits directory access
to specific users, after installing the Support Tools Server, ensure that, in
addition to the <machine>\System account, the distinguished user for the Tomcat
HTTP Service has the following privileges to the Support Tools root directory and all
of its subdirectories:
Read & Execute
List Folder Contents
For example,
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Create the Distinguished User Account 41
If the Distinguished User specified during installation is my_domain\TomcatSvcAcct,
then my_domain\TomcatSvcAcctmust be given the rights listed above to the Support
Tools root directory and all of its subdirectories.
See your Windows documentation for instructions on granting NTFS security
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Create the Distinguished User Account 42
About Support Tools Server Hardware and Software
Installation Step 3
The machine on which you install the Support Tools Server must meet the following
requirements for:
Network Access
Support Tools Server Hardware Prerequisites
The recommended minimum hardware configuration for your Support Tools Server is
a Pentium-class PC with 512 Mb RAM and at least 50 Mb of available hard disk space.
You can install the Support Tools Server on a standalone server (that is, one on
which no ICM products are installed), or on an existing ICM Admin Workstation (AW)
in your ICM network.
Caution: Due to possible performance issues, do not install the Support Tools Server
on a distributor AW; AW installation should be limited to client AWs.
Support Tools Server Software Prerequisites
Prior to installing the Support Tools Server, the following prerequisite software must
be installed and properly configured:
Microsoft Windows
Server (with service
pack 3 or 4)
Additional Software Prerequisites
The following additional software prerequisites are installed automatically with the
Support Tools Server:
Java Runtime Environment (JRE), version 1.3.1.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Support Tools Server Hardware and Software Prerequisites 43
Apache Tomcat 4.0.6
Caution: Because Support Tools Server installs the Apache Tomcat Web Server
as a service, and with specific port requirements, DO NOT install it on a machine
with a pre-existing installation of Tomcat in use by other applications.
Note: Optionally, if you plan to configure the Support Tools dashboard Login
page to use SSL (so that passwords are sent encrypted) an appropriate server
certificate must be installed and SSL configured in Tomcat.
Network Access to ICM Nodes
Ensure that the machine on which you will be installing Support Tools Server has
network access and administration rights to each ICM node on which the Support
Tools Client will be installed.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Installing Support Tools
How to Install the Support Tools Server
About Support Tools Components
How to Configure the Dashboard Login for SSL
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Support Tools Server Hardware and Software Prerequisites 44
How to Install the Support Tools Server
Installation Step 4
You can install the Support Tools Server on any server with access to your ICM
system. Before installing the Support Tools Server, ensure that the machine meets
the prerequisite hardware and software requirements.
Caution: In some instances, the Support Tools Server installation may require a
reboot to complete. For this reason, it is strongly suggested that you perform the
installation during a regular maintenance period when the machine is in off-
production mode.
The Support Tools 1.0(1) CD includes a Server Install Wizard that installs:
The Support Tools Dashboard
The Support Tools Node
Support Tools documentation
Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.3.1
Apache Tomcat 4.0.6
Caution: Because Support Tools Server installs the Apache Tomcat Web Server
as a service, and with specific port requirements, DO NOT install it on a machine
with a pre-existing installation of Tomcat in use by other applications.
To Install the Support Tools Server
Note: The installation instructions below describe only those installer dialogs that
require user input.
To install the Support Tools Server:
1. Log into the machine on which you are installing the Support Tools Server under
an account with local Windows Administrator privileges for that machine.
2. Insert the Support Tools CD in the server's CD-ROM drive.
3. From the Windows Start Menu, select Run.
4. Browse to and double-click the Support Tools Server executable file located at:
5. If the installer detects a previous, earlier installation of the JDK (less than 1.3.1),
you will be prompted to confirm an overwrite. Click Yes.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Install the Support Tools Server 45
6. Specify values for each of the following:
Destination Path: Specify the location to install the Support Tools Server, or
accept the default: c:\Cisco\CCBU\supporttools. You can install the Support
Tools Server to any location on the local machine.
Note: If you plan on using the Cisco Security Agent (CSA) you can only change
the drive letter and must leave the remaining default path information. This is
because CSA security rules are written specifically based on the path names.
Repository Base Directory: Specify the path to the Support Tools Server
Repository. This is the location where log files and saved registries and processes
lists are stored. You can specify any location on the Support Tools Server's
physical drive. The default is <destination_path>\Repository.
TCP/IP Port: The port the Support Tools Server uses to communicate with
Support Tools Nodes. The default is 39100.
Administration Group Name: The name of the Windows User Group that has
access to Support Tools functions capable of system modification (non-
administration group users can use Support Tools for information gathering only).
The default is Administrators.
Note: The Administration Group name is case-sensitive. It must match in case its
corresponding Windows user group name.
Distinguished User Information: Specify the domain or local machine
hostname, username, and password of the account that the Tomcat HTTP Service
will run as. For more information, see How to Create the Distinguished User
HTTP and HTTPS Ports: Specify the ports that the Tomcat Web server should
use for HTTP and HTTPS requests. The Support Tools defaults are 8188 (HTTP)
and 8189 (HTTPS).
Network Time Server: Specify the static IP address or fully-qualified DNS of
your network time server. Also specify the frequency (in minutes) with which this
machine should reconcile its clock against the network time server.
Note: As necessary, these values can also be modified after installation.
7. When the installation is complete, click Finish.
Depending on your local machine's configuration, you may be prompted by the
installer to reboot the machine to complete the installation. The Support Tools
Server and Tomcat will start automatically upon reboot.
8. If you are not prompted to reboot, the Support Tools Server and Tomcat will start
automatically and is ready for use.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Install the Support Tools Server 46
See Also
For related information, see:
About Installing Support Tools
About Support Tools Server Hardware and Software Prerequisites
About Support Tools Components
How to Modify Support Tools Basic Configuration
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Install the Support Tools Server 47
About Support Tools Node Hardware and Software
Installation Step 5
The machine on which you install the Support Tools Node must meet the following
requirements for:
Support Tools Node Hardware Prerequisites
The hardware requirements for ICM nodes are predetermined by the ICM software
they run.
The Support Tools Node requires a minimum of 20 Mb of available disk space.
Support Tools Node Software Prerequisites
Prior to installing the Support Tools Node, the following prerequisite software must
be installed and properly configured:
Microsoft Windows
Server (with service
pack 3 or 4)
Microsoft Internet
Recommended but not required.
Used to access the Support Tools Dashboard and Support Tools
See Also
For related information, see:
About Installing Support Tools
How to Install the Support Tools Server
About Support Tools Components
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Support Tools Node Hardware and Software Prerequisites 48
How to Install the Support Tools Node
Installation Step 6
You can install the Support Tools Node on any ICM node that you want to manage
through Support Tools. Note that the Node Agent is automatically included in the
Support Tools Server installation; a separate installation of the node on this machine
is not required.
Note: Before installing the Support Tools Node, ensure that the machine meets the
prerequisite hardware and software requirements.
Caution: In some instances, the Support Tools Node installation may require a
reboot to complete. For this reason, it is strongly suggested that you perform the
installation during a regular maintenance period when the machine is in off-
production mode.
The Support Tools 1.0(1) CD includes a Node Install Wizard that installs the:
Support Tools node agent
Support Tools Web utilities and certain Unix-style common utilities.
Support Tools documentation
To Install the Support Tools Node
Note: The installation instructions below describe only those installer dialogs that
require user input.
To begin the Support Tools Node installation:
1. Log into the machine on which you are installing the Support Tools Server under
an account with Windows Administrator privileges.
2. Insert the Support Tools CD in the server's CD-ROM drive.
3. From the Windows Start Menu, select Run.
4. Browse to and double-click the Support Tools Node executable file located at:
5. Specify values for the following:
TCP/IP Port: The port the Support Tools Server uses to communicate with
Support Tools Nodes. The default is 39100.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Install the Support Tools Node 49
Destination Path: Specify the location to install the Support Tools Node, or
accept the default: c:\Cisco\CCBU\supporttools. You can install the Support
Tools Node to any location on the local machine.
Note: If you plan on using the Cisco Security Agent (CSA) you can only change
the drive letter and must leave the remaining default path information. This is
because CSA security rules are written specifically based on the path names.
Network Time Server: Specify the static IP address or fully-qualified DNS of
your network time server. Also specify the frequency (in minutes) with which this
machine should reconcile its clock against the network time server.
Note: As necessary, this value can also be modified after installation.
6. When the installation is complete, click Finish.
7. Depending on your local machine's configuration, you may be prompted by the
installer to reboot the machine to complete the installation. The Support Tools
Node will start automatically upon reboot.
If you are not prompted to reboot, the Support Tools Node will start
automatically and is ready for use.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Installing Support Tools
About Support Tools Node Hardware and Software Prerequisites
About Support Tools Components
How to Modify Support Tools Basic Configuration
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Install the Support Tools Node 50
How to Enable Ports for Support Tools
Installation Step 7
Support Tools has the following port requirements:
Tomcat HTTP and HTTPS Port
Tomcat bundled with Support Tools by default listens for HTTP requests on port 8188
and HTTPS requests on port 8189.
If a firewall stands between the Support Tools Server and any Support Tools node,
and/or between the Support Tools Server and remote users, you must enable these
ports on the firewall.
As desired, during installation or subsequent reconfiguration you can modify Tomcat
to use different HTTP and HTTPS ports. Note, however, that if you install the Support
Tools Server on an ICM AW, ports 80 and 443 (the standard HTTP and HTTPS ports)
are likely already being used by the ICM WebView reporting tool.
Note: Enabling the HTTPS port on a firewall is only necessary if you configure the
Dashboard Login page for SSL. For more information, see How to Configure the
Dashboard Login for SSL.
Support Tools Listening Port
Support Tools requires a port to initiate connections with and listen for responses
from ICM nodes. By default, the Support Tools Server uses port 39100. As desired,
you can specify a different port during installation, or during subsequent modification
to the Support Tool Server's configuration settings.
As part of the Support Tools installation/configuration:
Ensure that the port used by the Support Tools Server is available on the ICM
nodes it manages.
If a firewall stands between the Support Tools Server and any of its ICM nodes,
you must enable that port on the firewall to allow a one-way outbound
connection from the Support Tools Server.
See Also
For related information, see:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Enable Ports for Support Tools 51
About Installing Support Tools
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Enable Ports for Support Tools 52
How to Test the Support Tools Installation
Installation Step 9
After installing Support Tools, you should test your installation by:
Accessing the Support Tools Dashboard.
Testing the connection to Support Tools Nodes.
To Access the Support Tools Dashboard
To access the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Open a Web browser (ST supports IE 5.5 or greater) and in the Address line,
enter: http<hostname_or_ip_address>:<Tomcat_HTTP_port>.
Note that as shipped with Support Tools, Tomcat's default HTTP port is 8188.
This default can be modified during installation.
2. Press <Enter>. The Support Tools Dashboard Login screen opens.
3. In the Login Name field, enter <Windows_domain>\<Windows_username>. For
example, my_domain\my_username.
4. In the Password field, enter your Windows password (case-sensitive)
5. Click Login.
To Test the Connection to a Support Tools Node
To test the connection between the Support Tools Server and a node:
1. Login to the Support Tools Dashboard.
2. On the System Management screen, add the node(s) you want to test to the
system list.
3. On the System Management screen, use the Test Connection utility to confirm
the connection to individual nodes.
See Also
For related information, see:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Test the Support Tools Installation 53
How to Use the System Management Screen
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Test the Support Tools Installation 54
About Configuring Support Tools
All basic configuration required by Support Tools is set during installation.
Immediately after installation, no further configuration is necessary to begin using
the product.
However, at some point you may want to modify the settings chosen during
installation, or use certain optional behaviors that require further configuration.
These post-installation configuration options include:
Modifying the basic Support Tools setting specified during installation (network
time server, privileged use group, Repository path, and TCP/IP port).
Excluding the Support Tools Repository from continuous virus scans.
Configuring the Dashboard Login page to use SSL (so that passwords are
Installing Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) on ICM nodes running
SQL 2000 so that this information can be reported on by the Support Tools
System Interrogate utility.
Adding information about specific processes and services that display in the
Processes & Services screen.
See Also
For related information, see:
How to Modify Support Tools Basic Configuration
How to Configure the Dashboard Login for SSL
How to Modify the Process Information List
How to Configure SQL for Use with the System Interrogate Tool
How to Disable Continuous Virus Scan for the Repository
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Configuring Support Tools 56
How to Modify Support Tools Basic Configuration
The basic configuration settings necessary to run Support Tools (network time
server, privileged use group, Repository path, and TCP/IP port) are specified during
At any point after installation you can modify these setting, as necessary. You can:
Modify the Support Tools Server configuration
Modify the Support Tools Node configuration
To Modify Support Tools Server Configuration
To modify configuration settings for the Support Tools Server after it has been
1. Rerun the Support Tools Server installer (Server\setup.exe) from your Support
Tools CD.
2. During the reinstallation, the Install Wizard displays the configuration settings
(TCP/IP Port, Administrator Group Name, etc.) from the current installation,
rather than the installation defaults. As desired, modify the current values for
these options:
Destination Path: Specify the location to install the Support Tools Server, or
accept the default: c:\Cisco\CCBU\supporttools. You can install the Support
Tools Server to any location on the local machine.
Repository Base Directory: Specify the path to the Support Tools Server
Depository. This is the location where log files and saved registries and processes
lists are stored. You can specify any location on the Support Tools Server's
physical drive.
Administration Group Name: The name of the Windows User Group that has
access to Support Tools functions capable of system modification (regular users
can use Support Tools for information gathering only).
Note: The Administration Group name is case-sensitive. It must match in case its
corresponding Windows user group name.
Distinguished User Information: Specify the domain or local machine
hostname, username, and password of the account that the Tomcat HTTP Service
will run as. For more information, see How to Create the Distinguished User
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Modify Support Tools Basic Configuration 57
TCP/IP Port: The port the Support Tools Server uses to communicate with
Support Tools Nodes.
Note: When changing this value, remember to ensure that the port you choose is
available on all Support Tool Nodes, and that it is enabled on firewalls standing
between the Support Tools Server and its nodes.
HTTP and HTTPS Ports: Specify the ports that the Tomcat Web server should
use for HTTP and HTTPS requests.
Network Time Server: Specify the static IP address or fully-qualified DNS of
your network time server. Also specify the frequency (in minutes) with which this
machine should reconcile its clock against the network time server.
3. When the reconfiguration is complete, click Finish.
Note: Support Tools includes several files that can be customized by users after an
initial installation. Because rerunning basic configuration overwrites these customized
files, Support Tools automatically creates backup copies (with the extension .bak).
These backups can be restored re-introduce customization.
For more information, see How to Re-Install Support Tools.
To Modify Support Tools Node Configuration
To modify configuration settings for the Support Tools Node after it has been
1. Rerun the Support Tools Node installer (nodes\setup.exe)from your Support
Tools CD.
2. During the reinstallation, the Install Wizard displays the configuration settings
(TCP/IP Port, Administrator Group Name, etc.) from the current installation,
rather than the installation defaults. As desired, modify the current values for
these options:
Destination Path: Specify the location to install the Support Tools Node. You
can install the Support Tools Node to any location on the local machine.
Network Time Server: Specify the static IP address or fully-qualified DNS of
your network time server. Also specify the frequency (in minutes) with which this
machine should reconcile its clock against the network time server.
3. When the reconfiguration is complete, click Finish.
Note: Support Tools includes several files that can be customized by users after an
initial installation. Because rerunning basic configuration overwrites these customized
files, Support Tools automatically creates backup copies (with the extension .bak).
These backups can be restored re-introduce customization.
For more information, see How to Re-Install Support Tools.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Modify Support Tools Basic Configuration 58
See Also
For related information, see:
About Configuring Support Tools
About Support Tools Components
How to Collect Information for a Support Tools Installation
How to Create Support Tools User Groups
How to Enable Ports for Support Tools
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Modify Support Tools Basic Configuration 59
How to Disable Continuous Virus Scan for the
Support Tools writes a large number of files (.log, .txt, and .zip) to the Repository in
the course of normal use. The quantity of these files, if used in conjunction with
continuous virus scanning, could result in a negative impact on performance.
If this performance degradation is not acceptable, Cisco recommends that you
restrict continuous virus scanning in the Repository directory and its subdirectories to
known file types only (which should omit .log and .txt files from scanning).
If performance degradation persists, Cisco recommends that:
A. You exclude the Repository directory and its subdirectories from continuous virus
scans run on the Support Tools Server and Node machines. Instead, limit scans
on these directories to a nightly basis.
B. After disabling virus scanning for the Repository directory and its subdirectories,
use NTFS directory security to limit full access to these directories to
administrators, NT Authority\System, NT Authority\Service and any other
distinguished users that require direct access to these directories.
Caution: Steps A and B above should be used in concert with each other; that is, do
not disable continuous virus scanning without also implementing NTFS directory
security on the affected directories.
The default location of the Support Tools Repository on both the server and node is
See Also
For related information, see:
About Configuring Support Tools
About the Support Tools Dashboard
How to Access the Support Tools Dashboard
About Support Tools Security
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Disable Continuous Virus Scan for the Repository 60
How to Configure the Dashboard Login for SSL
If desired, for extra security, you can configure the Support Tools Dashboard Login
page to use SSL. This ensures that user passwords are encrypted when they are sent
to the Support Tools Server.
Note the only the Login page will use SSL. Once logged into the application, all other
page requests are sent over HTTP.
To Configure the Dashboard Login for SSL
To configure the Dashboard Login page to use SSL:
1. Ensure that an appropriate server certificate is installed on your Support Tools
Server machine, and that Tomcat has been configured for SSL.
Instructions on how to configure Tomcat for SSL are available at:
2. In a text editor, open the web.xmlfile located at:
3. Locate the following closing tag: </web-app>.
4. Just before that tag, enter the following:
This pattern matches the url to the login page
All patterns matching the pattern above will use
data constraints, namely, all data will be encrypted over
5. Save the file.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Configure the Dashboard Login for SSL 61
6. Restart Tomcat.
7. If a firewall stands between your Support Tools Server and Support Tools nodes
and/or remote users, remember to enable the appropriate SSL port on the
firewall. For more information, see How to Enable Ports for Support Tools.
Note: After configuring the Login page for SSL, users can continue to specify HTTP
in the URL path to the Dashboard Login page. Entering HTTPS is not necessary.
Similarly, users can continue to specify the HTTP port number in the URL. Entering
the SSL port number is not necessary. User will be automatically redirected to the
correct port.
Therefore, the URL to the Support Tools login page using SSL is identical to that used
for non-SSL:
See Also
For related information, see:
About Configuring Support Tools
About the Support Tools Dashboard
How to Access the Support Tools Dashboard
About Support Tools Security
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Configure the Dashboard Login for SSL 62
How to Modify the Process Information List
The process information list stores information about specific processes and services.
The information from this file is then displayed to Support Tools users when they use
the Processes and Services utility.
For each process or service defined therein, the file includes:
The name of the process
Whether the process is known, unknown, or critical
Explanatory text about the process
Out-of-the-box, the process information list includes information on the following
All Cisco processes are identified as Known.
Certain critical Microsoft OS-related processes are identified as Critical.
Certain SQL and common Microsoft processes are identified as Known.
Modifying the Process Information List
As desired, you can modify the process information list to add new information about
processes or services. For example, if you are running a virus checker, you may want
to tag it as critical.
To modify the process information list:
1. Use a text editor to open processinfo.xmllocated on the Support Tools Server
at <support_tools_root>\repository\system files\
2. Using proper well-formed XML syntax, add or modify entries as follows:
Process Type: Known, Unknown or Critical. Note: Use only these designations.
Others will not parse correctly. Designating a process as Critical will prevent
Dashboard users from stopping it (on the Services screen).
Name: The name of the process or service. Can include, but does not require, an
.exe extension.
Manufacturer: Optionally, the manufacturer of the process or service.
Help: Any explanatory information you wish to display about the process or
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Modify the Process Information List 63
Example: <process type="known" name="notepad.exe"
manufacturer="Microsoft"><help>This is Microsoft's Notepad text
When editing the file, consider the following:
Cisco processes and services not identified in processinfo.xml are nonetheless
automatically detected by the Processes and Services utility and labeled as
Non-Cisco processes and services not identified in processinfo.xml are labeled
as Unknown.
Be aware that Support Tools Dashboard users will be unable to stop services and
processes tagged Critical.
Consider that there is value in leaving less important processes and services
tagged as Unknown. It allows Support Tools users to bulk select these items for
termination when troubleshooting a node.
Be careful to use correct XML syntax when editing the file. Incorrect syntax
makes the file unreadable to the Support Tools parser, causing all but Cisco
processes and services to display as Unknown.
Distributing a Modified Process Information List
The current processinfo.xmlfile is automatically propagated from the Support
Tools Server to individual Support Tools nodes when these systems are selected for
use from the Dashboard. In this way, an updated version of the file is available to
users who launch the Processes and Services utility directly from a node via
command line.
Note however that there may be instances where you may want or need to manually
copy an updated processinfo.xml file from the Support Tools Server to another
machine: for example, if you are running multiple installations of the Support Tools
Server, or if you have nodes that are rarely selected for use from the Dashboard, but
on which users may run the Processes and Services utility from a command line.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Modify the Process Information List 64
See Also
For related information, see:
About Configuring Support Tools
How to Use the Processes Screen
How to Use the Services Screen
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Modify the Process Information List 65
How to Configure SQL for Use with the System
Interrogate Tool
In order for the Support Tools System Interrogate utility to access and report on an
ICM system's SQL database information, it must have access to Microsoft's Windows
Management Instrumentation (WMI). WMI is not part of a standard Windows SQL
install, and in most cases will therefore need to be installed separately.
To Install WMI
To install WMI:
1. Obtain the SQL 2000 Server CD, or download WMI at:
2. On each ICM system that has SQL installed (and with which you want to use the
System Interrogate utility--(for example, loggers, AWs) run setup from the
\x86\OTHER\wmi directory.
Note: For additional information on installing and using WMI, see the MSDN library
See Also
For related information, see:
About Configuring Support Tools
How to Configure SQL for Use with the System Interrogate Tool
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Configure SQL for Use with the System Interrogate Tool 66
How to Uninstall Support Tools
As desired, you can uninstall the Support Tools Server or Node by following the steps
below. Note that it is not necessary to uninstall either as a precursor to reinstalling
the product.
This topic describes how to:
Uninstall the Support Tools Server
Uninstall the Support Tools Node
To Uninstall the Support Tools Server
Uninstalling the Support Tools Server removes the Support Tools Server, its
associated utilities, and registry entries associated with Support Tools. Note that
uninstalling the Support Tools Server does not automatically remove Repository files,
Tomcat 4.0.6 and the JDK 1.3.1.
To uninstall the Support Tools Server:
1. Stop Tomcat.
2. Use the Windows Services panel or a similar services tool to stop the Support
Tools Appserver service, listed as Cisco CCBU Support Tools Appserver.
3. From the Windows Start menu, select Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove
Programs > Cisco Support Tools 1.0(1).
4. Click Remove.
5. If desired, after running the uninstaller, use Windows Explorer or a similar file
management tool to delete the Support_Tools directory.
To Uninstall the Support Tools Node
Uninstalling the Support Tools Node removes the Node Agent only--it does not
remove utilities or other items that are part of a standard ICM installation.
To uninstall the Support Tools Node from an ICM node:
1. Use the Windows Services panel or a similar services tool to stop the Support
Tools node service, listed as Cisco CCBU Support Tools NodeAgent.
2. From the Windows Start menu, select Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Uninstall Support Tools 68
Programs > Cisco Support Tools 1.0(1).
3. If desired, after running the uninstaller, use Windows Explorer or a similar file
management tool to delete the Support_Tools directory.
Note: After removing Support Tools from an ICM node, you should also remove that
node's entry in the Support Tools System List (in the Support Tools Dashboard).
See Also
For related information, see:
How to Re-install Support Tools
How to Stop and Start the Support Tools Dashboard/Tomcat
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Uninstall Support Tools 69
How to Re-Install Support Tools
As desired, you can re-install the Support Tools Server or the Support Tools Node,
using the same steps employed for an initial installation.
The following guidelines apply to reinstalling both the Support Tools Server and the
Support Tools Node:
It is not necessary to remove a current install prior to re-installation. Both the
Support Tools Server and Node can be re-installed over themselves. Note that re-
installation will not remove any files (for example, logs, registries, etc.) that have
been saved to the Repository).
It is not necessary to stop the Tomcat Web server or any Support Tools-related
services in preparation for a re-install.
If re-installing over a current installation, the Install Wizard displays the
configuration settings (TCP/IP Port, Administrator Group Name, etc.) from the
current installation, rather than the installation defaults.
Following a re-install, you may want to restore backup copies of any customized
files (see next section).
Restoring Customized .bak Files After Re-installation
Support Tools includes several files that can be customized by users after an initial
Because re-installing the product overwrites these customized files, Support Tools
automatically creates backup copies (with the extension .bak). These backups can be
restored after re-installation to re-introduce customization.
Affected files include:
Typically customized to:
Include additional information on system
services and processes for display in the
Dashboard's Processes and Services
(On Support Tools Server and Nodes).
Configure Tomcat for SSL.
(On Support Tools Server only).
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Re-Install Support Tools 70
Typically customized to:
Include list of user-added Support Tools
systems recognized by the Dashboard.
(On Support Tools Server only).
Configure the Dashboard Login page for
(On Support Tools Server only).
See Also
For related information, see:
About Installing Support Tools
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Re-Install Support Tools 71
About Using the Dashboard for the First Time
This topic describes some basic, important information on using the Support Tools
Dashboard that all new users should be aware of.
Accessing Utilities in the Dashboard
All Support Tools utilities are accessed from the Support Tools menu. The menu
groups utilities as:
Cisco Web Tools: A set of four new Cisco management and troubleshooting
utilities designed specifically for use from the Support Tools Dashboard.
Cisco Common Tools: A set of previously released Cisco management and
troubleshooting utilities.
Common Tools: A set of common third-party utilities useful in troubleshooting
ICM components.
Note that if you are not a member of the privileged user group, certain utilities will
not be available to you and will not appear on the Support Tools menu. See About
the Support Tools Utilities for a list of these privileged tools.
Selecting a System to Work With
The first action you typically take after logging in to the Dashboard is to select the
system (ICM node) that you want to work with. Most Support Tools utilities cannot
be used until you first select a system.
Note: The exception to this is the Log Collector; it is not necessary to select a
system prior to log collection.
Select the current system using the Select System utility. After you have completed
working with that node, you can use the Select System utility to choose a different
system to work with.
Adding a System to the System List
In order to select a system to work with, you may first need to add it to the Support
Tools system list (if it is not already defined in the list). You can do this using the
Select System or System Management screens. In order to add an ICM node to the
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Using the Dashboard for the First Time 73
1) The Support Tools node must have been installed on the node, and...
2) You must know the node's DNS entry or IP address.
It is important to note that the Support Tools Server has no automatic system
discovery capability. That is, it does not automatically detect and list machines in
your network running the Support Tools node. These must be added manually to the
system list.
Navigating and Refreshing Pages in the Dashboard
When using the Dashboard, it's important to navigate and refresh pages using only
the controls in the Dashboard interface.
Avoid navigating and refreshing using controls belonging to your browser, specifically
the browser Forward, Back, and Refresh commands. Dashboard pages expire as soon
as a request for a subsequent page is made; therefore, using the browser's Forward
and Back commands may return you to an expired page. Because the Dashboard
uses a frameset, its pages may not refresh properly using the browser Refresh
See Also
For related information, see:
About the Support Tools Dashboard
About Support Tools Utilities
How to Use the System Management Screen
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Using the Dashboard for the First Time 74
How to Access the Support Tools Dashboard
To access the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Open a Web browser (ST supports IE 5.5 or greater) and in the Address line,
enter: http<hostname_or_ip_address>:<Tomcat_HTTP_port>.
Note that as shipped with Support Tools, Tomcat's default HTTP port is 8188.
This default can be modified during installation.
2. Press <Enter>. The Support Tools Dashboard Login screen opens.
3. In the Login Name field, enter <Windows_domain>\<Windows_username>. For
example, my_domain\my_username.
4. In the Password field, enter your Windows password (case-sensitive)
5. Click Login.
Note: Support Tools access is limited to individuals logged into your network.
Remote access via the Internet is not supported.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Support Tools Components
About the Support Tools Dashboard
How to Create Support Tools User Groups
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Access the Support Tools Dashboard 75
How to Use the Select System Screen
Use the Select System screen to:
Select the Support Tools node you want to work with
Add a node to the system list
You must select a system before you can interact with it through utilities in the
Support Tools Dashboard.
To open the Select System Screen, from the Dashboard menu, select Select System.
To Select the Current System
Selecting a system specifies the Support Tools node you want to work with. You
must select a system before you can interact with it through the Support Tools
Dashboard. This is required even to use utilities that connect to multiple systems,
such as registry compare.
To select the current system:
1. To select a system from the existing System list, click the Select System radio
button, and then highlight the system you want, OR...
To select a system not on the System list, click the Enter System Name radio
button, and then enter the DNS entry or IP address for that node. Optionally, to
also add this node to the System list, check Add To List Of Systems.
2. Click Select System. The node is thereafter displayed as the current system at
the top of each Dashboard Screen. Also indicated are the ICM product type(s)
installed on the system. Can include:
ICM (AWs, PGs, Call Routers, and Loggers)
Call Manager (CCM)
Collaboration Server (CCS)
E-Mail Manager (CEM)
Media Blender (CMB)
Note: If the system you attempt to select is not available, an error message
displays. Check that: the node's DNS or IP address was entered correctly; the
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Select System Screen 76
network connection to the node is active; the Support Tools Node Agent Service is
installed and running on the node.
To Add a Support Tools Node to the System List
Adding a node to the system list makes it available for quick selection during future
Dashboard sessions. Adding a node to the system list also specifies it as the current
To add a new node to the system list:
1. Click the Enter System Name radio button, and then enter the DNS entry or IP
address for that node.
2. Check Add To List Of Systems.
3. Click Select System. The node is displayed as the current system at the top of
the screen.
Note: If the system you attempt to select is not available, an error message
displays. Check that: the node's DNS was entered correctly; the network connection
to the node is active; the Support Tools Node Agent Service is installed and running
on the node.
Note: To add multiple nodes more quickly, use the System Management Screen.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Using the Dashboard for the First Time
How to Use the System Management Screen
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Select System Screen 77
How to Use the System Management Screen
Use the System Management screen to:
Add Support Tools nodes to the Support Tools system list
Delete nodes from the system list
Test the connection between the Support Tools Server and a node
To open the System Management screen, from the Dashboard menu, select System
To Add a Node to the System List
Adding a node to the system list makes it available for quick selection during future
Dashboard sessions.
To add a new node to the system list:
1. In the Add Systems box, add the DNS entry or IP address of one or more Support
Tools nodes.
Add each node on a separate line. Do not use a delineator (for example, a
comma) to separate entries.
Note that entries are not validated for correctness.
2. Click the Add System Button.
To Test the Connection to a Node
Testing the connection tests the connection between the Support Tools Server and
that node
To test the connection to a node:
1. In the System Management box, highlight the Support Tools node you want to
2. Click the Test Connection button.
If the system you attempt to test is not available, an error message displays.
Check that: the node's DNS or IP address was entered correctly in the system
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the System Management Screen 78
list; the network connection to the node is active; the Support Tools Node Agent
Service is installed and running on the node.
To Delete a Node from the System List
To delete a Support Tools node from the system list:
1. In the System Management box, highlight the Support Tools node you want to
delete from the list. Use Shift-Click or Control-Click to select multiple list items.
2. Click the Delete System button.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Using the Dashboard for the First Time
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the System Management Screen 79
How to End a Dashboard Session
To terminate a Dashboard session, click the Logout link in the Dashboard. Dashboard
sessions also time out automatically after 60 minutes after you close your browser.
Note that:
Sessions will not time out as long as your browser remains open.
Terminating a session will not terminate any Dashboard processes that may be
running (for example, log collection). These will continue to run to completion.
The Dashboard does not place a restriction on multiple logons. It is not necessary
to terminate a session in order to begin a new one.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to End a Dashboard Session 80
About Dashboard Troubleshooting
This topic lists some basic problems you may encounter accessing and using the
Support Tools Dashboard and some possible workarounds.
Login/Connection Problems
The following table describes possible errors encountered when attempting to access
or login to the Support Tools Dashboard.
Possible Cause:
Possible Workaround:
Unable to access Support Tools
Login page
1. Incorrect URL entered
1. Re-type URL:
2. By default, Tomcat bundled with
Support Tools uses ports 8188
(HTTP). Confirm with your
administrator that this default has
not been modified.
2. Incorrect port entered in URL
Browser returns a Page Not Found
(404) error.
3. Tomcat Web server not started
on Support Tools server
3. Confirm with your administrator
that the Tomcat Web server is
started and running properly on the
Support Tools server.
4. Support Tools Server or LAN
connectivity down.
4. Confirm with your administrator
that the Support Tools server
machine is up and running
properly, and that LAN connectivity
For more information, see: How to
Access the Support Tools
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Dashboard Troubleshooting 81
Possible Cause:
Possible Workaround:
Can Access Dashboard Login Page
but cannot log in
Incorrect or invalid username or
password entered.
Re-enter username and password
as follows:
Network Users:
Password: <network password>
Local Users:
Name: <localhost>\<username>
Password: <local_password>
Note: Local users are typically
administrators for whom Windows
user accounts have been set up on
the Support Tools Server machine.
This allows them to access the
Dashboard in scenarios when
normal network authentication is
For more information, see: About
Support Tools Security
Utility Problems
The following table describes possible errors encountered when attempting to use
Dashboard utilities following a successful login.
Possible Cause:
Possible Workaround:
Error returned when attempting to
select a specific host as the current
1. The machine, or LAN connection 1. Confirm that the machine is
to that machine, is down
running and that LAN connectivity
is available.
2. Confirm that the computer name
for that machine as defined in the
Support Tools System List
(displayed on the Dashboard's
System Management screen) is
2. Machine is identified incorrectly
in Support Tools System List
3. Support Tools Node not installed
on that machine
3. Confirm with your administrator
that the Support Tools Node is
installed on that machine.
4. Support Tools Node Agent
Service stopped on that machine
4. Confirm with your administrator
that the Support Tools Node Agent
Service is started on that machine.
For more information, see: How to
Use the System Management
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Dashboard Troubleshooting 82
Possible Cause:
Possible Workaround:
Certain utilities are missing from the You are not a member of the
Certain utilities are only available
for members of the Support Tools
privileged user group. Contact your
administrator if you believe you
should have access to these
Dashboard menus (e.g., Services
screen, Processes screen)
Support Tools privileged user
For more information, see: About
the Support Tools Dashboard
Error Processing Request message
returned when attempting to run a
1. That utility is not installed on the 1. Some utilities are only available
current system
for use on specific ICM
components. Consult the online
Help for that utility to determine if
its use is limited to specific
2. Appserver service not stated on
the Support Tools Server
For more information, see: About
Support Tools Utilities
2. Confirm with your administrator
that the Support Tools Appserver
service is started on the Support
Tools Server machine.
For more information, see: How to
Stop and Start the Support Tools
See Also
For related information, see:
How to Access the Support Tools Dashboard
About the Support Tools Dashboard
About Support Tools Utilities
How to Use the System Management Screen
About Support Tools Security
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Dashboard Troubleshooting 83
About Cisco Web Utilities
Cisco Web utilities are a set of Cisco-authored utilities specifically designed for use
with the Support Tools 1.0(1). They are installed to all Support Tools nodes.
All Cisco Web utilities can be run either from the Support Tools Dashboard or via
command line on an individual node. Command-line access to individual nodes can
be local or remote (via methods like TelNet, pcAnywhere, etc.). However, they were
primarily designed for Web access through the Dashboard.
All Cisco Web utilities allow you to save (to the Repository) and download file images
of the data they collect.
Note: Within the Dashboard, the functionality of some Cisco Web utilities is
distributed among several different screens (pages). For example, Processes and
Services utility functionality is divided among a Processes screen and a Services
Cisco Web Utilities at a Glance
Utility Name:
Installed On: Dashboard
External GUI-
Users Only:
Dashboard or
Line Access:
Log Collector
Use to collect and view log files from
ICM nodes. Allows you to create
merged logs from two ICM nodes for
comparative analysis.
All Support
Tools nodes
Registry Compare
and Repair
Use to view, compare and repair ICM All Support
node registry entries.
Tools nodes
System Interrogate
Use to display system information
(for example, OS, hardware, ICM,
All Support
Tools nodes
Processes and
Use to view and stop Processes and
services running on an ICM node.
All Support
Tools nodes
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Cisco Web Utilities 86
How to Use the System Interrogate Screen
Use the System Interrogate screen to view information about the current system.
You can:
View system information on:
i. Operating system and hardware
ii. ICM node
iii. Third-party products
Save current system information to a file
To open the System Interrogate screen, from the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Web
Tools > System Interrogate.
To View System Information
To view operating system and hardware information for the current system:
1. Click the Interrogate System button. The screen displays:
OS/Hardware Information
OS Type
The operating system and the partition on which the OS is installed.
OS Service Pack number.
OS SP Level
OS Version
OS build number and service pack.
CPU Info
Processor type and speed in Mhz.
Total Physical Memory
Free Physical Memory
Total Virtual Memory
Free Virtual Memory
Disk Space
Amount of physical memory installed on the system.
Amount of physical memory not in use at the time of the query.
Total amount of virtual memory the system is configured to support.
Amount of virtual memory available at the time of the query.
Disk space available and used on all local disk drives.
Maximum size of the paging file.
Page File Size
ICM Information
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the System Interrogate Screen 88
ICM Version
Build Number
Major version number of the ICM product installed on the System.
Build number of the currently installed ICM product.
Unique identifier for an ICM node (for example, PG2A). The ICM node types
Engineering Special
(Patch) Level
Indicates how many Engineering Special (patches) have been installed on the
Patches Applied
Actual patches applied to the system can fall into two categories:
Limited Release Patches (LRPs)
RollUp Patches (RUPs)
Install Drive
Drive on which ICM product is installed.
Install Side
In a duplexed system, the side of the ICM that was last installed.
Customer name, or names, for a CICM.
Customer Name(s)
Current Instance
MDS Buffer
Defines which customer is selected for processing by the AW.
ICM Message Delivery System component information. Includes:
Buffer Limit
Buffer Max Free
Domain Controller
Version/Patch Info
The Domain Controller or Active Directory server.
Version/patch information for all ICM components installed.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the System Interrogate Screen 89
Third-Party Information
SQL Server
ICM database information. Includes:
SQL Service Pack Version
SQL Config Settings
SQL Database Memory Available
SQL Database Memory In Use
SQL Disk Space Used
SQL Disk Space Free
Internet Information
Server (IIS)
Information on the IIS Web server. Includes:
IIS Settings
ODBC Drivers
Information on Open Data Base Connectivity drivers utilized by various ICM
components. Includes:
ODBC driver versions
Service Pack Number
Hot Fixes
Information on the Java Telephony API component of the IPCC solution.
To Save System Information to a File
As desired, you can save current system information to a file in the Support Tools
Repository (for example, as a backup before editing).
To save system information to a file:
1. If desired, click the Refresh button to ensure that the latest system data is
displayed on the screen.
2. Click the Save button. A Save dialog box opens, displaying a default name for the
file (Sysquery_<Hostname>_<Datetime>.xml).
3. Accept the default name or enter an alternate. Note that:
Files can only be saved to the Repository. Entering a path while saving has no
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the System Interrogate Screen 90
All files are saved to an XML-formatted text file. While you can enter any
extension you like, this will not affect the format in which the file is saved.
4. Click OK. The file is saved to the Repository on the Support Tools Server.
Subsequent to saving, you can view or download saved files by selecting System
interrogate > Files from the Dashboard menu.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Cisco Web Utilities
How to Configure SQL for Use with the System Interrogate Tool
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the System Interrogate Screen 91
How to Use the Registry Screen
Use the Registry screen to:
View the ICM Windows registry settings for the current system
Save registry settings to a file
To open the Registry screen, from the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Web Tools >
Note: This utility is available to privileged users only. It will not appear on the
Dashboard menu for non-privileged users.
To View an ICM Registry
The Registry screen automatically displays the ICM windows registry settings for the
current system. Only ICM registry settings can be viewed through the screen;
registry settings for other applications are not visible.
To view an ICM registry:
1. Click the Get Registry button. The Cisco branch of the current system's registry
2. Expand any key branch by clicking its right arrow. View any key by clicking its
Note: If you suspect the system's registry settings have changed since you first
connected to it, click the Refresh button to refresh the view of the current registry.
Viewing Registries for Multiple Customer Instances
For machines with multiple customer instances, the Registry screen only retrieves
and displays the registry settings for one instance at a time. By default, the screen
retrieves the registry for the first customer instance it encounters based on an
alphabetical listing of instance names.
To retrieve the registry for a different instance:
1. In the registry tree, navigate to and expand the ICM branch. All customer
instances are displayed. The currently loaded instance will display an arrow to the
left of its name, indicating content.
2. Click the name of the instance whose registry you want to retrieve. A message
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Registry Screen 92
displays stating: "Data for this key has not been fetched."
3. Click the Fetch Registry link to retrieve registry data for that instance.
To Save Registry Settings to a File
As desired, you can save current registry settings to a file in the Support Tools
repository (for example, as a backup before editing). Note that:
Support Tools automatically downloads registry files at the time you connect to a
system. If you suspect the system's registry settings have changed since you
first connected to it, click the Refresh button to download the current registry.
Saving saves the complete Cisco branch of your registry tree--not just the
currently expanded portion of that branch.
To save registry settings to a file:
1. Click the Save button. A Save dialog box opens, displaying a default name for the
file (Registry<Hostname><Datetime>.xml).
2. Accept the default name or enter an alternate. Note that:
Files can only be saved to the Repository. Entering a path while saving has no
All files are saved to an XML-formatted text file. While you can enter any
extension you like, this will not affect the format in which the file is saved.
3. Click OK. The file is saved to the Repository on the Support Tools Server.
Subsequent to saving, you can view or download saved files by selecting Registry >
Files from the Dashboard menu.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Cisco Web Utilities
How to Use the Files Screen
How to Use the Compare Registries Screen
For more information on specific ICM registry keys and settings, see:
Cisco TAC ICM Technical Notes on
Your ICM (Enterprise, IPCC, and Hosted) Technical Documentation
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Registry Screen 93
How to Use the Files Screen
Use the Files screen to work with Support Tools files previously saved to the Support
Tools Repository. You can:
View saved files
Rename saved files
Delete saved files
Download saved files
You can access the following saved file types through the screen:
System Interrogate files
Registry files
Registry Comparison files
Process files
Services files
To open the Files screen, from the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Web Tools >
<file_type>> Files. For example to view saved registry files, select Registry >
Files. The Files screen automatically displays all of the files of that type currently
stored in the Repository.
Note: This utility is available to privileged users only. It will not appear on the
Dashboard menu for non-privileged users with the following exception: non-
privileged users can view System Interrogate files.
To View a Saved File
To view a saved file:
1. Check the file's Select check box.
2. Click the View button. The contents of the file displays.
3. To return to the file list, on the Dashboard menu, select <file_type>> Files.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Files Screen 94
To Rename a File
To rename a saved file:
1. Check the file's Select check box.
2. Click the Rename button. A Save dialog opens, displaying the current name of
the file.
3. Modify the name as desired. Note that all files are saved to an XML-formatted
text file. While you can enter any extension you like, this will not affect the
format in which the file is saved.
To Delete a File
To delete a file from the Repository:
1. Check the file's Select check box.
2. Click the Delete button.
To Download a File
As desired, you can download a copy of a file from the Repository to your local
To download a file from the Repository:
1. Check the file's Select check box.
2. Click the Download button. A popup window opens containing two links:
Download Text and Download XML.
3. To download a file:
As plain text with no XML formatting, right-click the Download Text link and
select Save Target As from the popup menu. A Save As dialog box opens.
With any XML formatting intact, right-click the Download XML link and select
Save Target As from the popup menu. A Save As dialog box opens.
4. Specify the location where you want to save the download.
5. Click Save.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Files Screen 95
How to Use the Compare Registries Screen
Use the Compare Registries screen to:
Compare the ICM Windows registry settings between:
i. The current system and another system
ii. The current system and a registry file stored in the Support Tools repository
iii. Two registry files in the repository
Copy values from one system to another, or from a file to the current system
Save a comparison to a file in the Repository
To open the Compare Registries screen, from the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Web
Tools > Compare Registries.
Note: This utility is available to privileged users only. It will not appear on the
Dashboard menu for non-privileged users.
To Compare the Current System to Another
To compare registry settings from the current system to those of another system:
1. Select the Compare to Another System radio button.
2. Click the Compare Registries button. The systems list displays, showing all nodes
defined in Support Tools.
3. Highlight the system you want to use.
4. Click the Compare Registries button.
To Compare the Current System to a Saved Registry File
To compare registry settings from the current system to those of a registry file
previously saved in the Support Tools Repository:
1. Select the Compare to Saved Registry File radio button.
2. Click the Compare Registries button. A list of registry files saved in the
Repository displays.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Compare Registries Screen 96
3. Select the file you want to compare to.
4. Click the Compare Registry to File button.
To Compare Two Saved Registry Files
To compare the contents of registry settings from two registry files previously saved
to the Support Tools Repository:
1. Select the Compare Two Saved Registry Files radio button.
2. Click the Compare Registries button. A list of registry files saved in the
Repository displays.
3. Select the files you want to compare.
4. Click the Compare Registries Files button.
Understanding the Compare Registries Display
Once you have selected the systems or files you want to compare, the Compare
Registries screen displays the comparison in a three-pane view as shown in this
A. The top pane shows the systems or files being compared. System 1, the current
system or first file being compared, is color-coded in brown bold. System 2 is
color-coded in green italic bold.
B. The left-hand pane shows a tree view of keys which includes keys from both
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Compare Registries Screen 97
C. The right-hand pane shows (at the top) the path for the selected key, and
(beneath) values for that key. Each value is composed of three parts: a name, a
type, and data. These are color coded as follows:
Parts of a value are identical on both systems are shown in black normal font.
Parts of a value that exist only on System 1 are shown in brown bold.
Parts of a value that exist only on System 2 are shown in green italic bold.
Note: For information on how to copy key values from one system to another, see
To Copy Keys Between Registries and Files below.
Viewing Registry Keys for Multiple Customer Instances
For machines with multiple customer instances, the Compare Registries screen only
retrieves and displays the registry settings for one instance at a time. By default, the
screen retrieves the registry for the first customer instance it encounters on each
machine based on an alphabetical listing of instance names. (The currently loaded
instance will display an arrow to the left of its name, indicating content.)
To retrieve the registry for a different instance:
1. In the registry tree, navigate to and expand the ICM branch. All customer
instances are displayed. The currently loaded instance will display an arrow to the
left of its name, indicating content.
2. Click the name of the instance whose registry you want to retrieve. A message
displays stating: "Insufficient data available for comparison."
3. Click the Compare Registries Again link to retrieve registry data for that instance.
To Copy Key Values Between Registries and Files
After initiating a registry comparison, you can copy specific key values from one
system to another in order to synchronize similar systems, or to correct missing or
incorrect values on a system.
You can copy key values from one system to another or from a file to the current
system. Note that you cannot copy values between files, or from a system to a file.
Caution: Incorrect modification of registry settings can have serious consequences.
Do not change ICM registry settings unless it is absolutely necessary and you are
fully aware of the ramifications. It is strongly advised that you first save a registry
comparison to a file before making changes.
To copy registry key values:
1. With a comparison displayed, navigate the registry tree to the key whose value
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Compare Registries Screen 98
you want to copy.
2. Select the value by clicking its radio button. Values whose data cannot be copied
(for example, because the values are already identical, or because you are
comparing two files) will not have a radio button.
Note: For an explanation of key value color-coding, see Understanding the
Compare Registries Display above.
3. Click the appropriate Copy button (Copy 1 > 2 or Copy 2 >1) to indicate the
direction in which the value should be copied. If you are comparing a system to a
file, you can only copy to the system.
4. Continue selecting additional values, as desired. Values selected for copying are
listed in the lower-right portion of the screen. As necessary, to undo:
The most recent selection, click the Cancel button
All selections, click the Cancel All button
5. To proceed with changes, click the View Changes/Submit button. All pending
changes are listed.
6. Click Submit to finalize your changes.
To Save a Registry Comparison to a File
As desired, you can save a registry comparison to a file in the Support Tools
repository for future study or reference. Saving saves the complete retrieved Cisco
branch of both registry trees--not just the currently expanded portion of that branch.
Note that in the case of machines with multiple customer instances, only values from
the currently retrieved instances are included in the file.
To save a registry comparison to a file:
1. Click the Save button. A Save dialog box opens, displaying a default name for the
file (RegCompare_<system1>_<system2>_<Datetime>.xml)...
2. Accept the default name or enter an alternate. Note that:
Files can only be saved to the Repository. Entering a path while saving has no
All files are saved to an XML-formatted text file. While you can enter any
extension you like, this will not affect the format in which the file is saved.
3. Click OK. The file is saved to the Repository on the Support Tools Server.
Subsequent to saving, you can view or download saved files by selecting Compare
Registries > Files from the Dashboard menu.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Compare Registries Screen 99
See Also
For related information, see:
About Cisco Web Utilities
How to Use the Files Screen
How to Use the Registry Screen
For more information on specific ICM registry keys and settings, see:
Cisco TAC ICM Technical Notes on
Your ICM (Enterprise, IPCC, and Hosted) Technical Documentation
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Compare Registries Screen 100
How to Use the Processes Screen
Use the Processes screen to:
View all processes running on the current system
Terminate processes on the current system
Save a list of processes to a file
To open the Processes screen, from the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Web Tools >
Note: This utility is available to privileged users only. It will not appear on the
Dashboard menu for non-privileged users.
To View Processes
To view processes for the current system:
1. Click the View Processes button. The screen displays all processes currently
running on the system. For each process, the screen displays:
Name: The name of the process.
PID: The process's ID number.
Type: Either Critical (blue), Known, (green), or unknown (red). This
categorization for each process is based on modifiable process definitions
stored in the Processes Definition List.
Information: Additional information about the process as defined in the
Processes Definition List.
Note: Support Tools automatically downloads the list of current processes at the
time you connect to a system. If you suspect the system's processes have changed
since you first connected to it, click the Refresh button to refresh the list.
To Terminate a Process
To terminate a process on the current system:
2. With the list of system processes display, select the check box for one or more
processes you want to stop.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Processes Screen 101
Note: You cannot stop Critical (blue) processes. Critical processes are those that
your company has designated as essential to the health of the current system.
For these processes, the Select/Stop check box is disabled.
3. Click the Terminate button. A confirmation screen displays, listing the processes
selected for termination.
4. Click the Terminate button.
To Save the Processes List to a File
As desired, you can save a system's current processes list to a file in the Support
Tools repository. These files can later be viewed or downloaded locally.
To save processes to a file:
1. Click the Save button. A Save dialog box opens, displaying a default name for the
file (<Listtype><Hostname><Datetime>.xml).
2. Accept the default name or enter an alternate. Note that:
Files can only be saved to the Repository. Entering a path while saving has no
All files are saved to an XML-formatted text file. While you can enter any
extension you like, this will not affect the format in which the file is saved.
3. Click OK. The file is saved to the Repository on the Support Tools Server.
Subsequent to saving, you can view or download saved files by selecting Processes >
Files from the Dashboard menu.
See Also
For related information, see:
How to Modify the Process Information List
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Processes Screen 102
How to Use the Services Screen
Use the Services screen to:
View all Services installed on the current system
Stop and start services on the current system
Save a list of Services to a file
To open the Services screen, from the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Web Tools >
Note: This utility is available to privileged users only. It will not appear on the
Dashboard menu for non-privileged users.
To View Services
To view services for the current system:
1. Click the View Services button. The screen displays all services on the system.
For each service, the screen displays:
A check box whose column (Start/Stop) indicates whether the service is
currently running.
Name: The name of the service.
Type: Either Critical (blue), Known, (green), or unknown (red). (Service type
is defined in the user-modifiable processinfo.xmlfile.)
Information: Additional information about the service as defined in the
Services Definition List.
Note: Support Tools automatically determines the state of current services (started
or stopped) at the time you connect to a system. If you suspect these states have
changed since you first connected to the system, click the Refresh button to refresh
the list.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Services Screen 103
To Stop or Start a Service
To stop or start a service on the current system:
1. With the list of services displayed, select the appropriate check box (Start or
Stop) for one or more services.
Note: You cannot stop Critical (blue) services. Critical services are those that
your company has designated as essential to the health of the current system.
For these services, the Select/Stop check box is disabled.
2. Click the Start/Stop Services button. A confirmation screen displays, listing the
services selected for an action.
3. Click the Start/Stop Services button.
Caution: Prior to stopping a service, you should be aware of the significance of
stopping it, including any dependant services that may be affected. Note that the
Cisco CCBU Support Tools Node Agent service is required for the Support Tools
Server to maintain a connection with the current system. Stopping this service will
terminate your connection.
Stopping and Starting Dependent Services
The Services screen will not allow you to stop services with peer or child
dependencies while those dependencies are running. If you attempt to stop such a
service, the Dashboard returns a message alerting you that dependencies exist.
To Save the Services List to a File
As desired, you can save a system's Services list to a file in the Support Tools
repository. These files can later be viewed or downloaded locally using the Files
To save Services to a file:
1. Click the Save button. A Save dialog box opens, displaying a default name for the
file (Services<Hostname><Datetime>.xml).
2. Accept the default name or enter an alternate. Note that:
Files can only be saved to the Repository. Entering a path while saving has no
All files are saved to an XML-formatted text file. While you can enter any
extension you like, this will not affect the format in which the file is saved.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Services Screen 104
3. Click OK. The file is saved to the Repository on the Support Tools Server.
Subsequent to saving, you can view or download saved files by selecting Services >
Files from the Dashboard menu.
See Also
For related information, see:
How to Modify the Process Information List
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Services Screen 105
How to Use the Log Collector
Use the Log Collector to collect logs from ICM or related Cisco product nodes running
the Support Tools Node. Multiple collected logs can be retrieved as separate files or
merged into a single file to provide a consolidated unified time-sorted view.
Products Supported for Log Collection
Support Tools 1.0(1) allows you to collect logs for:
ICM (AWs, PGs, Call Routers, and Loggers)
Call Manager
Collaboration Server
E-Mail Manager
Media Blender
Note: Support Tools 1.0(1) does not support log collection for CTIOS.
Log Collection: General Steps
In order to collect logs in Support Tools you must:
1. Create log groups: A log group defines the products, systems, and processes
whose logs you want to collect. You must create a log group before you can begin
collecting logs. You can create different log groups to target different products
and systems.
Log group definitions are saved in the Support Tools Repository and are available
for subsequent re-use by other Support Tools users. They can be modified or
deleted as necessary.
2. Create a log collection request: A log collection request defines the time range of
logs to collect, what log groups to include in the request, and whether the logs
should be merged into a single file, or delivered as individual files.
Each log collection request can be run only once. The logs it collects are stored in the
Repository where they remain until you delete them (by deleting the log collection to
which they belong). Collected logs can be downloaded locally for viewing.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Log Collector 106
What are Merged Logs?
The Log Collector allows you to create merged logs, logs which combine different
logs from different systems into a single file. Within a merged log, individual log
entries are listed by date and time, allowing you to track, for example, the routing of
an individual call across different ICM systems.
There is no limit to the number of individual system logs that can be included in a
single merged log file. Note however that larger logs will take longer to collect.
When you download a merged log collection, you can download both the individual
associated logs in addition to the merged log itself.
Merge Log Limitations
Merged logs are subject to the following limitations:
To use merged log capabilities, each Support Tools Server and node must be able
to communicate with the same Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP or NTP)
server. If any system in a merged log collection cannot communicate with the
SNTP server, the merge will fail, and the outputted log will contain the alert:
"Missing SNTP data for all of the following files logs prevented merging logs:..."
For more information, see How to Collect Information for a Support Tools
Some logs do not record time in milliseconds: Some logs record events up to the
second, while others record seconds and milliseconds. The Merge logic assumes
zeros when milliseconds are missing.
Even with a properly configured SNTP server, there can be slight drift in time:
Used in conjunction with a properly configured SNTP server, each Support Tools
node tracks deviation between the system clock and the network standard clock.
That difference is used to adjust each log entry. Since time is adjusted in
increments of 8 minutes, minor millisecond differences can occur.
Within a merged log, event ordering can be altered by OS preemption: Within the
same system, processes are pre-empted by the OS. It is possible for ordering in
the log to be affected by OS preemption.
Viewing Entries in Merged Logs
Log entries in merged logs are prefaced by the following identifiers:
ICM Log Entries
CCM Log Entries
ICM @ <host_name> + <customer_instance>,
<ICM_node>, <process>: (<utc date/time>)
<local date/time>
CCM @ <host_name> + <CCM_node>: >: (<utc
date/time>) <local date/time>
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Log Collector 107
CCS, CEM, and CMB Log Entries
<product> @ <host_name> +: >: (<utc
date/time>) <local date/time>
For example, an ICM log entry might be prefaced by:
ICM@my_logger + instance_1, logger_a, ccag:(09/04/2003 18:30:00)
09/04/2003 12:30:00
Note that in a merged log:
UTC date/time represents the adjusted date/time of a log entry based on your
network's SNTP server clock.
Local date/time represents the unadjusted date/time of a log entry based on the
clock of the system from which the log was derived.
See Also
For related information, see:
How to Use the Create Log Group Screen
How to Use the Log Groups Screen
How to Use the Create Log Collection Screen
How to Use the Log Collections Screen
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Log Collector 108
How to Use the Create Log Group Screen
Use the Create Log Group Screen to create a log group. A log group is a specification
that defines the products, systems, and processes you want to pull logs for.
To open the Create Log Group screen, from the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Web
Tools > Log Collector > Create Log Group.
To Create a Log Group
To create a log group:
1. Select the Cisco product(s) whose logs will be collected by this group. You can
collect logs for:
ICM (AWs, PGs, Call Routers, and Loggers)
Call Manager
Collaboration Server
E-Mail Manager
Media Blender
2. Click Next. All nodes defined on the Support Tools system list that belong to the
selected products are listed.
Note: This list may also include any nodes whose product type is unknown
(blank). The most common reason for an unknown product type is that the node
has never been contact by the Support Tools Server. For example, it was added
to the system list (via System Management screen) but the connection was not
tested or the node has never been selected as a current system.
3. Select the system(s) whose logs you want to collect.
4. Click Next.
5. Enter a name (up to 32 characters long), and optionally a description, for the log
group. It's a good idea to choose an intuitive name that will help other users
understand what type of logs this group collects.
6. If the product you selected is:
ICM, you must indicate which ICM system processes you want to collect logs for.
For each ICM system, the screen lists:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Create Log Group Screen 109
System: The ICM system name
Customer: The ICM customer instance(s) on the system
Node: The ICM node ID (for example, pg1a, pg1b, router a, router b)
Process: The process(es) on that node for which logs can be collected.
CCM, you must indicate which CCM processes you want to collect logs for. For
each CCM system the screen displays:
System: The CCM system name
Node: The CCM process(es) for which logs can be collected--CCM or CTI.
7. If any of the systems you selected are unavailable for log collection (for example,
if they are offline, a message will display on the screen alerting you to the fact.
8. Click Finish. The log group is now available to use in a log collection (on the
Create Log Collection screen).
See Also
For related information, see:
How to Use the Log Collector
How to Use the Log Groups Screen
How to Use the Create Log Collection Screen
How to Use the Log Collections Screen
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Create Log Group Screen 110
How to Use the Log Groups Screen
Use the Log Groups Screen to administer log groups once they have been created.
You can:
View details of log groups
Edit log group definitions
Rename log groups
Delete log groups
To open the Log Groups screen, from the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Web Tools >
Log Collector > Log Group.
To View Details of a Log Group
To view details of a log group:
1. Check the file's Select check box.
2. Click the View button. For ICM systems, the screen displays:
System: The ICM system name
Customer: The ICM customer instance(s) on the system
Node: The ICM node name (for example, pg1a, pg1b, router a, router b)
Process: The process(es) on that node for which logs can be collected.
For CCM systems the screen displays:
System: The CCM system name
Node: The process(es) for which logs can be collected--CCM or CTI.
For other systems (CCS, CMB, and CEM) the screen displays:
System: The system name
Product: The product type: CEM, CCS, CMB
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Log Groups Screen 111
To Edit a Log Group Definition
Once created, log groups do not update automatically to reflect subsequent changes
made to products installed on the systems they include; If and when these changes
occur, you must edit the group to correct its definition. Failure to do this will prevent
the successful log collection using that group.
To edit a log group's definition:
1. Check the group's Select check box.
2. Click the Edit button.
3. Select the Cisco product(s) whose logs will be collected by this group. You can
collect logs for:
ICM (AWs, PGs, Call Routers, and Loggers)
Call Manager
Collaboration Server
E-Mail Manager
Media Blender
4. Click Next. All nodes defined on the Support Tools system list that belong to the
selected products are listed.
5. Select the system(s) whose logs you want to collect.
6. Click Next.
7. Optionally, edit the description for the log group.
8. If the product you selected is:
ICM, you must indicate which ICM system processes you want to collect logs for.
For each ICM system, the screen lists:
System: The ICM system name
Customer: The ICM customer instance(s) on the system
Node: The ICM node ID (for example, pg1a, pg1b, router a, router b)
Process: The process(es) on that node for which logs can be collected.
CCM, you must indicate which CCM system processes you want to collect logs for.
For each CCM system the screen displays:
System: The CCM system name.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Log Groups Screen 112
Node: The CCM process(es) for which logs can be collected--CCM or CTI.
9. Click Finish. The log group is now available to use in a log collection (on the
Create Log Collection screen).
To Rename a Log Group
To rename a log group:
1. Check the group's Select check box.
2. Click the Rename button. A save dialog opens, displaying the current name of the
3. Modify the name as desired. Maximum length for name is 32 characters.
4. Click Save.
To Delete a Log Group
To delete a log group:
1. Check the group's Select check box.
2. Click the Delete button.
3. A message displays prompting you to confirm the deletion.
4. Click OK.
See Also
For related information, see:
How to Use the Log Collector
How to Use the Create Log Group Screen
How to Use the Create Log Collection Screen
How to Use the Log Collections Screen
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Log Groups Screen 113
How to Use the Create Log Collection Screen
Use the Create Log Collection Screen to create a log collection. A log collection is a
specification that defines the log group(s) and time range you want to collect logs
To open the Create Log Collection screen, from the Dashboard menu, select Cisco
Web Tools > Log Collector > Create Log Collection.
To Create a Log Collection
To create a log group:
1. Enter a name (up to 32 characters long) for the log collection. It's a good idea to
choose an intuitive name that conveys the attributes of the log collection.
2. Specify a time range of logs to collect: All or Range. If you select Range, specify
the start and end period time.
3. If desired, check Merged Log to create a single merged log file from the logs
collected by this group.
Note: When you later download a merged log, the collection will include the
individual associated log files in addition to the merged log itself.
4. If desired, for ICM system logs only, check Include Binary Data. This causes the
log file to include binary data such as memory allocation, buffer size, etc., but
may also substantially increase file size.
5. Select one or more log groups to collect logs from.
6. Click the Start Log Collection button. The log collection process begins. The
amount of time this process takes to complete depends on the number and size
of the logs you requested. You can view collected logs or check the status of
requests on the Log Collections screen.
Note: It is not necessary to remain in-session while a log collection runs. Exiting
your Dashboard session will not terminate a log collection. You can proceed to
use other Dashboard while a Log Collection runs.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Create Log Collection Screen 114
See Also
For related information, see:
How to Use the Log Collector
How to Use the Create Log Group Screen
How to Use the Log Groups Screen
How to Use the Log Collections Screen
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Create Log Collection Screen 115
How to Use the Log Collections Screen
Use the Log Collections Screen to view and administer collected logs. You can:
View details of log collections
Download collected logs
Delete log collections
To open the Log Collections screen, from the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Web
Tools > Log Collector > Log Collections.
To View Details of Log Collections
The Log Collection screen automatically lists each collection currently stored in the
Support Tools repository. For each collection, the screen displays:
Name: The name of the collection.
Requested: The date/time its request was sent.
Status: The status of the collection--Ready (complete) or In Progress
Size: The size of the log files retrieved by the collection.
To Download Collected Logs
Collected logs can only be viewed after downloading to your local machine; they
cannot be viewed from within Support Tools.
To download collected logs:
1. Check the Select check box for the collection whose logs you want to view. You
can only download the logs from one collection at a time. If necessary, before
proceeding, verify that the collection's status is Ready (complete).
2. Click the View button. Details of the collection, along with the individual log files
it contains, are displayed. If the log collection included a merged log, both the
individual associated log files and the merged log file are listed.
3. Check the Select check box for the logs you want to download. If you select
individual logs from a merged log collection, the merged log will automatically
download along with the individual logs you select.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Log Collections Screen 116
4. Click the Download button.
5. When prompted, choose the Save to Disk option.
Note: Logs download in a single zip file which must be extracted in order to view.
Log File Naming Conventions
Log files use the following naming conventions:
For ICM: <collection-
For CCM: <collection-group>{<product>{<NodeAgentHost>(<node>.log
For other products: <collection-group>{<product>{<NodeAgentHost>.log
To Delete a Log Collection
To delete a log collection:
1. Check the collection's Select check box.
2. Click the Delete button.
3. A message displays prompting you to confirm the deletion.
4. Click OK.
See Also
For related information, see:
How to Use the Log Collector
How to Use the Create Log Group Screen
How to Use the Log Groups Screen
How to Use the Create Log Collection Screen
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Log Collections Screen 117
About Using Cisco Web Utilities from a Command Line
While primarily designed for use through the Dashboard, Cisco Web Utilities can also
be run from a command line on any Support Tools node. This can be useful when
access to the Support Tools Server/Dashboard is not available due to a down
machine or connection.
The same functionality available in the Dashboard versions of these utilities is
available in their command line counterparts. As GUIs are generally easier to learn, it
is a good idea to familiarize yourself with these tools in the Dashboard before
attempting to use them from a command line.
Web Utilities Location
Cisco Web utilities are installed and can be run from any Support Tools node. Their
default location (modifiable during installation) is: c:\cisco\ccbu\supporttools.
Command-Line Mode vs Interactive Mode
When run from a command line, Cisco Web utilities can be run in either command-
line mode or interactive mode:
In command-line mode, you enter the command invoking the utility, along with
specific arguments, on a single line. After the command executes the utility
automatically shuts down.
Example: c:\cisco\ccbu\supporttools> interrogate /system logger_a
In interactive mode, you enter the command invoking the utility on a separate
command line. After that, you can enter as many successive commands as
desired. The utility does not terminate until you explicitly quit.
c:\cisco\ccbu\supporttools> interrogate
> system logger_a
> query
> quit
Note: The Log Group and Log Collection utilities are only available in interactive
mode; they cannot be used in command-line mode.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Using Cisco Web Utilities from a Command Line 119
Selecting a System to Use
When run from a command line, unless otherwise specified, Cisco Web utilities
assume that the local machine is both:
A) The application server (the machine from which the utility should be run), and
B) The target system (the machine to be queried by the utility).
For example, to run the System Interrogate utility on the local machine, and to
target its query at that same machine, enter:
>interrogate /query
Selecting a Different Target System
If desired, you can use the /systemoption to specify a different machine as the
target system of a command. The /systemoption can only be used when the
application server is a Support Tools Server; You cannot target a remote system
when using a node as your application server--node can only target themselves.
For example, to target a System Interrogate query at a machine named logger_b,
>system logger_a
In the example above, the System Interrogate utility is being run locally (from a
Support Tools Server) and targeted at a node named logger_b.
Note: This command is not available for the Log Group and Log Collection utilities.
In those utilities, the target system specification is built into the log group(s) being
used in the request.
Selecting a Different Application Server
If desired, you can run a utility remotely from a Support Tools Server. For example,
to run the System Interrogate utility from a Support Tools Server named
appserver_a, enter:
>interrogate st_server_a
>system logger_a
In the example above, the System Interrogate utility is being run remotely from a
Support Tools Server named st_server_aand targeted at a node named logger_b.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Using Cisco Web Utilities from a Command Line 120
If a remote Support Tools Server is to serve as both the application server and the
target of the command, you must specify that machine as both the application server
and the target system. For example:
>interrogate st_server_a
>system st_server_a
Viewing a list of targetable systems
Once connected to an application server, you can use the systemlist(or syslist)
command to view a list of all systems that can be selected for targeting. Use the
/checkoption with systemlistto verify connection status to available systems.
For example, entering systemlist /checkreturns output such as:
IP Address:
System Type:
A lower-case c indicates a live connection. An X indicates a failed connection.
Saving, Viewing, and Retrieving Files
Most Cisco Web utilities allow you to save, view, and download files from the Support
Tools Repository. Each Support Tools node has its own local Repository. When using
Web utilities from a command line on a node, the Repository in use is the Repository
on that node (or whatever machine has been specified as the application server).
Getting Help for Command Line Tools
Use the cmdhelpor chelpcommand to view a complete list of options for any tool.
To view usage for a specific command, enter: <command_name> /?.
Embedded Spaces
In command-line arguments, remember to place paths, file names, etc. that contain
embedded spaces in quotes. Failure to do this will prevent a command from
executing correctly.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Using Cisco Web Utilities from a Command Line 121
Example: > view "my file.txt"
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Using Cisco Web Utilities from a Command Line 122
How to Use the Services Utility from a Command Line
While primarily designed for use from the Support Tools Dashboard, the Services
utility can also be run from a command line any node, as desired.
Use the Services utility to:
View information on all services installed on a system
Stop or start services on a system
Save a list of services to a file
To Access the Services Utility from a Command Line
To run the Services utility in interactive mode from a command line:
1. From a command prompt on a Support Tools node, navigate to
2. Enter servicecontrol. Optionally in the same line, to specify a different machine
to serve as the application server, enter its DNS or IP address. If none is
specified, the local machine serves as the application server. Press <Enter>.
To view a list of systems defined in the current system's system list, use the
systemlistcommand. To view connection status for systems in the list, use
the systemlist /check command.
3. Enter commands as described in the Command Line Options section below.
Note: For additional information on basic Web Tools command line use, including
system selection options and command-line mode vs interactive mode see About
Using Cisco Web Utilities from a Command Line.
Using the Services Utility from a Command Line
When using the Services utility from a command line, note that:
Unlike in Dashboard use, you can stop services whose Type is Critical (service
type is defined in the user-modifiable processinfo.xmlfile.)
Prior to stopping a service, you should be aware of the significance of stopping it,
including any dependant services that may be affected.
The Services utility will not allow you to stop services with peer or child
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Services Utility from a Command Line 123
dependencies while those dependencies are running. If you attempt to stop such
a service, the utility returns a message stating that dependent services are
Command Line Options
cmdhelp, chelp
Displays a list of commands specific to this
Note: Using Help or ? also displays this list, but
includes several additional ICM commands (e.g.,
echo, error_stop) not used by this utility.
Displays syntax for a specified command.
><command> /?
Specifies the system on which the utility should
run. If not specified, the utility is run on the local /<options>
Specifies the target system the utility should run > /system <host_name>
against. If not specified, the utility is run against /<options>
the local system.
Sets the network address of name of the target
node agent to the local host.
Note: By default, unless a different system is
specified (using the system command) the local
host is assumed to be the target system.
Displays information on all services on the target >list
>list <localfile_path\filename>
For each service, this command displays:
Service Name: The service's name.
PID: The service's process ID.
Type: Critical, Known, or Unknown, as
defined in the target system's
processinfo.xml file.
Start (if the process is stopped) or Stop (if
the process if started.
Optionally, you can include an argument to dump
this output to a local file. Output is stored as
XML-formatted text.
Starts a stopped service on the target system.
>start <pid> <service_name>
Note: Enter "0" for the PID
when starting a service.
Stops a started service on the target system.
>stop <pid> <service_name>
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Services Utility from a Command Line 124
Saves the latest list command results to a
services file in the application server's
>save <filename>
Saved output is stored as XML-formatted text.
If no file name is specified, output is saved to a
file named: ServicesList <host_name>
If desired, you can include an argument that
specifies a file name.
Displays the list of services files in the
application server's Repository.
Displays the contents of a services file from the
Repository on the application server.
>view <filename>
Optionally, you can include an argument to dump
this output to a local file. Output is stored as
XML-formatted text.
>view <filename>
remove, rm
rename, ren
read_file, read
Deletes a specified services file from the
Repository on the application server.
>remove <filename>
Renames a services file in the Repository on the >rename <filename>
application server.
Directs command input to another input file.
>read <filename>
For example, you can direct input to run a batch
file that contains a series of commands
executable by this utility.
Executes command without displaying output.
><command> /silent
Note: Available in command-line mode only.
quit, q
Ends the program.
Viewing and Stopping a Service
The following table shows an example of viewing and stopping a service, with a
description of each entry.
Command Option:
Invokes the Services utility.
Returns a list of all services installed on the target system, along with
their current status.
>stop 01464 "snmp service"
Stops the specified service.
Note that due to an embedded space, the service name was placed in
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Services Utility from a Command Line 125
See Also
For related information, see:
About Using Cisco Web Utilities from a Command Line
How to Modify the Process Information List
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Services Utility from a Command Line 126
How to Use the Processes Utility from a Command
While primarily designed for use from the Support Tools Dashboard, the Processes
utility can also be run from a command line any node, as desired.
Use the Processes utility to:
View all processes running on a system
Terminate processes on a system
Save a list of processes to a file
To Run the Processes Utility from a Command Line
To run the Processes utility in interactive mode from a command line:
1. From a command prompt on a Support Tools node, navigate to
2. Enter processcontrol. Optionally in the same line, to specify a different machine
to serve as the application server, enter its DNS or IP address. If none is
specified, the local machine serves as the application server. Press <Enter>.
To view a list of systems defined in the current system's system list, use the
systemlistcommand. To view connection status for systems in the list, use
the systemlist /check command.
3. Enter commands as described in the Command Line Options section below.
Note: For additional information on basic Web Tools command line use, including
system selection options and command-line mode vs interactive mode see About
Using Cisco Web Utilities from a Command Line.
Using the Processes Utility from a Command Line
When using the Processes utility from a command line, note that unlike in Dashboard
use, you can stop processes whose Type is Critical (service type is defined in the
user-modifiable processinfo.xmlfile.)
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Processes Utility from a Command Line 127
Command Line Options
cmdhelp, chelp
Displays a list of commands specific to this
Note: Using Help or ? also displays this list, but
includes several additional ICM commands (e.g.,
echo, error_stop) not used by this utility.
Displays syntax for a specified command.
><command> /?
Specifies the system on which the utility should
run. If not specified, the utility is run on the local /<options>
Specifies the target system the utility should run > /system <host_name>
against. If not specified, the utility is run against /<options>
the local system.
Sets the network address of name of the target
node agent to the local host.
Note: By default, unless a different system is
specified (using the system command) the local
host is assumed to be the target system.
Displays information on all processes on the
target system.
For each running process, this command
>list <localfile_path\filename>
Process Name: The process's name.
PID: The process's process ID.
Type: Critical, Known, or Unknown, as
defined in the target system's
processinfo.xml file.
Optionally, you can include an argument to dump
this output to a local file. Output is stored as
XML-formatted text.
Terminates a started process on the target
>stop <pid> <process_name>
Saves the latest list command results to a
processes file in the application server's
>save <filename>
Saved output is stored as XML-formatted text.
If no file name is specified, output is saved to a
file named: ProcessesList <host_name>
If desired, you can include an argument that
specifies a file name.
Displays the list of processes files in the
application server's Repository.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Processes Utility from a Command Line 128
Displays the contents of a processes file from the >view <filename>
Repository on the application server.
Optionally, you can include an argument to dump
>view <filename>
this output to a local file. Output is stored as
XML-formatted text.
remove, rm
rename, ren
read_file, read
Deletes a specified processes file from the
Repository on the application server.
>remove <filename>
Renames a processes file in the Repository on
the application server.
>rename <filename>
Directs command input to another input file.
>read <filename>
For example, you can direct input to run a batch
file that contains a series of commands
executable by this utility.
Executes command without displaying output.
><command> /silent
Note: Available in command-line mode only.
quit, q
Ends the program.
Viewing and Killing a Process
The following table shows an example of viewing and killing a process, with a
description of each entry.
Command Option:
Invokes the Processes utility.
Returns a list of all processes running on the target system.
>stop 01464 "snmp service"
Kills the specified process.
Note that due to an embedded space, the process name was placed in
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Processes Utility from a Command Line 129
See Also
For related information, see:
About Using Cisco Web Utilities from a Command Line
How to Modify the Process Information List
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Processes Utility from a Command Line 130
How to Use the System Interrogate Utility from a
Command Line
While primarily designed for use from the Support Tools Dashboard, the System
Interrogate utility can also be run from a command line any node, as desired.
Use the System Interrogate utility to:
View detailed information about a system's OS, hardware, ICM, and third-party
Save current system information to a file
To Run the System Interrogate Utility from a Command Line
To run the System Interrogate utility in interactive mode from a command line:
1. From a command prompt on a Support Tools node, navigate to
2. Enter interrogate. Optionally in the same line, to specify a different machine to
serve as the application server, enter its DNS or IP address. If none is specified,
the local machine serves as the application server. Press <Enter>.
To view a list of systems defined in the current system's system list, use the
systemlistcommand. To view connection status for systems in the list, use
the systemlist /check command.
3. Enter commands as described in the Command Line Options section below.
Note: For additional information on basic Web Tools command line use, including
system selection options and command-line mode vs interactive mode see About
Using Cisco Web Utilities from a Command Line.
Using the System Interrogate Utility from a Command Line
Command Line Options
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the System Interrogate Utility from a Command Line 131
cmdhelp, chelp
Displays a list of commands specific to this
Note: Using Help or ? also displays this list, but
includes several additional ICM commands (e.g.,
echo, error_stop) not used by this utility.
Displays syntax for a specified command.
><command> /?
Specifies the system on which the utility should
run. If not specified, the utility is run on the local /<options>
Specifies the target system the utility should run > /system <host_name>
against. If not specified, the utility is run against /<options>
the local system.
Sets the network address of name of the target
node agent to the local host.
Note: By default, unless a different system is
specified (using the system command) the local
host is assumed to be the target system.
query, qry
Displays detailed information about the target
For a detailed listing of displayed information,
see How to Use the System Interrogate Screen.
>list <localfile_path\filename>
Optionally, you can include an argument to dump
this output to a local file. Output is stored as
XML-formatted text.
Saves the latest query command results to a file >save
in the application server's Repository.
Saved output is stored as XML-formatted text.
>save <filename>
If no file name is specified, output is saved to a
file named: SysQuery <host_name>
If desired, you can include an argument that
specifies a file name.
Displays the list of System Interrogate files in
the target system's Repository.
Displays the contents of a System Interrogate
file from the Repository on the application
>view <filename>
>view <filename>
download, dl
Downloads a local copy of a System Interrogate
file from the application server's Repository.
<local_filename> /text
Optionally, you can include a /text argument to
convert the file from XML-formatted text to plain OR
<localfile_path\filename> /text
remove, rm
Deletes a specified System Interrogate file from
the Repository on the application server.
>remove <filename>
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the System Interrogate Utility from a Command Line 132
rename, ren
Renames a System Interrogate file in the
Repository on the application server.
>rename <filename>
read_file, read
Directs command input to another input file.
>read <filename>
For example, you can direct input to run a batch
file that contains a series of commands
executable by this utility.
Executes command without displaying output.
><command> /silent
Note: Available in command-line mode only.
quit, q
Ends the program.
Viewing System Information
The following table shows an example of querying system information, with a
description of each entry.
Command Option:
Invokes the System Interrogate utility.
Queries the target system. Returns detailed on that system.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Using Cisco Web Utilities from a Command Line
How to Use the System Interrogate Screen
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the System Interrogate Utility from a Command Line 133
How to Use the Registry Utility from a Command Line
While primarily designed for use from the Support Tools Dashboard, the Registry
utility can also be run from a command line any node, as desired.
Use the Registry utility to:
View the ICM Windows registry settings for the current system
Save registry settings to a file
To Run the Registry Utility from a Command Line
To run the Registry utility in interactive mode from a command line:
1. From a command prompt on a Support Tools node, navigate to
2. Enter registry. Optionally in the same line, to specify a different machine to
serve as the application server, enter its DNS or IP address. If none is specified,
the local machine serves as the application server. Press <Enter>.
To view a list of systems defined in the current system's system list, use the
systemlistcommand. To view connection status for systems in the list, use
the systemlist /check command.
3. Enter commands as described in the Command Line Options section below.
Note: For additional information on basic Web Tools command line use, including
system selection options and command-line mode vs interactive mode see About
Using Cisco Web Utilities from a Command Line.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Registry Utility from a Command Line 134
Using the Registry Utility from a Command Line
Command Line Options
cmdhelp, chelp
Displays a list of commands specific to this
Note: Using Help or ? also displays this list, but
includes several additional ICM commands (e.g.,
echo, error_stop) not used by this utility.
Displays syntax for a specified command.
><command> /?
Specifies the system on which the utility should
run. If not specified, the utility is run on the local /<options>
Specifies the target system the utility should run > /system <host_name>
against. If not specified, the utility is run against /<options>
the local system.
Sets the network address of name of the target
node agent to the local host.
Note: By default, unless a different system is
specified (using the system command) the local
host is assumed to be the target system.
Displays the ICM Windows Registry setting for
the target system.
Optionally, you can include an argument to dump
this output to a local file. Output is stored as
XML-formatted text.
>list <localfile_path\filename>
Used in conjunction with the list command,
specifies the customer instance whose registry
values will be returned.
>/list /instance
If not specified, the List command automatically
returns registry values for the first customer
instance it finds on the target system.
Saves the latest list command results to a
registry file in the application server's
>save <filename>
Saved output is stored as XML-formatted text.
If no file name is specified, output is saved to a
file named: Registry <host_name>
If desired, you can include an argument that
specifies a file name.
Displays the list of registry files in the application >files
server's Repository.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Registry Utility from a Command Line 135
Displays the contents of a registry file from the
Repository on the application server.
>view <filename>
Optionally, you can include an argument to dump
this output to a local file. Output is stored as
XML-formatted text.
>view <filename>
remove, rm
rename, ren
read_file, read
Deletes a specified registry file from the
Repository on the application server.
>remove <filename>
Renames a registry file in the Repository on the
application server.
>rename <filename>
Directs command input to another input file.
>read <filename>
For example, you can direct input to run a batch
file that contains a series of commands
executable by this utility.
Executes command without displaying output.
><command> /silent
Note: Available in command-line mode only.
quit, q
Ends the program.
Viewing Registry Information
The following table shows an example of querying registry information, with a
description of each entry.
Command Option:
Invokes the Registry utility.
>list /instance customer_1
Queries the target system and returns the registry information for a
customer instance named customer_1.
If a specific instance in not specified, the List command automatically
returns registry values for the first customer instance it finds on the
target system.
Optionally, saves the data returned to a registry file in the application
server's Repository.
If no file name is specified, output is saved to a file named: Registry
<host_name> <timestamp>.xml.
If desired, you can include an argument that specifies a file name.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Registry Utility from a Command Line 136
See Also
For related information, see:
About Using Cisco Web Utilities from a Command Line
How to Use the Compare Registries Utility from a Command Line
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Registry Utility from a Command Line 137
How to Use the Compare Registries Utility from a
Command Line
While primarily designed for use from the Support Tools Dashboard, the Compare
Registries utility can also be run from a command line any node, as desired.
Use the Compare Registries utility to:
Compare the ICM Windows registry settings between:
i. The current system and another system
ii. The current system and a registry file stored in the Support Tools repository
iii. Two registry files in the repository
Copy registry values from one system to another, or from a file to the current
Save a comparison to a file in the Repository
To Run the Compare Registries Utility from a Command Line
To run the Compare Registries utility in interactive mode from a command line:
1. From a command prompt on a Support Tools node, navigate to
2. Enter regcompare. Optionally in the same line, to specify a different machine to
serve as the application server, enter its DNS or IP address. If none is specified,
the local machine serves as the application server. Press <Enter>.
To view a list of systems defined in the current system's system list, use the
systemlistcommand. To view connection status for systems in the list, use
the systemlist /check command.
3. Enter commands as described in the Command Line Options section below.
Note: For additional information on basic Web Tools command line use, including
system selection options and command-line mode vs interactive mode see About
Using Cisco Web Utilities from a Command Line.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Compare Registries Utility from a Command Line 138
Using the Compare Registries Utility from a Command Line
Command Line Options
cmdhelp, chelp
Displays a list of commands specific to this
Note: Using Help or ? also displays this list, but
includes several additional ICM commands (e.g.,
echo, error_stop) not used by this utility.
Displays syntax for a specified command.
><command> /?
Specifies the system on which the utility should
run. If not specified, the utility is run on the local /<options>
Specifies the target system the utility should run > /system <host_name>
against. If not specified, the utility is run against /<options>
the local system.
Sets the network address of name of the target
node agent to the local host.
Note: By default, unless a different system is
specified (using the system command) the local
host is assumed to be the target system.
compare, comp
Compares the contents of two registries and
displays the result.
>compare /systems <2nd
You can compare:
>compare /file <reg_file_1>
The current system to a different system
Two registry files in the Repository
>compare /system2file
The current system to a registry file in the
Optionally, you can include an argument to dump
this output to a local file. Output is stored as
XML-formatted text.
When viewing results:
Values whose data are identical in both
systems are prefaced by Common Value =
Values whose data are unique to the current
system are prefaced by SRC =
Values whose data are unique to the current
system are prefaced by SRC =
Used in conjunction with the compare command, >compare /systems <2nd
specifies the customer instance whose registry
values will be compared.
system> /instance
If not specified, the List command automatically
returns registry values for the first customer
instance it finds on each compared system.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Compare Registries Utility from a Command Line 139
Copies a registry value from one registry to
>apply <keyname> <value>
another, or from a file to a registry, using values /src2diff
from the last compare command result.
Use the /src2diff and /diff2src arguments to
specify which direction the value should be
>apply <keyname> <value>
Note that you can only copy values to a registry;
you cannot copy a value to a file.
Saves the latest compare command results to a
registry file in the application server's
>save <filename>
Saved output is stored as XML-formatted text.
If no file name is specified, output is saved to a
file named: RegCompare <host_name>
If desired, you can include an argument that
specifies a file name.
Displays the list of RegCompare files in the
application server's Repository.
Displays the contents of a RegCompare file from >view <filename>
the Repository on the application server.
Optionally, you can include an argument to dump
>view <filename>
this output to a local file. Output is stored as
XML-formatted text.
remove, rm
rename, ren
read_file, read
Deletes a specified RegCompare file from the
Repository on the application server.
>remove <filename>
Renames a RegCompare file in the Repository on >rename <filename>
the application server.
Directs command input to another input file.
>read <filename>
For example, you can direct input to run a batch
file that contains a series of commands
executable by this utility.
Executes command without displaying output.
><command> /silent
Note: Available in command-line mode only.
quit, q
Ends the program.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Compare Registries Utility from a Command Line 140
Performing a Registry Comparison
The following table shows a sample registry comparison request, with a description
of each entry.
Command Option:
Invokes the Registry Comparison utility.
>compare /systems logger_b
/instance customer_1
Specifies that the local system's registry settings for customer
instance_1 be compared to logger_b's settings for that instance.
If a specific instance in not specified, the compare command
automatically returns registry values for the first customer instance it
finds on each system. Note that in some cases these may not be
identical instances.
Optionally, saves the data returned to a regcompare file in the
application server's Repository.
If no file name is specified, output is saved to a file named: Registry
<host_name> <timestamp>.xml.
If desired, you can include an argument that specifies a file name.
Copying Key Values from one Registry to Another
The following table shows a sample of copying a registry key value from on system
to another. Prior to running this command, you must first perform a registry
comparison, as shown in the previous example.
Command Option:
Specifies that the value ProgID for key
\\Cisco Systems,
Inc.\\CCBU\\Support Tools\\Tools\\SysQuery should be copied from the
Tools\\Tools\\SysQuery" ProgID
target system to the system specified in the Compare command (in the
previous example).
Note that because it includes embedded spaces, the key name has been
placed in quotes.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Compare Registries Utility from a Command Line 141
See Also
For related information, see:
About Using Cisco Web Utilities from a Command Line
How to Use the Registry Utility from a Command Line
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Compare Registries Utility from a Command Line 142
How to Use the Log Groups Utility from a Command
Use the Create Log Group Screen to:
Create log groups
View details of log groups
Edit log group definitions
Rename log groups
Delete log groups
To Run the Log Groups Utility from a Command Line
To run the Log Groups utility in interactive mode from a command line:
1. From a command prompt on a Support Tools node, navigate to
2. Enter lgtool. Optionally in the same line, to specify a different machine to serve
as the application server, enter its DNS or IP address. If none is specified, the
local machine serves as the application server. Press <Enter>.
3. Enter commands as described in the Command Line Options section below.
Note: For additional information on basic Web Tools command line use, including
system selection options and command-line mode vs interactive mode see About
Using Cisco Web Utilities from a Command Line.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Log Groups Utility from a Command Line 143
Using the Log Groups Utility from a Command Line
Command Line Options
cmdhelp, chelp
Displays a list of commands specific to this
Note: Using Help or ? also displays this list, but
includes several additional ICM commands (e.g.,
echo, error_stop) not used by this utility.
Displays syntax for a specified command.
><command> /?
Specifies the system on which the utility should
run. If not specified, the utility is run on the local /<commands>
Note: This command is not used with the Log
Groups utility.
Note: This command is not used with the Log
Groups utility.
create_log_group, clg
Opens a session for creating a log group.
>clg <new_group_name>
Note: Maximum length for
name is 32 characters.
list_products, lpd
list_systems, lsys
Displays products that can be selected for log
Displays systems that can be selected for log
collection. For each system for which the
information is available, it displays:
system name
customer name
icm or ccm node name
process name
add_log, al
Adds one log in the current log group.
>al /product ICM /system
<customer_name> /icm_node
<node_name> /icm_process
For ICM logs you must specify: /product,
/system, /icm_customer, /icm_node, and
For CCM logs you must specify: /product,
/system, and /ccm_node.
>al /product CCM /system
<system_name> /ccm_node
For CEM, CCM, and CCS logs, you must
specify: /product and /system.
>al /product CCS /system
remove_log, rl
Removes a log from current log group.
rl <log_name>
list_selected_log, lsl
Displays logs included in the current log group.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Log Groups Utility from a Command Line 144
Optionally, sets a description for the current log
>lgdesc <description>
close_log_group, closelg
Closes and saves the current log group to the
application server's Repository.
When closing a new group, closelg automatically
saves the group.
When closing an existing group that was opened
for editing, you must explicitly choose save by
entering: closelg /save YES.
To close without saving, enter: closelg /save NO.
list_log_groups, lslg
List all log groups in the application server's
display_log_group, dlg
open_log_group, openlg
remove_log_group, rmlg
rename_log_group, renlg
Displays details of a log group from the
application server's Repository.
>dlg <log_group_name>
>openlg <log_group_name>
Opens a log group for editing from the
application server's Repository.
Deletes a log group from the application server's >rmlg <log_group_name>
Renames a log group in the application server's
>renlg <old_group_name>
Note: Maximum length for
name is 32 characters.
Note: This command is not used with the Log
Groups utility.
read_file, read
Directs command input to another input file.
>read <filename>
For example, you can direct input to run a batch
file that contains a series of commands
executable by this utility.
Note: This command is not used with the Log
Groups utility.
quit, q
Ends the program.
Creating a Log Group
The following table shows a sample log group creation, with a description of each
Command Option:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Log Groups Utility from a Command Line 145
Command Option:
>lgtool logger_a
Invokes the Log Group utility and optionally specifies logger_a as the
application server.
If an application server is not specified, the local machine is used.
>clg my_log_group
Initiates a request for a new group and specifies the group name.
Displays a list of systems, instances, nodes, and processes whose logs
can be added to the group.
>al /product ICM /system /icm_customer
customer_1 /icm_node LoggerA
/icm_process csfs
Adds an ICM log to the group request.
>al /product CCS /system
Adds a second (CCS) log to the group. Each log must be added on a
separate line.
>lgdesc my_group_description
Optionally, creates a description of the group.
Closes the log group and saves it to the application server's Repository.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Using Cisco Web Utilities from a Command Line
How to Use the Log Collector
How to Use the Log Collection Utility from a Command Line
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Log Groups Utility from a Command Line 146
How to Use the Log Collection Utility from a Command
Use the Log Collection utility to:
Create a log collection
Download collected logs
View details of log collections
Delete log collections
Note: The Log Collection utility can be run in interactive mode only; command-line
mode is not available for this tool. For additional information on basic Web Tools
command line use, including the distinction between command-line mode and
interactive mode, see About Using Cisco Web Utilities from a Command Line.
To Run the Log Collection Utility from a Command Line
To run the Log Collection utility from a command line:
1. From a command prompt on a Support Tools node, navigate to
2. Enter lctool. Optionally in the same line, to specify a different machine to serve
as the application server, enter its DNS or IP address. If none is specified, the
local machine serves as the application server. Press <Enter>.
3. Enter commands as described in the Command Line Options section below.
Using the Log Collection Utility from a Command Line
Command Line Options
cmdhelp, chelp
Displays a list of commands specific to this
Note: Using Help or ? also displays this list, but
includes several additional ICM commands (e.g.,
echo, error_stop) not used by this utility.
Displays syntax for a specified command.
><command> /?
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Log Collection Utility from a Command Line 147
Optionally Specifies the system on which the
utility should run. If not specified, the utility is
run on the local system.
>lctool <app_servername>
Note: This command is not used with the Log
Collection utility.
Note: This command is not used with the Log
Collection utility.
create_collection_request, Opens a session for creating a log collection
Note: Maximum length for
name is 32 characters
add_log_group, alg
Adds one log group from the application server's >alg <log_group_name>
Repository into current log collection. Each log
group must be added on a separate line.
remove_log_group, rmlg
list_log_groups, lslg
Removes 1 log group from current log collection. >rmlg <log_group_name>
Lists the log groups in the current collection
Optionally, sets a description for current log
>lcdesc <description>
>bin /on
set_icm_binary, bin
Optionally, sets the icmBinary flag ON or OFF.
ON causes ICM logs to include binary data. If not
specified, defaults to off.
set_log_range, range
Specifies the date/time range for logs to collect.
/start_date, /start_time, /end_date and
/end_time are all required.
>range /start_date
mm/dd/yyyy /start_time
hh:mm /end_date mm/dd/yyyy
/end_time hh:mm
Date format is mm/dd/yyyy. Time format is
Optionally, you can specify /all in place of
specific dates/times.
set_merge_logs, merge
Optionally, set merge flag ON or OFF. On causes >merge /on
logs to be merged. If not specified, defaults to
submit_collection_request, Submits the current collection request to
submit application server to start the log collection.
discard_collection_request Discards and closes the current collection request >discard
, discard
without exiting the Log Collection utility.
list_logs, lslc
List information, including status, of all log
collections in the application server's Repository.
view_collection, view
remove_log, rmlc
Displays detailed information of a specified log
>view <collection_name>
>rem <collection_name>
Deletes log collection from the application
server's Repository.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Log Collection Utility from a Command Line 148
rename_log, ren
Renames a log collection in the application
server's Repository.
>ren <old_collection_name>
Note: Maximum length for
name is 32 characters
download_log, download
Downloads a specified log file from the
application server's Repository to a local drive.
Note: This command is not used with the Log
Collection utility.
read_file, read
Directs command input to another input file.
>read <filename>
For example, you can direct input to run a batch
file that contains a series of commands
executable by this utility.
Note: This command is not used with the Log
Collection utility.
quit, q
Ends the program.
Creating a Log Collection Request
The following table shows a sample log collection request, with a description of each
Command Option:
Invokes the Log Collection utility.
Because no application server is specified, the local machine is used.
>ccolreq my_collection_name
>alg log_group_1
Initiates a request for a new collection and specifies the collection
Adds a log group from the application server's Repository to the
>alg log_group_2
Adds a second log group to the request. Each group must be added on
a separate line.
>lcdesc my_collection_description
Optionally, creates a description of the request.
>range /start_date 09/01/2003
/start_time 00:00 /end_date
09/01/2003 /end_time 00:00
Specifies the date/time range for logs to collect. /start_date,
/start_time, /end_date and /end_time are all required.
Date format is mm/dd/yyyy. Time format is hh:mm.
Optionally, you can specify /all in place of specific dates/times.
>bin on
Optionally, specifies that binary data should be included in the logs. If
not specified, defaults to Off.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Log Collection Utility from a Command Line 149
Command Option:
Note: Applies to ICM products only. CCM, CMB, CEM, and CCS are not
affected by this option.
>merge on
Optionally, specifies that logs should be merged. If not specified,
defaults to Off.
Submits the request.
Downloading Collected Logs
The following table shows a sample log download request, with a description of each
Note that you must download a log in order to view it. You cannot view collected logs
directly from the Repository.
Logs download to the local machine, regardless of whether this is the machine
currently serving as your application server.
Command Option:
Invokes the Log Collection utility.
>ccolreq my_collection_name
Initiates a request for a new collection and specifies the collection
>view my_collection
Displays all of the logs collected by a particular collection. You must use
the view command prior to downloading a file.
Returns output such as shown below. Note the unique index number (0,
1,2) prefacing each log in the collection:
Name: "my_collection"
Creation time: Thu Sep 2 11:28:17 2003
Merge: false
Binary for ICM Log: false
Selection type: all
Including Log Group:
Collected item:
0) ICM : nam50, RouterA, dba
1) ICM : nam50, RouterA, et
2) ICM : nam50, RouterA, mds
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Log Collection Utility from a Command Line 150
Command Option:
>download /index 0 /filename
Specifies that the log whose index value is 0 should be downloaded
from the Repository and saved to the local C drive in a file named
Note that:
To download all logs in the collection, omit the/index option.
You can name the downloaded file anything you like. Its file type,
regardless of the extension specified, is always Zip.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Using Cisco Web Utilities from a Command Line
How to Use the Log Collector
How to Use the Log Groups Utility from a Command Line
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Log Collection Utility from a Command Line 151
About Cisco Common Utilities
Cisco common utilities are a set of Cisco-authored utilities designed for use with the
ICM components supported by Support Tools 1.0(1).
Accessing Cisco Common Utilities
Most Cisco common utilities are command-line based, and can be run from either the
Support Tools Dashboard or from an individual node. Command-line access to
individual nodes can be local or remote (via methods like TelNet, pcAnywhere, etc.).
Several Cisco common utilities are GUI-based. While menu commands for these
utilities appear in the Support Tools Dashboard, they cannot in fact be launched from
there. Access to these tools is limited to the individual node (either locally or via
remote GUI such as pcAnywhere). These GUI-based Cisco tools include:
Cisco Common Utilities Locations
For the most part, Cisco Common Tools are installed on core ICM components only:
AWs, PGs, Call Routes, and Loggers. Not every utility is installed on every node. For
example, CICMan is only present on NAM Call Routers. See the table in the next
section for more information.
If you attempt to launch a utility that is not present on the current system, the
Support Tools Dashboard returns a response identical to the response you would get
if you tried to spawn a non-present utility from a command prompt.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Cisco Common Utilities 153
Cisco Common Utilities at a Glance
Utility Name:
Installed On: Dashboard
External GUI-
Users Only:
Dashboard or
Line Access:
Use on a NAM CallRouter to view and NAM Call
set NAM to CICM session information. Routers
Use for debugging or demonstration
in a Cisco ICM CTI environment. Can
be used in place of an Interactive CTI
client application.
Third-party (Microsoft) tool to
compare database tables. Invoked
with the diffconfig.bat tool.
Nodes on
which SQL
Server is
Dump Config ICM audit utility. Use to Loggers (but
analyze the ICM Config_Message_Log can be run
table. Allows you to determine WHO
from any ICM
did WHAT, WHEN, from WHERE, using component)
WHICH program.
ICM Database Administration tool.
Use to create, monitor, and edit ICM
databases, including Logger, HDS,
AWs, Loggers
and AWDB databases. ICMDBA is also with DBs)
used to manage various SQL Server
operating parameters.
Use to provide a playback from the
Nortel Meridian Automatic Call
Distributor (ACD) to troubleshoot
potential issues.
MerPim PGs
NIC Remote Operator Interface. Use
Routers for
to configure and debug the (old-style customers
DOS-based) AT&T NIC. Often invoked running an
with the NIC.BAT batch program.
Node Manager Start. Use to start an
ICM service on a CallRouter, Logger,
AW, or PG.
AWs, PGs, Call
Node Manager Stop. Use to stop an
ICM Service on a CallRouter, Logger, Routers,
AW, or PG.
AWs, PGs, Call
Use to interpret a Peripheral
Gateways (PG) status, statistics, etc.
It is also possible to enable specific
debug tracing in the OPC process.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Cisco Common Utilities 154
Utility Name:
Installed On: Dashboard
External GUI-
Users Only:
Dashboard or
Line Access:
General-purpose debugging tool. Can PGs, Call
be used in conjunction with various
Network Interface Controller (NIC)
and Peripheral Interface Manager
(PIM) processes. Use to verify status,
set debug trace bits, etc.
Use to set various debug tracing on a Call Routers
CallRouter. The additional tracing is
output to the .EMS log files, and
viewed with the Log Collector.
Use to interpret a Call Router's events Call Routers
and states live without interruption to (but can be run
the running router processes. Rttest
has several subroutines that allow
viewing status, statistics, etc. It is
also possible to enable specific debug
tracing in the call router.
from any ICM
Use to view and set various debug
trace bits on a new style NT SS7 NIC
Use to output tracing information
from a Voice Response Unit (VRU)
device and to and from its PIM
process. VRUTrace allows capture and
playback of session data.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Cisco Common Utilities 155
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the CICMan Utility
Use the CICMan utility to view and set NAM to CICM session information for a NAM
CallRouter. For use with NAM Call Routers only.
To Access CICMan from the Dashboard
To run CICMan from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > CICMan.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the cicmancommand is already implied. Do
not enter it in the Arguments field.
4. If desired, in the Commands field, enter (or paste from a batch file) a group of
commands to run in batch mode. When you do this:
Separate individual commands by a new line.
Do not enter input flags.
Do not enter an input file name in the arguments field.
5. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
6. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
7. Click the Run button.
To Access CICMan from a Command Line on a Node
From a command-line on a NAM Call Router, you can run CICMan from the ICM root
directory. For example:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the CICMan Utility 158
Using CICMan
Command Line Options
Syntax: cicman [/f InputFile] [/system SystemName] [/cust Customer]
[/node ICMNode] [/pipe OutputPipe] [/debug] [/stop] [/help] [/?]
Parameter Descriptions
cicr_meters, cmeters: Displays the CICR meters for both CIC sides.
echo: Controls echoing of command lines
error_stop: Controls setting of stop on error flag.
glbl_meters, gmeters: Displays the global meters for both CIC sides.
help, ?: Display program description.
link_ctrl, lctrl: Used in upgrade to shut down all links 1-on a CIC A/B or 2-to all
CICRs side A/B.
link_stat, lstat: Displays the link status for both CIC sides.
quit, q: Ends the program.
read_file, read: Directs command input to another input file
table_values, tbl_vals: Displays the CIC Table values including timeouts &
See Also
For related information, see:
About Cisco Common Utilities
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the CICMan Utility 159
How to Use the CTITest Utility
Use the CTITest utility to debug in a Cisco ICM CTI environment. CTITest can be
used as an interactive CTI client for demonstration or debugging purposes.
It connects to the CTI Server through a socket connection, and displays either all of
the events that are occurring on the switch (a CTI bridge client application), or only
the events which pertain to a single agent. If a CTITest has the same configuration
that your application does, the expected events and switch behavior is seen in the
CTITest program.
For use with CTIOS PGs only.
To Access CTITest from the Dashboard
To run CTITest from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system (namely, PG) you want to
work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > CTITest.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the ctitestcommand is already implied. Do
not enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
To Access CTITest from a Command Line on a Node
From a command-line on a CTIOS PG, you can access CTITest from any location on
the local physical drive. For example:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the CTITest Utility 160
Using CTITest
Starting CTITest requires:
The CTI Server (PG) IP address
The socket number
The agent ID and login information
Note: In addition to ctitest.exe, trace dll (icrmsgs.dll) is also located in the
<icm_root>\bin directory. Because icrmsgs.dllis an active services file, it is
recommended that these two files be copied into separate directory.
Configuring CTITest
Configure the CTITest as described in following steps. In the example below, abcis
the separate directory as outlined above.
1. Set up a profile which consists of settings used as input to CTITest. To initiate a
new profile, start the CTITest with the following command:
c:\abc\>ctitest /p <profile name>
2. Configure the CTI Server and socket where the CTITest connects to:
a. Configuring Side A CTI Server: Run the following command to configure the
CTI Server Side A for the CTITest.
b. c:\abc\>ctitest: config /hostA <ctiserver_hostnameA> /portA
c. Configuring Side B CTI Server: Run the following command to configure the
CTI Server Side B for the CTITest if you have a duplex configuration.
d. c:\abc\>ctitest: config /hostb <ctiserver_hostnameB> /portB
Note: In the above example, <ctiserver_hostnameA> <ctiserver_hostnameB>
represents the IP address or host name of the CTI Server or PG side A and B, and
<ctiserver_portA> <ctiserver_portB>represents the port number of side A
and B.
Note: If it is a simplex environment, use "" to specify a null value.
3. Configure the CTI protocol version to 6:
c:\abc\>ctitest: config /version 6
4. Configure the service mask to 7:
c:\abc\>ctitest: config /service 7
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the CTITest Utility 161
5. It is suggested that you turn off heartbeats while debugging the CTI issues. To
configure heartbeat to -1, use the command:
c:\abc\>ctitest: config /hb -1
6. Configure the agent to determine the desired Client Events for Client Mode.
These vary depending on your CTI Server environment:
c:\abc\>ctitest: agent /periph <peripheral_id> /id <agentid>
/password <password> /ext <extension> /inst <instrument>
Note: If there is no agent password required to login, use "" to specify a null
value. Run the agent /? command for help.
Opening a Session
The open command performs a socket connection to the CTI Server, and issues the
appropriate commands to the CTI Server to establish message communication. By
default, the CTITest repeatedly attempts to open a session until it either opens a
session, or the close or quit command is given. It automatically attempts to connect
to the other side following a failure of the CTI Server. You can open a session after
completing a configuration successfully as described below.
c:\abc\>ctitest: open
If your CTITest configuration is correct, a message appears similar to the following:
session #2 opened after 0 ms CCTime 13:52:32 PGStatus NORMAL Peripheral:
If errors are received while opening a session, verify your CTITest configuration as
outlined above.
Logging In
You can login into the Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) that the PG is communicating
with, if the session is successfully opened. Below is the syntax for issuing the login
Syntax: CTITest: login /? usage: agent_login ID PASSWORD [/periph N]
[/instrument N] [/reason N] [/position N] [/supervisor N] [/auctoIN]
[/manualIN] [/skill N[.pri] [/skill N[.pri]] ]
Based on the type and configuration of the ACD, you need to provide these
parameters for a successful login. Once connected, you can change agent states,
answer call, transfer call, make call, conference, etc. using CTITest.
Command Line Options
Below is list of frequently used commands in CTITest:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the CTITest Utility 162
agent_login (login)
ID PASSWORD [/periph n] [/instrument N] [/reason N] [/position N]
[/supervisor N] [/autoIN] [/manualIN] [/skill N[.pri] [/skill N[.pri]] ...]
agent_logout (logout)
[/agentID ID] [/password] [/periph n] [/instrument N] [/reason N] [/skill
N[.pri] [/skill N[.pri]] ...]
agent_not_ready (not_ready)
agent_ready (ready)
[/agentID ID] [/periph n] [/instrument N] [/reason N] [/skill N[.pri] [/skill
N[.pri]] ...]
[/agentID ID] [/periph n] [/instrument N] [/reason N] [/autoIN]
[/manualIN] [/skill N[.pri] [/skill N[.pri]] ...]
agent_work_not_ready (wrapup)
agent_work_ready (callwork)
[/agentID ID] [/periph N] [/instrument N] [/reason N] [/skill N[.pri] [/skill
N[.pri]] ...]
[/agentID ID] [/periph N] [/instrument N] [/reason N] [/skill N[.pri] [/skill
N[.pri]] ...]
answer_call (answer)
[/periph N] [/callid CALLID.DEVID] [/stack N] [/instrument N]
[/on] [/off]
clear_call (clear)
conference_call (conf)
[/periph N] [/callid N.devid] [/stack N]
[/periph N] [/active CALLID.DEVID] [/held CALLID.DEVID] [/stack ACTIVE
HELD] [/blind DN] [/placement TYPE] [/manner TYPE] [/alertRings N]
[/callopt TYPE] [/TG N] [/SG N] [/authorize code] [/account code]
consult_call (cc)
DN [/periph N] [/instrument N] [/callid N.devid] [/stack N] [/placement
TYPE] [/manner TYPE] [/transfer] [/conference] [/alertRings N] [/callopt
TYPE] [/priority] [/postroute] [/TG N] [/SG N] [/authorize code] [/account
get_agent_state (state)
get_skill_stats (sk_stats)
hold_call (hold)
[/periph n] [/instrument N]
[/periph N] [/instrument N] [/ext string] [/id string]
[/periph N] [/skill N] [/skillID N]
[/periph N] [/callid N.devid] [/stack N]
make_call (mc)
DN [/periph N] [/instrument N] [/placement TYPE] [/manner TYPE]
[/alertRings N] [/callopt TYPE] [/priority] [/postroute] [/TG N] [/SG N]
[/authorize code] [/account code] [keyword=VALUE ...]
[/periph N] [/callid N.devid] [/stack N]
[/periph N] [/callid N.devid] [/stack N]
retrieve_call (retrieve)
transfer_call (transfer)
[/periph N] [/active CALLID.DEVID] [/held CALLID.DEVID] [/stack ACTIVE
HELD] [/blind DN][/placementTYPE] [/manner TYPE] [/alertRings N]
[/callopt TYPE] [/TG N] [/SG N] [/authorize code] [/account code]
See Also
For related information, see:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the CTITest Utility 163
About Cisco Common Utilities
The Cisco ICM CTI Programmer's Guide
Cisco TAC ICM Technical Notes on
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the CTITest Utility 164
How to Use the DBDiff Utility
Use the DBDiff utility to perform comparisons of database tables from two different
databases. For example, you might want to check that the ICR_Locks table contains
the same data on both sides of a Central Controller.
For use with nodes on which SQL Server is installed only.
To Access DBDiff from the Dashboard
To run DBDiff from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system (namely, PG) you want to
work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > DBDiff.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the dbdiffcommand is already implied. Do
not enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
To Access DBDiff from a Command Line on a Node
From a command-line on an ICM node on which SQL Server is installed, you can
access DBDiff from any location on the drive on which ICM is installed. For example:
Using DBDiff
Syntax: dbdiff <database1.table@host1> <database2.table@host2>
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the DBDiff Utility 165
For example: dbdiff cust1_sideA.ICR_Locks@geoxyzlgra
You can also use the batch script diffconfig.batto invoke DBDiff for various tables
to automatically compare two ICM databases.
Syntax: diffconfig <database1> <host1> <database2> <host2>
For example: diffconfig cust1_sideA geoxyzlgra cust1_sideB geoxyzlgrb
Command Line Options
Syntax: DBDiff {database a}.{table a}[@server a] {database b}.{table
b}[@server b] [/out:{file}] [/key:{pkey1,pkey2,...}] [/where:"{where
See Also
For related information, see:
About Cisco Common Utilities
The Cisco ICM Administrator Guide
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the DBDiff Utility 166
How to Use the DumpCfg Utility
Use the DumpCfg utility to analyze records in the ICM Config_Message_Log table to
determine what actions have been performed on an ICM system, when, by whom,
and using what applications.
For use with ICM Loggers only, but can be run from any ICM component.
To Access DumpCfg from the Dashboard
To run DumpCfg from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system (namely, PG) you want to
work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > DumpCfg.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the dumpcfgcommand is already implied. Do
not enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
To Access DumpCfg from a Command Line on a Node
From a command-line on an ICM Logger, you can access DumpCfg from any location
on the local physical drive. For example:
Using DumpCfg
Syntax: DumpCfg <database>[@server] <low recovery key> [high recovery
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the DumpCfg Utility 167
See Also
For related information, see:
About Cisco Common Utilities
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the DumpCfg Utility 168
How to Use the ICMDBA Utility
Use ICMDBA, the ICM Database Administration tool, to create, monitor, and edit ICM
databases, including Logger, HDS, and AWDB databases. You can also use ICMDBA
to manage various SQL Server operating parameters. You can use ICMDBA to:
Estimate size and bandwidth requirements for databases.
Create, edit and delete central databases, local databases, and historical
database for installed ICM customers.
Resize database devices.
Recreate a database.
Import/export data to/from databases.
View database properties.
In addition, you can use ICMDBA to start or stop a server, and to do some limited
SQL server configuration.
ICMDBA is for use with any ICM component that uses a database (namely, AWs,
Accessing ICMDBA
ICMDBA is an external GUI application present on all ICM nodes as part of that
standard ICM installation. It cannot be run from within the Support Tools dashboard.
To access ICMDBA on an ICM component which uses a database (namely, AWs,
Loggers), from a command line, enter icmdba.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Cisco Common Utilities
Cisco ICM Administrator Guide
Cisco TAC ICM Technical Notes on
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the ICMDBA Utility 169
How to Use the MPTrace Utility
Use the MPTrace utility to get a playback from the Meridian ACD to troubleshoot
potential issues. MPTrace provides information on what is configured on the ACD and
what needs to be changed. It looks at Controlled Directory Numbers (CDNs) and
agent Position IDs/Instrument Identification Numbers (IDNs).
For use with MerPim PGs only.
To Access MPTrace from the Dashboard
To run MPTrace from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > MPTrace.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the mptracecommand is already implied. Do
not enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
To Access MPTrace from a Command Line on a Node
From a command-line on an ICM MerPim PG, access MPTrace from the merpimcap
directory located at: <icm_root>\<customer instance>\<pg#>
For example:
c:\icm\my_customer_instance\pg1a\merpincap> mptrace
Using MPTrace
The mptracecommand places two text files in the mptracedirectory:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the MPTrace Utility 170
The pim1_summaryfile is a playback of the ACD configuration and includes
information on unconfigured Position IDs and CDNs, as well as Meridian Link
The pim1_tracefile is the complete dialog of what the ACD is seeing during this
Note: The pim1_summaryand pim1_trace filesare overwritten every time
MPTrace is used.
When adding new configurations to the ACD, old .capfiles from the merpimcap
directory should be deleted so that you can see fresh results after new .capfiles
are written. The .capfiles are the raw binary files that are written from the ACD
to the merpimcapdirectory. When an MPTrace is run, these binary .capfiles are
converted into two text files. If there are old files in the directory, then the
playback of the configuration includes old data that may have already been
addressed and fixed.
Command Line Options
Syntax: MPTrace [ProcessName(s)] [/if InputFile] [/tf TraceOutputFile]
[/sf SummaryOutputFile] [/bd BeginDate(mm/dd/yyyy)] [/bt
BeginTime(hh:mm:ss)] [/ed EndDate(mm/dd/yyyy)] [/et EndTime(hh:mm:ss)]
[/hr HoursBack] [/all] [/last] [/prev] [/bin] [/ms] [/debug] [/regbase
RegBase] [/icrroot icmRoot] [/pbreal] [/pb_sb PlaybackSecondsToBackup]
[/pb_sync_hh] [/pb_sync_today] [/pb_fsph PlaybackFileStartPositionHint]
[/nobuf] [/notracemlink] [/notracemei] [/tracemlkhex] [/tracemeihex]
[/notracerd] [/notracetp] [/help] [/?]
See Also
For related information, see:
About Cisco Common Utilities
Cisco TAC ICM Technical Notes on
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the MPTrace Utility 171
How to Use the NICROI Utility
Use the NICROI (NIC Remote Operator Interface) utility to configure and debug the
(old-style DOS-based) AT&T NIC. NICROI allows you to see route request data from
the inter-exchange carrier (IXC), and label response information from the Cisco
Intelligent Contact Management (ICM) Call Routers.
For use with ICM Loggers for customers running an AT&T NIC only.
To Access NICROI from the Dashboard
To run NICROI from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > NICROI.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the nicroicommand is already implied. Do
not enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
To Access NICROI from a Command Line on a Node
From a command-line on an ICM Logger for customers running an AT&T NIC, you
can access NICROI by entering:
Method 1
nic <hostname> 5300 support <customer_instance>xyzzyf
For example:
c:\>nic my_host_name 5300 support my_customer_instancexyzzy
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the NICROI Utility 172
Note: In the example above, supportand <customer_instance>xyzzyfrepresent
respectively the out-of-box admin username and password for this utility. Make
appropriate substitutions if these values have been modified.
Method 2
nic <customer_instance> <nic_extension>
For example:
c:\>nic my_customer_instance 1a
Using Tracing in NICROI
There is only one level of tracing available within NICROI, it allows you to view Route
Requests from the carrier. These route requests include the caller's Calling Line ID,
any Caller Entered Digits, and the Dialed Digits (same as Dialed Number).
To turn on tracing:
Type nic sfk 4in the NICROI CONSOLE window. (There is not a prompt in this
window, just an empty command line where you may enter commands.) This is
the only trace element available within NICROI. You should now be able to click
on the activity window behind your NICROI session and see the results of this
trace setting scrolling.
To turn off tracing:
In order to turn tracing off, repeat the same entry nic sfk 4.
This added information is then inserted into a log file, either the niclog.xxxor the
roilog.txtlog file that you open/create. (explained below).
Log Files
There are two different places that you can capture this data, within the
or within a log file that you must open in order to have data written to it called
roilog.txt. File
The niclog.xxxis a file that the NIC writes data to automatically and labels each log
file with a date/time stamp, along the same functionality as an EMS log file used for
other ICM processes. Use the following steps to view a list of niclog.xxxfiles:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the NICROI Utility 173
1. Type mgmt helpwithin the NICROI window to see the options available.
2. Type mgmt file listto view all the niclog.xxxfiles available.
Note: The time shown is the time that the log is closed, meaning the time that
information stopped being written to that particular log and another log is
created. You can see in this list also the size of the file.
3. If you do not see the date and time you are looking for, you can view more log
files by typing mgmt file list more until you see the log file that you would like to
capture. This log file format is useful if you have several specific time periods that
you want to capture.
Roilog.txt File
The roilog.txtfile is a file that is invoked by opening and closing it, this file is NOT
automatically generated as the This log file is useful if you have one
general, extended period of time that you want to capture. Use the following steps to
create a roilog.txtfile:
To "Open" a roilog.txtfile:
From within NICROI issue the log open [<filename>]command. This command
causes all status displayed in the NICROI logging window to be stored in a log file
on the NICROI host system. The name of the log file can be specified. If omitted,
the default name is roilog.txtwhich is placed in the current directory of the
process from which NICROI starts.
Note: If you use this type of log file, you must close the log to stop the writing of
information (once you have captured the time frame in question) before you copy
the log file out to analyze it.
To "Close" an roilog.txtfile:
From within NICROI type the .logcommand to close the NICROI log file. No further
file logging is performed.
Copying Log Files
You can copy these log files to your local drive. There are basically two ways you can
gather this data, based on which file format you choose to use above.
Copying Files Using Roilog.txt
If you have opened and created a log file using the method for roilog.txt, upon
closing the log file, you have a copy of the log on your local drive. The file will be
located in the directory from which you began your NICROI session. Unless you
have specified a download directory using the .xdir c:\<path name>command,
then the file is created and written onto your local drive at the location from
which you started your NICROI session.
Copying Files Using
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the NICROI Utility 174
If you choose to use the niclog.xxxfiles you need to download or transfer the
files to your local drive using the nmg roi transfercommand as outlined below.
Remember, if you do not specify a transfer directory with the .xdir c:\<path
Name>command then the file is transferred to the directory from which you
started your NICROI session. The following two sections are examples of these
download commands.
Setting the Download Directory
The .xdir d:\supportcommand allows you to set your download directory so all
roilog.txtfiles created are automatically transferred to that directory as well as
any niclog.xxxfiles downloaded using the nmg roi transfercommand (syntax
below). If you do not use this command you may still gather these log files. They are
then automatically downloaded into the directory from which you started your
NICROI session.
Transferring Files
The nmg roi transfer <file name>command allows you to transfer
files from NICROI to your local physical drive. Once you execute this command you
can see the following lines from within your NICROI session as confirmation that the
file transferred correctly.
nmg roi transfer <file name>
->BEGIN FILE TRANSFER of <file name>
->TRANSFER: d:\support\<file name> <file size> <date / time / year>
Examples of roilogwith and without SFK 4 tracing are as follows:
Without SFK 4 Tracing:
1056901832 14:53:11 CCComm: (A)DMPRecvMsg: len=56, class=131, type=9,
1056901833 14:53:11 ICRGate: RecvCRSMail: class = 131, len = 56, buf =
1056901973 14:53:11 CCComm: DMPReturnMsg: len=72, class=131, type=8,
1056902004 14:53:11 CCComm: (A)DMPRecvMsg: len=56, class=131, type=9,
1056902005 14:53:11 ICRGate: RecvCRSMail: class = 131, len = 56, buf =
1056902062 14:53:11 EMT: (0) Hearbeat sent. Countdown=4
1056902093 14:53:11 CCComm: DMPReturnMsg: len=72, class=131, type=8,
1056902124 14:53:11 CCComm: (A)DMPRecvMsg: len=56, class=131, type=9,
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the NICROI Utility 175
1056902124 14:53:11 CCComm: DMPSendAck: hi-seq=2244083712, lo-
1056902125 14:53:11 ICRGate: RecvCRSMail: class = 131, len = 56, buf =
1056902163 14:53:11 EMT: (0) Hearbeat received.
With SFK 4 Tracing:
1057065593 14:54:45 MTP3: DIAG SLTC[0]: (<- HMDT (SLTM)) -> HMRT (SLTA)
1057065681 14:54:45 ICRGate: (5071) XId=0x10010(396), Q=1,
1057065681 14:54:45 ICRGate: (5071)
ANI=5089557093, CED=
1057065682 14:54:45 CCComm: DMPReturnMsg: len=72, class=131, type=8,
1057065697 14:54:45 CCComm: (A)DMPRecvMsg: len=56, class=131, type=9,
1057065697 14:54:45 CCComm: DMPSendAck: hi-seq=2991849473, lo-
1057065698 14:54:45 ICRGate: RecvCRSMail: class = 131, len = 56, buf =
1057065698 14:54:45 ICRGate: (5071) (396) Label=7846402130, Type=0,
1057065738 14:54:45 EMT: (0) Hearbeat received.
1057065819 14:54:45 ICRGate: (5071) XId=0x10001(397), Q=1,
1057065819 14:54:45 ICRGate: (5071)
ANI=2127410484, CED=3
1057065820 14:54:45 CCComm: DMPReturnMsg: len=72, class=131, type=8,
1057065831 14:54:45 CCComm: (A)DMPRecvMsg: len=56, class=131, type=9,
1057065832 14:54:45 ICRGate: RecvCRSMail: class = 131, len = 56, buf =
1057065832 14:54:45 ICRGate: (5071) (397) Label=7846402076, Type=0,
1057065966 14:54:45 EMT: (0) Hearbeat sent. Countdown=4
1057066098 14:54:45 EMT: (0) Hearbeat received.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Cisco Common Utilities
Cisco TAC ICM Technical Notes on
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the NICROI Utility 176
How to Use the NMStart Utility
Use the NMStart (Node Manager Start) utility to start an ICM service on an ICM Call
Router, Logger, AW, or PG.
To Access NMStart from the Dashboard
To run NMStart from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > NMStart.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the nmstartcommand is already implied. Do
not enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
To Access NMStart from a Command Line on a Node
From a command-line on an ICM Call Router, Logger, AW, or PG, you can access
NMStart from any location on the local physical drive. For example:
Using NMStart
Syntax: nmstart <customer_instance> <node>
For example: c:\> nmstart cisco pg3a
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the NMStart Utility 177
See Also
For related information, see:
About Cisco Common Utilities
Cisco TAC ICM Technical Notes on
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the NMStart Utility 178
How to Use the NMStop Utility
Use the NMStop utility to stop an ICM service on an ICM Call Router, Logger, AW, or
Note: The Support Tools Unknown Process and Services Explorer is an alternate,
more robust utility with which to stop ICM services.
To Access NMStop from the Dashboard
To run NMStop from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > NMStop.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the nmstopcommand is already implied. Do
not enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
To Access NMStop from a Command Line on a Node
From a command-line on an ICM Call Router, Logger, AW, or PG, you can access
NMStop from any location on the local physical drive. For example:
Using NMStop
Syntax: nmstop <customer_instance> <node>
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the NMStop Utility 179
For example: c:\> nmstop cisco pg3a
See Also
For related information, see:
About Cisco Common Utilities
Cisco TAC ICM Technical Notes on
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the NMStop Utility 180
How to Use the OPCTest Utility
Use the OPCTest utility to interpret a Peripheral Gateway's (PG) status, statistics,
etc. It is also possible to enable specific debug tracing in the OPC process.
For use with ICM PGs only.
To Access OPCTest from the Dashboard
To run OPCTest from the Support Tools Dashboard: To run OPCTest:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > OPCTest.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the opctestcommand is already implied. Do
not enter it in the Arguments field.
4. If desired, in the Commands field, enter (or paste from a batch file) a group of
commands to run in batch mode. When you do this:
Separate individual commands by a new line.
Do not enter input flags.
Do not enter an input file name in the arguments field.
5. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
6. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
7. Click the Run button.
To Access OPCTest from a Command Line on a Node
From a command-line on an ICM PG, you can access OPCTest from any location on
the local physical drive by entering: opctest /<customer_instance> /<node>
For example:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the OPCTest Utility 181
c:\>opctest /my_customer_instance /pg1a
d:\temp>opctest /my_customer_instance /pg1a
Using OPCTest
To list available commands, type helpor ?from the OPCTest command prompt.
Some of the OPCTest commands, such as List_Agentsand List_Trunk_Group,
require one or more additional command line switches. Type command name /?to
obtain the proper syntax.
Command Line Options
Syntax: opctest [/f InputFile] [/system SystemName] [/cust Customer]
[/node ICMNode] [/pipe OutputPipe] [/debug] [/stop] [/help] [/?]
Parameter Descriptions
agent_trace: Controls agent tracing in the router.
call_control, call: Controls various kinds access to OPC calls.
checksum, check: Requests router to do a checksum.
debug_control, debug: Controls various kinds of debugging output from opc.
dump: Requests opc to do a internal state dump to a file.
dump_agent, da: Dump contents of Agent within OPC.
dump_call, dc: Dump OPCs call states.
dump_hash, dh: Display OPCs internal hash statistics.
dump_struct, ds: Requests OPC to dump a structure.
dump_tpservices, dtps: Dump Third Party Service Data object.
echo: Controls echoing of command lines
error_stop: Controls setting of stop on error flag.
exit_opc, exitopc: Sends an message telling the OPC to exit.
expression, expr: Gives the router an expression to evaluate.
help, ?: Displays this help.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the OPCTest Utility 182
list_agents, la: Display OPCs AgentStates for specified Group.
list_calls, lc: Display OPCs call states.
list_routing_client, lrc: Display OPCs Routing Client stats for peripheral.
mem_leaks: Dump memory leakage based on checkpoints from prior calls.
network_trunk_group_trace, ntg_trace: Controls NetworkTrunkGroup tracing in
the OPC.
peripheral_trace: Controls Peripheral tracing in the OPC.
quit, q: Ends the program.
read_file, read: Directs command input to another input file
route_call: Sends a route call request to the router.
route_trace: Controls Route tracing in the OPC.
service_trace: Controls Service tracing in the OPC.
skill_group_trace: Controls SkillGroup tracing in the OPC.
status: Sends an message telling OPC to display its status.
stop_log: Requests logmsg to stop logging messages.
trunk_group_trace: Controls TrunkGroup tracing in the OPC.
tuning_param, tune: Controls tuning in the router.
The following example shows detailed output for the statuscommand:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the OPCTest Utility 183
Debug Information
You can enable specific debugging within OPCTest by issuing the debugcommand.
Turning up specific tracing is much more effective than going into the registry, or
turning up the EMSTraceMask for the entire OPC process. Enabling debug control
turns up tracing on the part of OPC for that you need additional tracing. The tracing
result is displayed in the OPC EMS log files. Use the Log Collector utility to view the
output of the EMS logs.
For example:
opctest: debug /? Usage: debug_control [/realtime] [/agent] [/halfhour]
[/rcmeter] [/routing] [/skillgroup] [/closedcalls] [/cstaecr] [/cstacer]
[/pimmsg] [/ctimsg] [/rcmsg] [/dmpmsg] [/icmsg] [/opcmsg] [/mdsmsg]
[/pdmsg] [/inrcmsg] [/passthru] [/tpmsg] [/physctrlr] [/periph] [/all]
[/help] [/?]
If you need to troubleshoot a translation route problem, try the debug /routing
Note: the /noallswitch. Leaving tracing turned up can cause performance
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the OPCTest Utility 184
Exiting and Quitting OPCTest
Use the quitcommand to exit OPCTest.
Caution: Use the exit_opccommand with caution. This command instructs the OPC
process (on both sides of the PG if duplexed) to exit. Node Manager forces the
process to restart, which then forces it to reload the configuration for the Call Router.
All internal peripheral and agent states are flushed, then OPC and PIM re-learn the
PG and its configuration.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Cisco Common Utilities
Cisco TAC ICM Technical Notes on
How to Use the Log Collector Utility
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the OPCTest Utility 185
How to Use the Procmon Utility
Use the Procmon utility for general-purpose ICM command-line debugging. It can be
used in conjunction with various NIC and PIM. processes. Procmon allows you to
perform actions like verifying status, setting debug trace bits, and so on.
For use with ICM PGs and Call Routers only.
To Access Procmon from the Dashboard
To run Procmon from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > Procmon.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the opctestcommand is already implied. Do
not enter it in the Arguments field.
4. If desired, in the Commands field, enter (or paste from a batch file) a group of
commands to run in batch mode. When you do this:
Separate individual commands by a new line.
Do not enter input flags.
Do not enter an input file name in the arguments field.
5. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
6. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
7. Click the Run button.
To Access Procmon from a Command Line on a Node
From a command-line on an ICM PG or Call Router, you can access Procmon from
any location on the local physical drive. For example:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Procmon Utility 186
Using Procmon
Procmon supports both local and remote commands. Local commands are defined
within Procmon itself, while remote commands are programmed into the monitored
process. Below are lists of basic Procmon commands and process-specific commands
for use with such processes as PIM, CTISVR and OPC.
Syntax: PROCMon CustomerName NodeName ProcessName [SystemName] [/f
InputFile] [/wait] [/stop] [/help] [/?]
Basic Commands
Type helpto display the list of basic commands described in the following table.
Controls echoing of command lines
Command to control remote EMS monitor process (start, stop,
pause, resume)
Controls setting of stop on error flag
Displays this help
help, ?
monitor_help, mhelp
monitor_sleep, msleep
quit, q
Displays Monitor Server help
Sleep for specified seconds or milliseconds
Ends the program
read_file, read
Directs command input to another input file
Process-Specific and Troubleshooting Commands
Each Peripheral Type contains a different set of commands. For a list of commands
associated with each peripheral, use mhelp. Each command has its own syntax. to
determine the syntax, type the command followed by /?.
The table below lists commands used commonly during troubleshooting:
pim_list_agents, la
pim_list_services, ls
List agents currently configured by PIM
List Services currently configured by PIM
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Procmon Utility 187
pim_list_skill_groups, lsg
acd_debug, debug
pim_list_trace, ltrace
pim_trace, trace
List SkillGroups currently configured by PIM
Turn on/off debug trace
List current PIM trace bit settings
Set or reset PIM trace bits
pim_dump_periph, acdperiph
Dump contents of peripheral object
Ends the Procmon Program
This section examines some sample Procmon output.
SkillTarget ID
6000 Y Yes
3000(3000) <1/ 1> [BO]
3001(3001) <1/ 1> [AV]
[265436], <2/ 2> [BO] [866278]
6001 Y Yes
[59704], <2/ 2> [AV] [59704]
6002 Y No
6003 Y No
6030 Y No
SkillTarget ID
In the output above, SLType indicates the default value for the ServiceLevelType
field for each service associated with the peripheral. This indicates how ICM
calculates the service level. You can override this default for individual services.
PSLTYPE indicates the default value for the PeripheralServiceLevelType for each
service associated with the peripheral. You can override this default for individual
SkillTarget ID
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Procmon Utility 188
>>>>debug /?
Usage: acd_debug [/noagent] [/agent] [/agent+] [/agent++] [/nobri]
[/bri] [/bri+]
[/nocall] [/call] [/call+] [/nocms] [/cms] [/cms+]
[/csc+] [/nocsc] [/noconfig] [/config] [/nocv] [/cv]
[/error][/nohb] [/hb] [/noopc] [/opc] [/nopost]
[/post] [/nosim]
[/sim] [/notg] [/tg] [/notimer] [/timer] [/notp] [/tp]
[/trace] [/novq] [/vq] [/warning] [/nowarning] [/all]
[/set UserSetBit] [/help] [/?]
>>>>debug /call+ /post /agent
Time stamp: 09/13/02
Note: The debug feature only remains active while the process remains active. Once
the process exits, the debug utility is no longer functioning. You can make the trace
permanent by adding the hexidecimal number found in the UserTraceLevel line to the
EMS trace in the registry.
BuildNum: 08799 (Rel 4.6.2) Time: 06/11/02 16:27:40
SwitchTime=08/26/02 13:56:22, DefRoute=CTIVarMap-NNNNNNNNNN (y=PIM
CVBridge=[G3MsgRecvCnt=169239 (0x29517) Min/AllBrisUp=1/1
PhysBris=0x1 RtBris=0x0 BadBris=0x0]
Bri[0] State=ACTIVE GoIdle=0
[NtwrkCngstn[Forced=F Switch=F]
Window=10000 MsgDlyTime=500
BriCfgParams(Exp.) = [*CvHost[0]=taclab1g3 CvHost[1]= ]
Msgs [Sent=157095 (0x265a7) Recv=169239 (0x29517) ] [SA0id=314182
Msgs [SendQ=0x0 SentQ=0x0 RecvQ=0x0 ]
Msgs [PriSendQ=0x0 RecvQ=0x0 ]
[ActiveAssoc[Avail=2033 Locked=11] OutstandingSent=0x0
Reg{MaxAllowed=4 ChkMtrs=1
[Meters/Sec (Enabled: Min 0.00 Avg 0.17 Max 2.45 (Tot 28840.16
Samples 229013 SumAvg 0.13)]
Timers=[3PMC=4 ACDSplt=61 AgntCls=30 AgntSt=240 BriHB=60
CfgRtry=900 StlBriMsg=10 SwtchTm=30 TG=60 StatMntr=28800
SwitchTime=08/26/02 13:56:22
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Procmon Utility 189
NumActiveCalls=0 NumAgentsSeen=2
ProcessName=pim1 ShutdownType=1 Dumplex=1 Side=0
GeoTelBaseDir=c:\icm\lab1\PG1B RegistryBase=ICR\lab1\PG1B
MDSConnections=1 MDSPIMHandle=33 MDSOPCHandle=1 PIMHeartBeatTime=-1
State=ACTIVE StateInitTime=08/27 10:06:55 (16.9 day)
Time stamp: 09/13/02 10:32:36
See Also
For related information, see:
About Cisco Common Utilities
Cisco TAC ICM Technical Notes on
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Procmon Utility 190
How to Use the RTRTrace Utility
Use RTRTrace to set debug tracing on an ICM CallRouter. The additional tracing is
output to the .EMS log files, viewable with the Log Collector utility.
Router Trace session can be started on either side of a Call Router, and tracing will
start logging for both sides when tracing is enabled.
RTRTrace is for use with ICM Call Routers only.
Accessing RTRTrace
RTRTrace is an external GUI application present on all ICM nodes as part of that
standard ICM installation. It cannot be run from within the Support Tools dashboard.
Online documentation is available from within the RTRTrace GUI.
To access RTRTrace on an ICM Call Router, from a command line, enter rtrtrace.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Cisco Common Utilities
Cisco TAC ICM Technical Notes on
How to Use the Log Collector Utility
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the RTRTrace Utility 191
How to Use the RTTest Utility
Use the RTTest utility to interpret a Call Router's events and states without
interruption to the running router processes. RTTest has several subroutines that
allow you to view status, statistics, and similar information. You can also enable
specific debug tracing in the Call Router. By running RTTest, you can quickly get a
real time status of the entire ICM system.
For use with ICM Call Routers only, but can be run from any ICM component.
To Access RTTest from the Dashboard
To run RTTest from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > RTTest.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the nmstopcommand is already implied. Do
not enter it in the Arguments field.
4. If desired, in the Commands field, enter (or paste from a batch file) a group of
commands to run in batch mode. When you do this:
Separate individual commands by a new line.
Do not enter input flags.
Do not enter an input file name in the arguments field.
5. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
6. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
7. Click the Run button.
To Access RTTest from a Command Line on a Node
From a command-line on an ICM Call Router, you can access RTTest from any
location on the local physical drive. For example:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the RTTest Utility 192
Note: You can access and run RTTest from other ICM components provided that the
specified node in the command line argument (see next section) is an ICM Call
Using RTTest
Syntax: rttest [/f InputFile] [/system SystemName] [/cust Customer]
[/node ICRNode] [/pipe OutputPipe] [/debug] [/stop] [/help] [/?]
The command line options required to invoke RTTest are:
• cust: Customer where Customer is a 3, 4, or 5 letter acronym signifying the ICM
customer instance.
• node: ICM node where ICM node is either routera or routerb, depending on the
router RTTest to run.
At the RTTest prompt, type status. It will return the current state of each ICM
central site process, ICM Peripheral Gateway server, third-party automatic call
distributor (ACD) and Voice Response Unit (VRU) peripheral. For example:
c:\> rttest /cust csco /node routera
rttest: status
Router Version: Release 2.5 (service pack 2), Build 03134
Release Date: 12/23/98 13:30:08
Current Time: 03/17 16:00:42
Local Time:
Router Up:
Router Sync:
03/17 11:00:42 (-5.0 hr)
02/21 01:01:45 (24.6 day)
03/11 11:06:20 (6.2 day) (A->B)
Status Output
The three main sections to the statusoutput are Process, Controller, and Peripheral.
Status Output: Process
The first section, labeled Process in the first column of the status output, shows the
status of each ICM central site process. One ICM central site consists of an ICM call
router and an ICM database logger. In most cases there will be two ICM central sites
- sideA and sideB for redundancy.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the RTTest Utility 193
A agi
A cic
- --
- --
A csfs
A dba
A dbw
A lgr
OK M- 03/06 11:10:20 (11.2 day)
OK MH 03/06 11:10:20 (11.2 day)
- --
03/17 16:00:12 (30 sec)
OK MH 03/06 11:10:20 (11.2 day)
OK M- 03/06 11:10:20 (11.2 day)
OK MH 03/06 11:10:20 (11.2 day)
OK MH 03/06 11:10:20 (11.2 day)
OK M- 03/06 11:10:20 (11.2 day)
- --
03/17 16:00:17 (25 sec)
A rcv
A rtr
03/17 16:00:15 (27 sec)
A rts
03/17 16:00:19 (23 sec)
A tsyr
B agi
B cic
- --
B csfs
B dba
B dbw
B lgr
OK M- 03/11 11:08:34 (6.2 day)
OK MH 03/11 11:07:02 (6.2 day)
- --
03/17 16:00:38 (4 sec)
OK MH 03/11 11:08:36 (6.2 day)
OK M- 03/11 11:08:35 (6.2 day)
OK MH 03/11 11:07:03 (6.2 day)
OK MH 03/11 11:07:02 (6.2 day)
OK M- 03/11 11:07:02 (6.2 day)
03/17 16:00:17 (25 sec)
B rcv
B rtr
03/17 16:00:15 (27 sec)
03/17 16:00:29 (13 sec)
B rts
B tsyr
First some general information is displayed such as Router version and build date.
Then some statistics are displayed:
Current Time
Local Time
This is Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Most telecommunications
equipment use UTC time as a common time reference.
This is ICM local time, as determined by time zone setting on the Cisco ICM
Call Router.
Router Up
This is how long the Cisco ICM Call Router function has been up and running.
Router Sync
This shows which side of the Cisco ICM call router last sent a state transfer to
the other side.
Within the Status Process output, LastStateChangecontains these fields:
Signifies that the process is running fine.
Signifies the Cisco proprietary Message Delivery Service (MDS) protocol is
used to keep the process synchronized.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the RTTest Utility 194
Signifies that the process sends and receives internal heartbeat messages
using the MDS protocol.
Current date.
Current local time.
In parenthesis is length of time the process has been in current state.
If the process participates in sending and receiving MDS heartbeats, this value
is the timestamp of the last heartbeat that was sent/received by the process.
Status Output: Controller
The second section, labeled Controller in the first column of the status output, shows
the status of Cisco ICM peripheral gateway servers.
Controlleris the name of the controller (ICM Peripheral Gateway) as defined in
Configure initial cell rate (ICR).
CFO 03/06 11:10:22 (11.2 day)
CFO 03/11 11:07:05 (6.2 day)
CFO 03/17 04:42:31 (11.3 hr)
CFO 03/11 10:30:16 (6.2 day)
CFO 03/12 10:50:43 (5.2 day)
CFO 03/11 11:29:27 (6.1 day)
CFO 03/11 16:31:36 (5.9 day)
CFO 03/11 16:33:37 (5.9 day)
CFO 03/13 22:18:32 (3.7 day)
CFO 03/16 23:31:31 (16.4 hr)
03/17 16:00:39 (3 sec)
03/17 16:00:34 (8 sec)
03/17 16:00:31 (11 sec)
03/17 16:00:32 (10 sec)
03/17 16:00:29 (13 sec)
03/17 16:00:32 (10 sec)
03/17 16:00:38 (4 sec)
03/17 16:00:38 (4 sec)
03/17 16:00:33 (9 sec)
03/17 16:00:32 (10 sec)
Within the Status Controller output, LastStateChangecontains these fields:
Signifies that the ICM peripheral gateway server has successfully downloaded
a configuration from the ICM call router.
Signifies that the ICM peripheral gateway is fully configured and the
configuration is valid.
Signifies that the ICM peripheral gateway is online, and is communicating with
the ICM call router.
Current date.
Current local time.
In parenthesis is length of time the process has been in current state.
Status Output: Peripheral
The third section labeled Peripheral in column 1, shows the status for third party
peripherals such as ACD and VRU devices.
Peripheral is the name of the peripheral (ACD or VRU) as defined in Configure ICR.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the RTTest Utility 195
COS 03/17 04:42:38 (11.3 hr)
COS 03/11 10:30:18 (6.2 day)
COS 03/16 06:21:18 (33.6 hr)
COS 03/11 11:29:30 (6.1 day)
COS 03/11 16:31:42 (5.9 day)
COS 03/11 16:37:53 (5.9 day)
COS 03/13 22:18:40 (3.7 day)
COS 03/16 23:31:33 (16.4 hr)
03/17 16:00:40 (2 sec)
03/17 16:00:40 (2 sec)
03/17 16:00:41 (1 sec)
03/17 16:00:40 (2 sec)
03/17 16:00:41 (1 sec)
03/17 16:00:34 (8 sec)
03/17 16:00:41 (1 sec)
03/17 16:00:41 (1 sec)
Within the Status Peripheral output, LastStateChangecontains these fields:
Signifies the peripheral is configured correctly to communicate with the ICM
peripheral gateway.
Signifies the peripheral is online, for example, communications have been
established with the ICM peripheral gateway.
Signifies that the peripheral is in service, for example, agent and call data are
sent to the ICM peripheral gateway.
Current date.
Current local time.
In parenthesis is length of time the process has been in current state.
Is the date, time, and length of time since the peripheral last sent valid data
to the ICM peripheral gateway.
Parameter Descriptions
agent_status: Displays the states of agents and their groups.
agent_trace: Controls agent tracing in the router.
agi_lookup: Sends the router a application gateway lookup request.
checksum, check: Requests router to do a checksum.
cic_lookup: Sends the router a CIC lookup request.
cicr_time: Send ReportCICRTime message to the router.
closed_call: Sends a Closed call request to the router.
config: Enables config commands.
confignic: Sends a ConfigureNIC request to the router
configpd: Sends a ConfigurePD request to the router
configpg: Sends a ConfigurePG request to the router
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the RTTest Utility 196
configrc: Sends a ConfigureRC request to the router
db_lookup: Sends the router a db_lookup request.
db_meters: Displays meters about database accesses.
dbw_status: Display the dbworker status.
debug_control, debug: Controls various kinds of debugging output from router.
deconfig: Sends an message telling the router to de-configure.
dump: Requests router to do a internal state dump to a file.
dump_adminscript_info: Display Admin Script Information.
dump_adminscript_runtimes: Display Admin Script Run Times.
dump_call_types: Display the routers call type schedules.
dump_datain: Display the routers data input queue.
dump_hash: Display the routers internal hash statistics.
dump_indirect_route_meters: Display the routers indirect route meters.
dump_locks: Display the status of locks.
dump_region: Display the contents of a region.
dump_struct: Requests router to dump a structure.
dump_timers: Sends an message telling the router to display its timers.
dump_vars: Dumps info about router variables.
echo: Controls echoing of command lines
enable_config: Makes config commands visible.
error_stop: Controls setting of stop on error flag.
exit: Obsolete. Use exit_router or quit.
exit_dbw: Causes dbworker process to exit.
exit_router: Sends an message telling the router to exit.
expression, expr: Gives the router an expression to evaluate.
get_config: Causes the router to get config from logger.
help, ?: Displays this help.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the RTTest Utility 197
mem_checkpoint: Controls SmartHeap checkpointing.
mem_meters: Displays router memory meters.
opi_data: Send OPI data message to the router.
quit, q: Ends the program.
read_file, read: Directs command input to another input file
rel_tranroute: Simulate PG releasing a translation route.
route_call: Sends a route call request to the router.
send_alarm: Forces the router to send a message as an alarm.
send_get_config: Sends a GetConfigInd request to the router
send_schedule: Sends a schedule to the router.
set_half_hour: Sends a SetHalfHour request to the router
startrc: Sends a StartRC request to the router
status: Sends an message telling the router to display its status.
stop_log: Requests logmsg to stop logging messages.
symbols: Displays names of objects and symbols.
test_edit_config: Causes router to load config with the scripted interface.
test_edit_script: Causes router to test the script real time data interface.
test_indirect_route: Test request for ScriptIndirectRoute.
test_route: Analyzes routes for valid labels.
test_update_script: Causes router to test the script update interface.
tuning_param, tune: Controls tuning in the router.
watch: Sends watch expressions to the router.
Turning up ICM Call Router Tracing with RTTest
You can enable specific trace levels within RTTest by issuing the debugcommand,
followed by one or more trace options. Respective trace entries can then be viewed
in router logs.
For example, debug /routeturns up tracing to show:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the RTTest Utility 198
Dialed Number (DN)
Automatic Number Identification (ANI)
Caller Entered Digits (CED), if any
ICM routing label returned to the carrier network.
To see all possibilities for /debug, at the RTTest prompt, enter debug /?as shown
rttest: debug /? Usage: debug_control [/realtime] [/5minute] [/agent]
[/config] [/route] [/halfhour] [/rcmeter] [/expr] [/select] [/dupadd]
[/failpgerror] [/symbol] [/tranroute] [/datain] [/delivery] [/cic]
[/admin] [/pervarsumm] [/pervardetail] [/expform] [/vru] [/callq]
[/activepath] [/all] [/help] [/?]
All ICM processes write some default level of tracing to log files that can be viewed
with the Log Collector utility.
When specific trace levels are enabled, corresponding details are written to router
log files in the logfile directory.
Default individual log file size is 99k.
Default aggregate log file size is 600k
If router tracing is turned too high, individual log files will wrap very quickly,
potentially within a minute if call volume is high. In that case, not much data can
be captured because the time span is very small. To get around this, router log
file capacities can be increased by altering a few Microsoft Windows NT registry
settings. Make sure there is enough disk space available before increasing log file
To enter the Windows NT registry:
i. From a command prompt, enter regedt32.
ii. After checking available disk space, the following two registry settings can be
changed to allow for larger router log files.
Note: The values are displayed in hexadecimal by default. Click on the Decimal
radio button to see the base 10 value.
The first parameter - EMSAllLogFilesMaxspecifies the maximum amount of disk
space the router will allocate for all log files combined.
The second parameter - EMSLogFileMaxspecifies the maximum size that the
router will allocate to each log file. For example, if you set EMSAllLogFilesMaxto
20 mg, and EMSLogFileMaxto2 mg, the router will eventually create no more
than 10 files, each being no more than 2 mg in size.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the RTTest Utility 199
Turning Off Debug Tracing in RTTest
When you are finished viewing router logs, it is good practice to disable all tracing
that was added for troubleshooting purposes. Do this using the /noalldirective as
shown below:
c:\icm\cd\ra\logfiles>rttest /cust cd /node routera
rttest: debug /noall
Ending an RTTest Session
It is very important that you quit from your RTTest session when finished. If too
many RTTest sessions are left running in the background, system resources will be
drained and call routing will be adversely affected.
To quit an RTTest session, enter: rttest: quit
See Also
For related information, see:
About Cisco Common Utilities
The Cisco ICM CTI Programmer's Guide
Cisco TAC ICM Technical Notes on
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the RTTest Utility 200
How to Use the SS7NICTrace Utility
Use SS7NICTrace to view and set debug trace bits on an ICM SS7 NIC PG.
Accessing SS7NICTrace
SS7NICTrace is an external GUI application present on all ICM nodes as part of that
standard ICM installation. It cannot be run from within the Support Tools dashboard.
To access SS7NICTrace on an SS& NIC PG, from a command line, enter
See Also
For related information, see:
About Cisco Common Utilities
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the SS7NICTrace Utility 201
How to Use the VRUTrace Utility
Use the VRUTrace utility to output tracing information from a Voice Response Unit
(VRU) device, and to and from its PIM process. VRUTrace lets you capture and
playback session data.
For use with ICM VRU PGs only.
To Access VRUTrace from the Dashboard
To run VRUTrace from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > VRUTrace.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below. Note: When entering arguments, the vrutracecommand is
already implied. Do not enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
To Access VRUTrace from a Command Line on a Node
From a command-line on an ICM VRU PG, you must access VRUTrace from the
vrucapdirectory located at: <icm_root>\icm\<customer instance>\<pg#>.
For example:
c:\icm\my_customer_instance\pg1a\vrucap> vrutrace
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the VRUTrace Utility 202
Using VRUTrace
Command Line Options
Syntax: vrutrace [ProcessName] [/if InputFile] [/o] [/of OutputFile]
[/bd BeginDate(mm/dd/yy)] [/bt BeginTime(hh:mm:ss)] [/ed
EndDate(mm/dd/yy)] [/et EndTime(hh:mm:ss)] [/all] [/prev] [/last]
[/binary] [/debug] [/sleep] [/htbt] [/vrustat] [/help] [/?]
This example shows how you can obtain the output from a log file with information
from April 29, 2003 until April 30, 2003 with binary data.
c:\icm\xyz\pg1a\vrucap\vrutrace pim1 /bd 04/29/2003 /ed 04/30/2003
This example shows how you can obtain output from a log file with information from
the last time the process ran to the current date and time.
c:\icm\xyz\pg1a\vrucap\vrutrace pim1 /last
See Also
For related information, see:
About Cisco Common Utilities
Cisco TAC ICM Technical Notes on
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the VRUTrace Utility 203
About Common Utilities
Common utilities are a set of third-party utilities, present on all or most
Windows/ICM systems, that may be useful when troubleshooting ICM components.
For the sake of convenience, the Support Tools Dashboard provides direct access to
these utilities through its interface.
Note: This guide does not provide detailed documentation on using third-party tools.
In all cases, extensive documentation is available from a variety of sources, including
user guides, the Web, and from the tools themselves. For those third-party utilities
on which Cisco-specific documentation does exist on, links
have been provided.
Accessing Common Utilities
Most common utilities are command-line based, and can be run from either the
Support Tools Dashboard or from an individual node. Command-line access to
individual nodes can be local or remote (via methods like TelNet, pcAnywhere, etc.).
Several common utilities are GUI-based. While menu commands for these utilities
appear in the Support Tools Dashboard, they cannot in fact be launched from there.
Access to these tools is limited to the individual node (either locally or via remote
GUI such as pcAnywhere). These GUI-based third-party tools include:
Common Utilities Locations
Almost all Common Utilities are installed on all Support Tools nodes/Windows OSs.
Several (see the table in the next section) may be particular to SQL Server
Common Utilities at a Glance
The following Support Tools utilities are bundled third-party Windows, DOS, and Unix
utilities. Most can be run both from within the Dashboard interface, or from an
external command line.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Common Utilities 205
Utility Name:
Installed On: Dashboard
Dashboard or
Line Access:
Users Only:
Use to find the media access control
address of a host on the same
physical network.
All Support
Tools nodes
Use the CAT utility to display, print,
and combine files. Equivalent of the
DOS type command.
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to change file permissions.
Equivalent of the DOS attrib
All Support
Tools nodes
Equivalent of the DOS copy
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to view disk free information.
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to compare two text files or two
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to view disk usage information.
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to search for text patterns within All Support
a set of files. Tools nodes
Use to find strings in logs or text files. All Support
Similar to UNIX's grep command.
Useful when parsing log files or other
text files to find a snippet of text.
Tools nodes
Use to search for text patterns within All Support
a set of files.
Tools nodes
Use to view user-defined number of
lines from the start of a file.
All Support
Tools nodes
IPConfig -all
Use to get host computer
configuration information, including
the IP address, subnet mask, and
default gateway.
All Support
Tools nodes
Interactive SQL for Windows. Use to
query and update Microsoft SQL
Server databases.
Nodes on
which SQL
Server is
Use to view directory listings.
Equivalent of the DOS dir command.
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to move files and directories.
Equivalent of the DOS move or
rename command.
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to troubleshoot NetBIOS name
resolution problems.
All Support
Tools nodes
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Common Utilities 206
Utility Name:
Installed On: Dashboard
Dashboard or
Line Access:
Users Only:
Net Session
Use to view information about all
current client sessions with the
current system.
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to view network information for
All Support
the current system, including protocol Tools nodes
statistics and current TCP/IP network
Net Statistics Server Use to view statistics for the local
Server service.
All Support
Tools nodes
Net Statistics Works Use to view statistics for the local
Workstation service.
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to get the IP address and fully
All Support
qualified DNS of the current system's Tools nodes
DNS name server.
A route tracing tool that combines
features of the ping and tracert
commands with additional
All Support
Tools nodes
Low-level connectivity test. Use to
verify end-to-end TCP/IP network
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to list all NT or Win2K processes, All Support
their process ID (PID), memory and
cpu utilization, etc.
Tools nodes
Use to delete files and directories.
Equivalent of the DOS delete,
recursive del subdirectories
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to view the contents of the
network routing tables.
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to shut down a remote host.
When used from the Dashboard,
shutdown will automatically restart
the host after 60 seconds.
All Support
Tools nodes
SQL Enterprise Manager. Use to
monitor and update SQL Server
operating parameters, expand
databases, etc.
Nodes on
which SQL
Server is
Use to stop a system from shutting
down due to an application or
operating system failure.
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to find printable strings in a
binary file.
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to view user-defined number of
lines from end of a file.
All Support
Tools nodes
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Common Utilities 207
Utility Name:
Installed On: Dashboard
Dashboard or
Line Access:
Users Only:
Use to change the creation date/time All Support
for any file.
Tools nodes
Related to ping command. Use to
show each intermediary Hop in the
TCP/IP network. Useful in
All Support
Tools nodes
troubleshooting LAN and WAN faults.
Use to view a count of characters,
words, or lines in a file.
All Support
Tools nodes
Use to view the name of the first file
encountered while traversing a path
or directory tree.
All Support
Tools nodes
Windows NT Diagnostics. Use to
gather detailed configuration
information about computers running
Windows NT.
All Support
Tools nodes
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
About Common Utilities 208
How to Use the Arp -a Utility
The Address Resolution Protocol (Arp) allows a host to find the media access control
address of a host on the same physical network, given the IP address of the host. To
make ARP efficient, each computer caches IP-to-media access control address
mappings to eliminate repetitive Arp broadcast requests.
You can use the arp -acommand to view the Arp table entries on a specified host.
The arpcommand is useful for viewing the Arp cache and resolving address
resolution problems.
To Access Arp -a from the Dashboard
To run Arp -a from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > Arp -a.
3. Click the Run button.
Note: Because the Dashboard automatically sets the allowable commands for this
tool, the Dashboard screen for this utility does not contain a command line input
The following example shows sample output from the arp -a command.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Arp -a Utility 209
How to Use the CAT Utility
Use the CAT utility to display, print, and combine files.
To Access CAT from the Dashboard
To run CAT from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Common Tools > CAT.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the CAT command is already implied. Do not
enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
Using CAT
cat [ -usx? ] [ -v [-t] [-e] ] file1 ...
Command Line Options
The options for CAT are:
-u: output characters one at a time, not a line at a time.
-s: be silent about non-existent files.
-v: visible mode - display control characters as ^<char>(except for tabs, new-lines,
and form-feeds) and chars with the 8th bit set as M-<char>.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the CAT Utility 210
-t: show tabs as ^I(only valid if -vgiven).
-e: show new-lines as $(only valid if -vgiven).
-x: expand tabs into the number of spaces specified by the TABS environment
variable or into 8 spaces if TABS is undefined.
-n: no output - don't actually do any output, just do input. Equivalent to '> nul',
except that on some platforms, the latter can be very slow (much slower than
writing to an actual file.) This option is handy for seeing how long it takes to just
read a set of files under varying operating conditions.
-?: Display program description.
Note: If the environment variable CAT exists, its value is used to establish default
Note: You can override an option that was specified in the environment variable by
following the option with a minus '-' sign. For example, to turn off the -voption,
specify -v-.
Note: If the environment variable TABS exists, its value will determine
number of spaces used to expand tabs. Otherwise, tabs are
expanded to 8
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the CAT Utility 211
How to Use the CHMOD Utility
Use the CHMOD utility to set file permissions.
To Access CHMOD from the Dashboard
To run CHMOD from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Common Tools > CHMOD.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the CHMOD command is already implied. Do not
enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
chmod <mode> file1 ...
Command Line Options
Mode is any combination of {+|-|=} {w|s|h|m}where:
+adds an attribute to a file
- removes an attribute from a file
= gives a file just the attributes specified
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the CHMOD Utility 212
wspecifies whether the file should be writable or not
sspecifies whether the file should be a system file or not
hspecifies whether the file should be a hidden file or not
mspecifies whether the file should be marked modified or not
-?: Display program description.
Note: If the environment variable CHMOD exists, its value is used to establish
default options.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the CHMOD Utility 213
How to Use the CP Utility
Use the CP utility to copy files.
To Access CP from the Dashboard
To run CP from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Common Tools > CP.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the CP command is already implied. Do not
enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
Using CP
cp [-ifprv?] file1 file2
cp [-ifprvd?] file1 fileN directory
If the last file is a directory, each file is copied into a file in the destination directory
with the same name.
If only two files are specified, file1 is copied to file2.
If more than two files are specified, the last file must be a directory.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the CP Utility 214
Command Line Options
The options for CP are:
-i: ask for confirmation before overwriting each destination file.
-f:copy the file, don't ask for confirmation even if it will overwrite a file marked
-p:preserve the source attributes and last modified date and time for the
destination file. This is the default. To turn if off use -p-.
-r:recursively copy all of the files and subdirectories specified by the filename,
including the named directory.
-v:print out status as the cp progresses.
-d:preserve the directory structure of the specified files (which must all be specified
with relative paths) when placing them in the specified directory. For example, 'cp -
d foo\bar\baz otherdir' will make the directories otherdir\fooand
otherdir\barif necessary, then copy foo\bar\bazto otherdir\foo\bar\baz.
-?: Display program description.
Note: If the environment variable CP exists, its value is used to establish default
Note: You can override an option that was specified in the environment variable by
following the option with a minus '-' sign. For example, to turn off the -ioption,
specify -i-.
Note: The order of options fand iis significant: the one specified last determines
whether a confirmation is requested.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the CP Utility 215
How to Use the DF Utility
Use the DF utility to view information on file system disk space usage.
To Access DF from the Dashboard
To run DF from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Common Tools > DF.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the DF command is already implied. Do not
enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
Using DF
df [ -a | drive_1 [ drive_2 ... ] | -? ]
If DF is not given an argument, it will print the free space information for the default
drive. Otherwise, unless the -aoption is specified, DF prints the free space
information for each of the supplied arguments.
Example: df a: b:prints the available free space for drives a: and b:.
Command Line Options
The options for DF are:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the DF Utility 216
-a:Print free space for all locatable drives.
-?: Display program description.
Note: If the environment variable DF exists, its value is used to establish default
Note: You can override an option that was specified in the environment variable by
following the option with a minus '-' sign. For example, to turn off the -aoption,
specify -a-.
Note: Option -acan be specified twice to restore normal operation, namely, to undo
the effect of specifying option -ain the environment variable.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the DF Utility 217
How to Use the Diff Utility
Use the Diff utility to find differences between two text files.
To Access Diff from the Dashboard
To run Diff from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Common Tools > Diff.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the Diff command is already implied. Do not
enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
Using Diff
diff [ -rebidtvo? ] [-O <colors>] oldfile newfile
If diff is given two directories, it will diff each of the files in those directories.
If diff is given two binary files, it will compare them and issue a report if they are
If diff is given the -roption, it will recursively diff each of the files in each
If diff is given the -eoption, it will output a script suitable for feeding into EDLIN to
update oldfile to create newfile.
Otherwise, diff outputs lines of the form:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Diff Utility 218
n1 a n3,n4
n1,n2 d n3
n1,n2 c n3,n4
where 'a' means: add lines n3 thru n4 from newfile at location n1 in newfile; 'd'
means: delete lines n1 thru n2 from newfile, next line is n3 in newfile; and 'c'
means: change lines n1 thru n2 in newfile to lines n3 thru n4 in newfile Identical
pairs where n1=n2 or n3=n4 are abbreviated as a single number. Following each of
the [adc] lines comes each of the lines effected. Lines preceded by '<' are from
oldfile, those preceded by '>' are from newfile.
Command Line Options
The options for Diff are:
-b: Ignore trailing whitespace and treat sequences of embedded whitespace as being
-i:Ignore leading whitespace.
-d: Treat files as if they were binary, only reporting if they are different.
-t: Treat files as if they were text, even if default autodetection claims they are
-v: Report on each file that it processes, not just the ones with differences.
-o: Colorize output with the default colors (black, white, light cyan, and yellow), just
as '-O 0fbe' would.
-O <colors>: Colorize output with the specified single-character hex colors:
background, normal text, old text, and new text. The colors are: black = 0, blue = 1,
green = 2, cyan = 3, red = 4, magenta = 5, brown = 6, lightgray = 7, darkgray = 8,
lightblue = 9, lightgreen = A, lightcyan = B, lightred = C, lightmagenta = D, yellow
= E, white = F.
-?: Display program description.
Note: If the environment variable DIFF exists, its value is used to establish default
Note: You can override an option that was specified in the environment variable by
following the option with a minus '-' sign. For example, to turn off the -boption,
specify -b-.
See Also
For related information, see:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Diff Utility 219
About Common Utilities
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Diff Utility 220
How to Use the DU Utility
Use the DU utility to view the sizes of each directory specified on the command line
and the sizes of each subdirectory under those.
To Access DU from the Dashboard
To run DU from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Common Tools > DU.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the DU command is already implied. Do not
enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
Using DU
du [ -asM? ] [ names ]
If no names are specified on the command line, the size of the current directory is
given. Sizes given show the total number of bytes in all of the files within and below
the named directory and the amount of disk space used by the files in and below the
named directory. The disk space is displayed in Kbytes ( 1024 bytes = 1 Kbyte )
Command Line Options
The options for DU are:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the DU Utility 221
-a:also display the size of each file.
-s:only display the grand totals for the names on the command line.
-M:show file names in their OS-provided mixed-case forms, rather than lower-
casing them. Note however that most file systems don't allow files with names
differing only by case, and will ignore case differences when looking for a file.
-?: Display program description.
Note: If the environment variable DU exists, its value is used to establish default
Note: You can override an option that was specified in the environment variable by
following the option with a minus '-' sign. For example, to turn off the -aoption,
specify -a-.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the DU Utility 222
How to Use the FGrep Utility
Use the FGrep utility to perform a fast search for text patterns through text files.
To Access FGrep from the Dashboard
To run FGrep from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Common Tools > FGrep.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the FGrep command is already implied. Do not
enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
Using FGrep
fgrep [ -mvclxinfse? ] <pattern> file1 ...
If no names are specified on the command line, the size of the current directory is
given. Sizes given show the total number of bytes in all of the files within and below
the named directory and the amount of disk space used by the files in and below the
named directory. The disk space is displayed in Kbytes ( 1024 bytes = 1 Kbyte )
Command Line Options
The options for FGrep are:
-m: print the lines that match the pattern (DEFAULT).
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the FGrep Utility 223
-v: print the lines that DON'T match the pattern.
-c: print a count of the number of matching lines in each file.
-l: print the name of each file that has a match.
Note: Options m, v, cand lare exclusive. Only one of these may be selected.
-x:the pattern must match the entire line to succeed.
-i:ignore the case of each character while matching.
-n:print the line number that the match occurred on.
-f:print the full path name of the file when printing filenames.
-s:do not report errors encountered while opening or reading files.
-e:use the next argument as the pattern to search for. This is useful if the pattern
begins with a - or / character.
-?: Display program description.
Note: If the environment variable FGrep exists, its value is used to establish default
Note: You can override an option that was specified in the environment variable by
following the option with a minus '-' sign. For example, to turn off the -ioption,
specify -i-.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
How to Use the Grep Utility
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the FGrep Utility 224
How to Use the Findstr Utility
Use the Findstr utility to find strings in logs or text files. Findstr is useful when
parsing log files or other text files for a snippet of text.
To Access Findstr from the Dashboard
To run Findstr from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Common Tools > Findstr.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the Findstr command is already implied. Do
not enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
Using Findstr
FINDSTR [/B] [/E] [/L] [/R] [/S] [/I] [/X] [/V] [/N] [/M] [/O] [/P]
[/F:file] [/C:string] [/G:file] [/D:dir list] [/A:color attributes]
[strings] [[drive:][path]filename[ ...]]
If no names are specified on the command line, the size of the current directory is
given. Sizes given show the total number of bytes in all of the files within and below
the named directory and the amount of disk space used by the files in and below the
named directory. The disk space is displayed in Kbytes ( 1024 bytes = 1 Kbyte )
Command Line Options
The options for Findstr are:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Findstr Utility 225
/B: Matches pattern if at the beginning of a line.
/E: Matches pattern if at the end of a line.
/L: Uses search strings literally.
/R: Uses search strings as regular expressions.
/S: Searches for matching files in the current directory and all subdirectories.
/I: Specifies that the search is not to be case-sensitive.
/X: Prints lines that match exactly.
/V: Prints only lines that do not contain a match.
/N: Prints the line number before each line that matches.
/M: Prints only the filename if a file contains a match.
/O: Prints character offset before each matching line.
/P: Skip files with non-printable characters
/A:attr: Specifies color attribute with two hex digits. See "color /?"
/F:file: Reads file list from the specified file (/ stands for console).
/C:string: Uses specified string as a literal search string.
/G:file: Gets search strings from the specified file (/ stands for console).
/D:dir: Search a semicolon delimited list of directories
strings: Text to be searched for.
[drive:][path]filename: Specifies a file or files to search.
-?: Display program description.
Use spaces to separate multiple search strings unless the argument is prefixed with
/C. For example, 'FINDSTR "hello there" x.y' searches for "hello" or "there" in file
x.y. 'FINDSTR /C:"hello there" x.y' searches for "hello there" in file x.y.
Regular expression reference:
. Wildcard: any character
* Repeat: zero or more occurrence of previous character or class
^ Line position: beginning of line
$ Line position: end of line
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Findstr Utility 226
[class]Character class: any one character in set
[^class]Inverse class: any one character not in set
[x-y] Range: any characters within the specified range
\x Escape: literal use of metacharacter x
\<xyz Word position: beginning of word
xyz\> Word position: end of word
See Also
For related information, see:
Cisco TAC ICM Technical Notes on
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Findstr Utility 227
How to Use the Grep Utility
Use the Grep utility to perform a regular expression search for text patterns through
text files.
To Access Grep from the Dashboard
To run Grep from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Common Tools > Grep.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the Grep command is already implied. Do not
enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
Using Grep
grep [ -mvclinfse? ] <pattern> file1 ...
Command Line Options
The options for Grep are:
-m: print the lines that match the pattern (DEFAULT).
-v: print the lines that DON'T match the pattern.
-c: print a count of the number of matching lines in each file.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Grep Utility 228
-l: print the name of each file that has a match.
Note: Options m, v, cand lare exclusive. Only one of these may be selected.
-i:ignore the case of each character while matching.
-n:print the line number that the match occurred on.
-f:print the full pathname of the file when printing filenames.
-s:do not report errors encountered while opening or reading files.
-e:use the next argument as the pattern to search for. This is useful if the pattern
begins with a - or / character.
-?: Display program description.
The specified pattern is treated as a regular expression -- if all you need is a literal
expression, you may want to use fgrep instead. The actual regular expression syntax
is fairly standard, but escape sequence issues can complicate it. Here's an example
of the 'pristine' syntax seen internally:
means "in beginning-of-line context, match 'a', then an arbitrary character, then one
or more 'b's, then zero or more 'c's, then one of 'd', 'e', or nothing, then any
character but 'f', then a literal '*' character, then a double-quote character, in end-
of-line context."
The first added complication is the Picnix command-line argument parser, which has
special semantics for ", ', `, @, $, and ^. So the argument as seen by this parser
would have to be:
The second added complication is that you may be executing grep through an
additional shell, such as the WinNT cmd.exe, which has special semantics for |, ^, ",
and \, and for which you should actually put this on the command line or in your
batch file:
Or you may be executing grep through a build tool like pmake.exe, for which you'd
have to say:
Note: If the environment variable Grep exists, its value is used to establish default
Note: You can override an option that was specified in the environment variable by
following the option with a minus '-' sign. For example, to turn off the -ioption,
specify -i-.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Grep Utility 229
See Also
For related information, see:
How to Use the FGrep Utility
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Grep Utility 230
How to Use the Head Utility
Use the Head utility to view a user-defined number of lines from the start of a file.
To Access Head from the Dashboard
To run Head from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Common Tools > Head.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the Head command is already implied. Do not
enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
Using Head
Head displays the first <count> lines of each of the files listed on the line. If no files
are listed, display the first <count> lines of the standard input.
<count> defaults to 10.
head [-<count> | -n <count>] [-vx?] [ file1 ... ]
Command Line Options
The options for Head are:
-<count> or -n <count>: specifies the number of lines to display.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Head Utility 231
-v: Print headers giving file names.
-x: Expand tabs into the number of spaces specified by the TABS environment
variable or into 8 spaces if TABS is undefined.
-?: Display program description.
Note: If the environment variable Head exists, its value is used to establish default
Note: You can override an option that was specified in the environment variable by
following the option with a minus '-' sign. For example, to turn off the -voption,
specify -v-.
Note: If the environment variable TABS exists, its value will determine the number
of spaces used to expand tabs. Otherwise, tabs are expanded to 8 spaces.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
How to Use the FHead Utility
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Head Utility 232
How to Use the IPConfig -all Utility
When you troubleshoot a TCP/IP networking problem, begin by checking the TCP/IP
configuration on the computer that is experiencing the problem.
Use the IPConfig -all command to get host computer configuration information,
including the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. When you use the
IPConfig command with the -all option, a detailed configuration report is produced
for all interfaces, including any configured serial ports.
To Access IPConfig -all from the Dashboard
To run IPConfig -all from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > IPConfig -all.
3. Click the Run button.
Note: Because the Dashboard automatically sets the allowable commands for this
tool, the Dashboard screen for this utility does not contain a command line input
The following example shows sample output from the IPConfig -all command.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the IPConfig -all Utility 233
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the IPConfig -all Utility 234
How to Use the ISQL/W Utility
Use the ISQL/W utility to query and update Microsoft SQL Server databases.
Accessing ISQL/W
ISQL/W is a Microsoft external GUI application present on systems with Microsoft
SQL Server installed. It cannot be run from within the Support Tools dashboard.
To access ISQL/W:
1. On the Windows Start bar, click Start > Run.
2. In the Open field, enter isqlw.
3. Click OK.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
Cisco TAC ICM Technical Notes on
Using the ISQL Utility (
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the ISQL/W Utility 235
How to Use the LS Utility
Use the LS utility to view directory listings.
To Access LS from the Dashboard
To run LS from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > LS.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the LScommand is already implied. Do not
enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
Using LS
ls [ -cx1lmfetsurRpadoM? ] [ file1 ... ]
Command Line Options
The options for LS are:
-c:display the names of the files sorted down each column.
-x:display the names of the files sorted across the row.
-1:display the names of the files in a single column.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the LS Utility 236
-l:display a long listing with more information about each file.
-m:display the names of the files separated by commas.
-f:sort the files by filename.
-e:sort the files first by the extension and then by the filename.
-t:sort the files by the date and time that the files were last written.
-s:sort the files by the size (in bytes).
-u:do not sort the files.
-r:reverse the order of the sort selected.
-R:recursively descend down each subdirectory.
-p:put a slash (/ or \) after each directory.
-a:list all files, including HIDDEN files.
-d:when a directory is specified on the command line, display it as an individual
item rather than displaying its contents.
-o:when a high-bit (greater than 127) character in a filename is displayed, assume
the name is in the Windows/ANSI character set and convert it to the DOS/OEM
character set, just like 'dir' does. This means that for commonly-used accent
characters in Windows filenames, they'll look the same in a OEM character-set-based
command prompt. Note however that this may result in output which obscures actual
distinctions, since the conversion is not always reversible. For example, four
accented Windows/ANSI versions of 'A' (0xc0 - 0xc4) all map to 'A' under this
conversion. Also note that ls will only ever show single-byte filenames, even if the
underlying file system has Unicode filenames -- when dealing with a file with Unicode
characters in its name, the Picnix utilities will try to use the OS-provided 8.3 short
filename instead.
-M:show file names in their OS-provided mixed-case forms, rather than lower-
casing them. Note however that most file systems don't allow files with names
differing only by case, and will ignore case differences when looking for a file.
-?: Display program description.
Note: If the environment variable LS exists, its value is used to establish default
Note: You can override an option that was specified in the environment variable by
following the option with a minus '-' sign. For example, to turn off the -poption,
specify -p-.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the LS Utility 237
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the LS Utility 238
How to Use the MV Utility
Use the MV utility to move files and directories.
To Access MV from the Dashboard
To run MV from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco CommonTooMV > MV.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the MVcommand is already implied. Do not
enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
Using MV
mv [-firv?] file1 file2
mv [-firv?] file1 ... fileN directory
If the last file is a directory, each file is moved into a file in the destination directory
with the same name.
If only two files are specified, file1 is moved to file2.
If more than two files are specified, the last file must be a directory.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the MV Utility 239
Command Line Options
The options for MV are:
-i:ask for confirmation before overwriting each destination file.
-f:move the file, don't ask for confirmation even if it will overwrite a file marked
-r:recursively move all of the files and subdirectories specified by the filename,
including the named directory.
-v:print out status as the mv progresses.
-?: Display program description.
Note: If the environment variable MV exists, its value is used to establish default
Note: You can override an option that was specified in the environment variable by
following the option with a minus '-' sign. For example, to turn off the -ioption,
specify -i-.
Note: The order of options fand iis significant: the one specified last determines
whether a confirmation is requested.
Note: If the environment variable MV exists, its value is used to establish default
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the MV Utility 240
How to Use the NBTStat Utility
Use the NBTStat utility to troubleshoot NetBIOS name resolution problems. NetBIOS
over TCP/IP (NetBT) resolves NetBIOS names to IP addresses. TCP/IP provides many
options for NetBIOS name resolution, including local cache lookup, WINS server
query, broadcast, DNS server query, and Lmhosts and Hosts file lookup.
To Access NBTStat from the Dashboard
To run NBTStat from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > NBTStat.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
Using NBTStat
nbtstat [ [-a RemoteName] [-A IP address] [-c] [-n] [-r] [-R] [-RR] [-s]
[-S] [interval] ]
Command Line Options
The options for NBTStat are:
-a (adapter status)Lists the remote machine's name table given its name
-A (Adapter status)Lists the remote machine's name table given its IP address.
-c (cache)Lists NBT's cache of remote [machine] names and their IP addresses
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the NBTStat Utility 241
-n (names)Lists local NetBIOS names.
-r (resolved)Lists names resolved by broadcast and via WINS
-R (Reload)Purges and reloads the remote cache name table
-S (Sessions)Lists sessions table with the destination IP addresses
-s (sessions)Lists sessions table converting destination IP addresses to computer
NETBIOS names.
-RR (ReleaseRefresh)Sends Name Release packets to WINs and then, starts
RemoteNameRemote host machine name.
IP addressDotted decimal representation of the IP address.
intervalRedisplays selected statistics, pausing interval seconds between each
display. Press Ctrl+C to stop redisplaying statistics.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the NBTStat Utility 242
How to Use the Net Session Utility
Use the Net Session utility to view information about all current client sessions with
the current system. Net Session displays the computer names and user names of
users on a server, to see if users have files open, and to see how long each user's
session has been idle.
To Access Net Session from the Dashboard
To run Net Session from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > Net Session.
3. Click the Run button.
Note: Because the Dashboard automatically sets the allowable commands for this
tool, the Dashboard screen for this utility does not contain a command line input
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
Microsoft Tech Net (
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Net Session Utility 243
How to Use the Net Statistics Server Utility
Use the Net Statistics Works utility to view statistics for the local Server service.
To Access Net Statistics Server from the Dashboard
To run Net Statistics Server from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > Net Statistics Server.
3. Click the Run button.
Note: Because the Dashboard automatically sets the allowable commands for this
tool, the Dashboard screen for this utility does not contain a command line input
The following example shows sample output from the Net Statistics Server utility.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Net Statistics Server Utility 244
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Net Statistics Server Utility 245
How to Use the Net Statistics Workstation Utility
Use the Net Statistics Workstation utility to view statistics for the local Workstation
To Access Net Statistics Workstation from the Dashboard
To run Net Statistics Workstation from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > Net Statistics
3. Click the Run button.
Note: Because the Dashboard automatically sets the allowable commands for this
tool, the Dashboard screen for this utility does not contain a command line input
The following example shows sample output from the Net Statistics Workstation
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Net Statistics Workstation Utility 246
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Net Statistics Workstation Utility 247
How to Use the NetStat Utility
Use the NetStat utility to view network information for the target host, including
protocol statistics and current TCP/IP network connections.
To Access NetStat from the Dashboard
To run NetStat from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Common Tools > NetStat.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the NetStat command is already implied. Do
not enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
Using NetStat
NetStat [-a] [-e] [-n] [-s] [-p proto] [-r] [interval]
Command Line Options
The options for NetStat are:
-aDisplays all connections and listening ports.
-eDisplays Ethernet statistics. This may be combined with the -s option.
-nDisplays addresses and port numbers in numerical form.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the NetStat Utility 248
-p protoShows connections for the protocol specified by proto; proto may be TCP
or UDP. If used with the -s option to display per-protocol statistics, proto may be
TCP, UDP, or IP.
-rDisplays the routing table.
-sDisplays per-protocol statistics. By default, statistics are shown for TCP, UDP and
IP; the -p option may be used to specify a subset of the default.
intervalRedisplays selected statistics, pausing interval seconds between each
display. Press CTRL+C to stop redisplaying statistics. If omitted, netstat will print the
current configuration information once.
-?: Display program description.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the NetStat Utility 249
How to Use the NSLookup Utility
Use the NSLookup utility to get information on the current or specified system's DNS
name server.
To Access NSLookup from the Dashboard
To run NSLookup from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > NSLookup.
3. enter the IP address or DNS of the system you want to query--OR--to get DNS
name server information for the current system, leave the Arguments field blank.
Note: When entering arguments, the NetStat command is already implied. Do
not enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. Note: For this utility, you may want to adjust this default number downwards;
otherwise, it will not return a value until the command has timed out.
6. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
7. Click the Run button.
Using NSLookup
nslookup ip_address or hostname
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the NSLookup Utility 250
How to Use the PathPing Utility
Use the PathPing utility as a route tracing tool that combines features of the Ping and
Tracert utilities with additional information that neither of those tools provides (for
example QOS testing).
To Access PathPing from the Dashboard
To run PathPing from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > PathPing.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the stringscommand is already implied. Do
not enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
7. Click the Run button.
Using PathPing
pathping [-n] [-h maximum_hops] [-g host-list] [-p period] [-q
num_queries] [-w timeout] [-t] [-R] [-r] target_name
Command Line Options
The options for PathPing are:
-n: Do not resolve addresses to hostnames.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the PathPing Utility 251
-h maximum_hops: Maximum number of hops to search for target.
-g host-list: Loose source route along host-list.
-p period: Wait period milliseconds between pings.
-w timeout: Wait timeout milliseconds for each reply.
-T: Test connectivity to each hop with Layer-2 priority tags.
-R: Test if each hop is RSVP aware.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the PathPing Utility 252
How to Use the Ping Utility
Use the Ping utility to verify IP-level connectivity. When troubleshooting, you can use
Ping to send an ICMP echo request to a target host name or IP address. Use Ping
whenever you need to verify that a host computer can connect to the TCP/IP
network and network resources. You can also use Ping to isolate network hardware
problems and incompatible configurations.
To Access Ping from the Dashboard
To run Ping from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > Ping.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
Using Ping
ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l size] [-f] [-i TTL] [-v TOS] [-r count] [-
s count] [[-j host-list] | [-k host-list]][-w timeout] destination-list
Command Line Options
The options for Ping are:
-t: Ping the specified host until stopped. To see statistics and continue - type
Control-Break; To stop - type Control-C.
-a: Resolve addresses to hostnames.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Ping Utility 253
-n count: Number of echo requests to send.
-l sizeSend: buffer size.
-f Set: Don't Fragment flag in packet.
-i TTL: Time To Live.
-v TOS: Type Of Service.
-r count: Record route for count hops.
-s count: Timestamp for count hops.
-j host-list: Loose source route along host-list.
-k host-list: Strict source route along host-list.
-w timeout: Timeout in milliseconds to wait for each reply.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Ping Utility 254
How to Use the PStat Utility
Use the PStat utility to list all the processes running on a Microsoft Windows NT
Workstation, including ICM processes. You can use the PStat command to verify that
an ICM process was not properly exited and is still running.
Note: You can also achieve this using the Support Tools Processes utility.
To Access PStat from the Dashboard
To run PStat from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > PStat.
3. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
4. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
5. Click the Run button.
Note: Because the Dashboard automatically sets the allowable commands for this
tool, the Dashboard screen for this utility does not contain a command line input
The following example shows sample output from the PStat command.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the PStat Utility 255
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
How to Use the Processes Screen
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the PStat Utility 256
How to Use the RM Utility
Use the RM utility to delete files and directories.
To Access RM from the Dashboard
To run RM from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > RM.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the RMcommand is already implied. Do not
enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
Using RM
rm [ -firv? ] file ...
Command Line Options
The options for RM are:
-i: ask for confirmation before removing each file.
-f: remove the file, don't ask for confirmation even if it is marked Read-Only.
-r: recursively delete all of the files and subdirectories specified by the filename,
including the named directory.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the RM Utility 257
-v: print out the name of each file that is removed.
-?: Display program description.
Note: If the environment variable RM exists, its value is used to establish default
Note: You can override an option that was specified in the environment variable by
following the option with a minus '-' sign. For example, to turn off the -i option,
specify -i-.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the RM Utility 258
How to Use the Route -print Utility
Use the Route -print utility to view the contents of the network routing tables.
To Access Route -print from the Dashboard
To run Route -print from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > Route -print.
3. Click the Run button.
Note: Because the Dashboard automatically sets the allowable commands for this
tool, the Dashboard screen for this utility does not contain a command line input
The following example shows sample output from the Route -print command.
See Also
For related information, see:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Route -print Utility 259
About Common Utilities
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Route -print Utility 260
How to Use the Shutdown Tool Utility
Use the Shutdown Tool utility to stop and restart a remote host after a 60 second
grace period.
To Access Shutdown from the Dashboard
To run Shutdown from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Common Tools > Shutdown Tool.
3. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
4. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
5. Click the Run button.
Note: Because the Dashboard automatically sets the allowable commands for this
tool, the Dashboard screen for this utility does not contain a command line input
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Shutdown Tool Utility 261
How to Use the SQLEW Utility
Use the SQLEW utility to monitor and update SQL Server operating parameters,
expand databases, and so on.
Accessing SQLEW
SQLEW is a Microsoft external GUI application present on all Windows 2000
installations. It cannot be run from within the Support Tools dashboard.
To access SQLEW:
1. On the Windows Start bar, click Start > Run.
2. In the Open field, enter sqlew.
3. Click OK.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
Cisco TAC ICM Technical Notes on
Microsoft Knowledge Base Search
How to Create a SQLEW Report (
How to Use SQLeWP.EXE (
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the SQLEW Utility 262
How to Use the Stopshut Utility
Use the Stopshut utility to stop a system from shutting down due to an application or
operating system failure.
To Access Stopshut from the Dashboard
To run Stopshut from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Common Tools > Stopshut.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the stopshutcommand is already implied. Do
not enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
Using Stopshut
Syntax: c:\>stopshut
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
Cisco TAC ICM Technical Notes on
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Stopshut Utility 263
How to Use the Strings Utility
Use the Strings utility to print ASCII strings embedded in binary files.
To Access Strings from the Dashboard
To run Strings from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > Strings.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the stringscommand is already implied. Do
not enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
Using Strings
Strings displays printable ASCII strings in the binary files specified on the command
line. If no files are given, it displays printable ASCII strings in the standard input.
strings [ -? ] [ -t <n>] [ -n <n>] [ file1 ... ]
Command Line Options
The options for strings are:
-t <n>: specifies the minimum length that a terminated string needs to be before it
is printed (default 4).
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Strings Utility 264
-n <n>: specifies the minimum length that a non-terminated string needs to be
before it is printed (default 8).
-?: Display program description.
Note: If the environment variable STRINGS exists, its value is used to establish
default options.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
Cisco TAC ICM Technical Notes on
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Strings Utility 265
How to Use the Tail Utility
Use the Tail utility to view user-defined number of lines from end of a file.
To Access Tail from the Dashboard
To run Tail from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > Tail.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the Tailcommand is already implied. Do not
enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
Using Tail
Tail displays the last <count> lines of each of the files listed on the line. If no files
are listed, display the last <count> lines of the standard input.
<count> defaults to 10.
tail [-<count> | -n <count>] [-fvx?] [ file1 ... ]
Command Line Options
The options for Tail are:
-<count> or -n <count>: specifies the number of lines to display.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Tail Utility 266
-f: Follow along forever, outputting appended data as the file grows.
-v: Print headers giving file names.
-x: Expand tabs into the number of spaces specified by the TABS environment
variable or into 8 spaces if TABS is undefined.
-?: Display program description.
Note: If the environment variable TAIL exists, its value is used to establish default
Note: You can override an option that was specified in the environment variable by
following the option with a minus '-' sign. For example, to turn off the -voption,
specify -v-.
Note: If the environment variable TABS exists, its value will determine the number
of spaces used to expand tabs. Otherwise, tabs are expanded to 8 spaces.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Tail Utility 267
How to Use the Touch Utility
Use the Touch utility to change the creation date/time for any file.
To Access Touch from the Dashboard
To run Touch from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > Touch.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the Touchcommand is already implied. Do not
enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
Using Touch
Touch displays the last <count> lines of each of the files listed on the line. If no files
are listed, display the last <count> lines of the standard input.
<count> defaults to 10.
touch [ -c? ] [ mmddhhmm[yy] ] file1 ...
Command Line Options
The options for Touch are:
-c: Prevents touch from creating files that did not previously exist
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Touch Utility 268
If an argument in the form mmddhhmm[yy]is passed to touch, the last-write time of
each file listed on the command line is set to the specified date and time. If the date
and time are not given on the command line, the last-write times of the arguments
are set to the current system time. The argument mmddhhmm[yy]is formed as
The first mmis a two digit number (between 01 and 12) for the month.
The ddis a two digit number (between 01 and 31) for the day of the month.
The hhis a two digit number (between 00 and 23) for the hour. Note that a
24 hour clock is assumed.
The second mmis a two digit number (between 00 and 59) for the minute.
The yy, if present, is for setting the year. Years between 80 and 99 are
understood to be between 1980 and 1999. Years between 00 and 79 are
assumed to be for the years 2000 to 2079.
-?: Display program description.
Note: If the environment variable TOUCH exists, its value is used to establish default
You can override an option that was specified in the environment variable by
following the option with a minus '-' sign. For example, to turn off the -voption,
specify -v-.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Touch Utility 269
How to Use the Tracert Utility
Tracert (Trace Route) is a route-tracing utility that is used to determine the path that
an IP datagram takes to reach a destination. The tracertcommand uses the IP
Time-to-Live (TTL) field and ICMP error messages to determine the route from one
host to another through a network.
To Access Tracert from the Dashboard
To run Tracert from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > Tracert.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the tracertcommand is already implied. Do
not enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
Using Tracert
tracert ip_address or hostname
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
Cisco TAC ICM Technical Notes on
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Tracert Utility 270
How to Use the WC Utility
Use the WC utility to view a count of characters, words, or lines in a file.
To Access WC from the Dashboard
To run WC from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > WC.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the wccommand is already implied. Do not
enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
Using WC
wc [ -lwc? ] [ file1 ... ]
Command Line Options
The default is for wc to count lines, words, and characters for each file given.
Counting can be restricted to one or more of lines, words, or characters by using the
command line options below:
-l: Enable counting for lines.
-w: Enable counting for words.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the WC Utility 271
-c: Enable counting for characters.
If no files are given, standard input is read for characters.
wc file1counts the lines, words, and characters in file1.
wc -w -ccounts the words and characters from the standard input.
-?: Display program description.
Note: If the environment variable WC exists, its value is used to establish default
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the WC Utility 272
How to Use the Which Utility
Use the Which utility to view the name of the first file encountered while traversing
a path or directory tree.
To Access Which from the Dashboard
To run Which from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > Which.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the whichcommand is already implied. Do not
enter it in the Arguments field.
4. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
5. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
6. Click the Run button.
Using Which
which [ -a? ] [ -p <environment variable> ] file1 ...
Command Line Options
Which will print the full pathname of the first occurrence of a file found in the current
directory or along a given path. The default path is the value of the environment
variable PATH. If the filename does not have an extension, which will print the first
occurrence of <file>.com, <file>.exe, <file>.bat, or <file>.cmd, in that order
(unless the environment variable PATHEXT is set, in which case its list of extensions
is used.)
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Which Utility 273
-a: Prints the full pathnames of all of the files found along the specified path. Note
that if the path specifies the same directory more than once (which may include the
implicit current directory), the same pathname may occur more than once.
-p: Use the next argument as the name of the environment variable whose value
contains the path to search and will not automatically add the extension as described
-?: Display program description.
which -a whichprints the pathnames of all of the places where,
which.exe, which.bat, or which.cmdexist along the path specified by the value of
the environment variable PATH.
Note: If the environment variable WHICH exists, its value is used to establish default
Note: You can override an option that was specified in the environment variable by
following the option with a minus '-' sign. For example, to turn off the -aoption,
specify -a-.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the Which Utility 274
How to Use the WinMSD Utility
Use the WinMSD utility to view and generate reports that capture detailed Windows
NT system configuration information.
Accessing WinMSD
WinMSD is a Microsoft external GUI application present on all Windows 2000
installations. It cannot be run from within the Support Tools dashboard.
To access WinMSD:
1. On the Windows Start bar, click Start > Run.
2. In the Open field, enter winmsd.
3. Click OK.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities
Cisco TAC ICM Technical Notes on
Microsoft Knowledge Base Search
How to Create a WinMSD Report (
How to Use WINMSDP.EXE (
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Use the WinMSD Utility 275
How to Stop and Start the Support Tools
You stop or restart the Support Tools Dashboard by stopping or restarting the
Tomcat Web server on your Support Tools Server. Stopping Tomcat prevents users
from accessing the Dashboard.
Support Tools installs Tomcat to run as a service. Thus, the easiest way to stop or
restart Tomcat is to stop or restart this service.
To Stop or Start the Support Tools Dashboard/Tomcat
To stop or start the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. On the target machine, open the Windows Services dialog.
2. Select the Cisco CCBU Support Tools HTTP Server service.
3. Right-click on the service and, as appropriate, select Stop or Restart.
See Also
For related information, see:
How to Stop and Start the Support Tools Server
How to Stop and Start the Support Tools Node Agent
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Stop and Start the Support Tools Dashboard/Tomcat 277
How to Stop and Start the Support Tools Server
You stop or restart the Support Tools Server by stopping or restarting the Appserver
service on your Support Tools Server machine.
When the Appserver service is stopped, users can login to the Support Tools
Dashboard but cannot execute any utilities therein. When they attempt to do so,
they receive an "Unable to Access Backend Appserver" error.
Note: Under normal conditions it should rarely be necessary to restart the Appserver
service: this service starts automatically following installation and upon reboot. It
also restarts automatically following a shutdown (for example, due to a crash).
To Stop or Start the Support Tools Server
To stop or start the Support Tools Server:
1. On the target machine, open the Windows Services dialog.
2. Select the Cisco CCBU Support Tools Appserver service.
3. Right-click on the service and, as appropriate, select Stop or Restart.
See Also
For related information, see:
How to Stop and Start the Support Tools Node Agent
How to Stop and Start the Support Tools Dashboard/Tomcat
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Stop and Start the Support Tools Server 278
How Stop and Start the Node Agent Service
You stop or restart a Support Tools Node Agent by stopping or restarting the Node
Agent service on a Support Tools node. When the Node Agent service is stopped,
that machine cannot be managed through Support Tools.
Note: Under normal conditions it should rarely be necessary to restart the Node
Agent service: this service starts automatically following installation and upon
reboot. It also restarts automatically following a shutdown (for example, due to a
To Stop or Start the Node Agent Service
To stop or start the node agent service on a Support Tools node:
1. On the target machine, open the Windows Services dialog.
2. Select the Cisco CCBU Support Tools Node Agent service.
3. Right-click on the service and, as appropriate, select Stop or Restart.
See Also
For related information, see:
How to Stop and Start the Support Tools Server
How to Stop and Start the Support Tools Dashboard/Tomcat
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How Stop and Start the Node Agent Service 279
How to Confirm the Support Tools Build Number
As necessary (for example, when making a support call), you can confirm the version
and build number of your Support Tools Server from the Support Tools Dashboard.
To Confirm the Support Tools Build Number
To confirm the version and build number of your Support Tools Server:
On the Dashboard menu, select Support Tools. Your version information displays.
See Also
For related information, see:
Cisco Support for Support Tools
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
How to Confirm the Support Tools Build Number 280
Cisco Support for Support Tools
The following resources are available to Support Tools users:
Online Resources
Additional Support Tools information is available online at:
Latest Support Tools user documentation:
Technical tips:
Known issues and workarounds:
bin/Support/Bugtool/ (listed under Cisco ICM Enterprise Edition)
Note: Some resources on the Cisco Web site require you to have an account.
Register for an account at:
To Open a Technical Assistance Call
You can get technical assistance for Support Tools by contacting Cisco's Technical
Assistance Center (TAC).
Providing Information to TAC
To assist you in troubleshooting a problem, the Cisco TAC may ask you to provide
the following. You can expedite matters by having it available when you contact
1. Your Support Tools version and build number
2. The name of the utility you are having an issue with
3. Details of the behavior you are encountering
To Contact the Cisco TAC
To open a request for technical assistance for Support Tools, contact TAC at:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
Cisco Support for Support Tools 281
Email: (please include "Support Tools" in the Subject line)
In North America: 1.800.553.2447
Outside North America: 1.408.526.7209
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
Cisco Support for Support Tools 282
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Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
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Doc Version: 1.0103202004
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
Copyright 284
Cisco CCBU Support Tools HTTP Server
service, 277
Cisco CCBU Support Tools NodeAgent
service, 68
Dashboard, 24, 75
Cisco Common Utilities, 16, 153, 156,
158, 160, 165, 167, 169, 170, 172, 177,
179, 181, 186, 191, 192, 201, 202
Support Tools, 26
Support Tools documentation, 6
Cisco Web utilities, 16, 86, 88, 92, 101,
103, 106, 109, 111, 114, 116, 119, 123,
127, 131, 134, 138, 143, 147
utilities, 153
processes and services, 56
using Cisco Web utilities from, 119,
123, 127, 131, 134, 138, 143, 147
systems to system list, 73, 78
application server, 119
Appserver service, 68, 278
arp -a utility, 209
command-line mode, 119, 123, 127,
131, 134, 138, 143, 147
common utilities, 16, 209, 210, 212,
214, 216, 218, 221, 223, 225, 228, 231,
233, 235, 236, 239, 241, 243, 244, 246,
248, 250, 251, 253, 255, 257, 259, 261,
262, 263, 264, 266, 268, 270, 271, 273,
AT&T NIC, 153
Compare Registries utility, 86, 96, 119,
for Dashboard, 27
using with Dashboard, 73
registries, 96, 138
reviewing and submitting, 281
BugTool, 281
Dashboard for SSL, 61
build number, 280
CAT utility, 210
distinguished user for Tomcat, 41
ports for Support Tools, 51
processes and services list, 63
CHMOD utility, 212
cicman, 153, 158
SQL for use with System Interrogate
utility, 66
Cisco CCBU Support Tools Appserver
service, 68
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
Index 285
Support Support Tools options, 56
Support Tools, 29, 33, 41
working with files in, 94
Dashboard accessing, 24, 75
dbdiff, 153, 165
Support Tools installation options, 57
virus scan for Repository, 60
connection problems in Dashboard, 81
files from Repository, 94
log collections, 116, 147
deleting log groups, 111, 143
DF utility, 216
values between registries, 96, 138
CP utility, 214
Diff utility, 218
Create Log Collections screen, 114, 147
Create Log Groups screen, 109, 143
distinguished user, 37, 41
for Support Tools, 6
log collections, 114, 147
log groups, 109, 143
collected logs, 116, 147
user groups for Support Tools, 39
ctitest, 153, 160
files from Repository, 94
DU utility, 221
customer instances in registry
utilities, 92, 96, 134, 138
dumpcfg, 153, 167
browser support, 27
configuring for SSL, 61
described, 12, 24
log groups, 111, 143
processes and services, 56
processes and services list, 56
ending Dashboard sessions, 80
ending sessions, 80
general usage, 73
platforms, 27
encountered in Dashboard, 81
privileged utilities, 16, 24, 26, 39
starting and stopping, 277
troubleshooting, 81
in Support Tools 1.0, 10
FGrep utility, 223
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
working with Repository, 94
utilities, 16, 86, 119, 153
log collections
Files screen, 94
Findstr utility, 225
firewalls, 14, 37, 51
Grep utility, 228
Head, 231
defined, 106
managing, 116, 147
Log Collections screen, 116, 147
Log Collector, 86, 106, 109, 111, 114,
116, 119, 143, 147
log groups
HTTP, 51
creating, 109, 143
defined, 106
ICM versions, 27, 29
icmdba, 153, 169
managing, 111, 143
Log Groups screen, 111, 143
logout of Dashboard, 80
utilities locations, 16
collecting with Support Tools, 106,
Support Tools, 33, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45,
109, 111, 114, 116, 143, 147
48, 49, 51, 53
LS utility, 236
Support Tools Node, 48, 49
Support Tools Server, 43, 45
in Dashboard, 73
instances in registry utilities, 92, 96,
134, 138
merged logs
interactive mode, 119, 123, 127, 131,
defined, 106
134, 138, 143, 147
IPConfig -all utility, 233
ISQLW utility, 235
Java Development Kit, 27
JDK, 27
network time server requirements,
specifying in log collections, 114, 147
mptrace, 153, 170
MV utility, 239
local Repository, 119
NBTStat utility, 241
Net Session utility, 243
Net Statistics Server utility, 244
of Support Tools installation, 29
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
Net Statistics Workstation utility, 246
NetStat utility, 248
Processes and Services, 86, 101, 103,
119, 123, 127
processes and services list, 56, 63
Processes utility, 86, 101, 119, 127
processinfo.xml, 56, 63, 70
procmon, 153, 186
network access to nodes, 43
network time server, 37
network topology, 14
nicroi, 153, 172
PStat utility, 255
nmstart, 153, 177
quotation marks, 119
nmstop, 153, 179
registry, 92, 96, 134, 138
Registry utility, 86, 92, 119, 134, 138
reinstalling Support Tools, 70
Node Agent
starting and stopping, 279
Node Agent Service, 68
files in Repository, 94
network access to, 43
NSLookup utility, 250
NT SS7 NIC PG, 153
NTFS directory privileges, 26, 41, 60
opctest, 153, 181
log groups, 111, 143
described, 12
local, 119
working with files in, 94
for Dashboard, 75
PathPing utility, 251
pcAnywhere, 153
performance, 29, 60
Ping utility, 253
excluding from virus scan, 56, 60
RM utility, 257
Route -print utility, 259
rtrtrace, 153, 191
rttest, 153, 192
platform support
for Support Tools 1.0, 27, 29
ports, 51
files to Repository, 94
security, 26, 39, 41
Select System screen, 76
Dashboard, 16, 24, 26, 37, 39
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
a target system, 119
Dashboard, 277
Node Agent, 279
Support Tools Server, 278
Tomcat, 277
an application server, 119
selecting systems, 73, 76, 78, 119
server.xml, 70
stopping and starting services, 103,
stopping and starting, 103, 123
Stopshut utility, 263
Strings utility, 264
Support Tools services, 68, 277, 278,
Services utility, 86, 103, 119, 123
Servlet Engine, 27
support for Support Tools, 281
Support Tools
accessing, 26
ending in Dashboard, 80
Shutdown utility, 261
SQL, 66
benefits of, 29
build number, 280
Cisco support for, 281
components of, 12, 29
configuring, 14, 29, 33, 41, 56, 57
Dashboard described, 24
Dashboard using, 24, 73, 75
documentation, 6
SQL 2000, 56
SQLEW utility, 262
ss7nictrace, 153, 201
SSL, 26, 51, 56, 61
Dashboard, 277
features in 1.0, 10
Node Agent, 279
firewalls with, 14, 37, 51
hardware requirements, 43, 48
installation location, 29
services, 103, 123
Support Tools Server, 278
Tomcat, 277
installing, 33, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 48,
49, 51, 53
services, 103, 123
network topology, 14
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
performance, 29, 60
platform support, 27, 29
port requirements, 51
reinstalling, 70
uninstalling, 68
System Interrogate
configuring SQL for use with, 66
using, 86, 88, 119, 131
system list
security, 26, 39, 41
adding systems to, 76, 78
System Management screen, 78
systemlist.xml, 70
services, 68, 277, 278, 279
software requirements, 43, 48
SSL with, 26, 51, 56, 61
testing installation, 53
uninstalling, 68
adding to system list, 73, 78
selecting for use, 73, 76, 78, 119
TAC, 281
utilities, 86, 101, 103, 119, 123, 127,
131, 147, 153
Tail utility, 266
version, 280
target system, 119
viewing and submitting bugs, 281
telnet, 86, 119, 153
Support Tools Node
terminating processes, 101, 127
testing Support Tools installation, 53
timeout for Dashboard sessions, 80
described, 12
installing, 48, 49
platforms, 27
uninstalling, 68
configuring distinguished user for, 41
Support Tools Repository
installing over previous installation,
described, 12
ports for, 51
Support Tools Server
starting and stopping, 277
described, 12
version for Support Tools 1.0, 27
installing, 43, 45
platforms, 27
Support Tools in network, 14
starting and stopping, 278
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
Touch utility, 268
Tracert utility, 270
troubleshooting, 81
privileged, 16
troubleshooting, 81
with Support Tools 1.0, 16
Support Tools, 68
Support Tools, 280
for Cisco Bug Tool, 281
files in Repository, 94
log collections, 116, 147
log groups, 111, 143
processes, 101, 127
for Cisco TAC, 281
for Cisco technical documentation, 6
for Dashboard, 24, 75
user groups
services, 103, 123
virus scan, 56, 60
vrutrace, 153, 202
WC utility, 271
Web Server, 27
Web site
privileged, 26, 37, 39
for Dashboard, 75
Cisco common, 16, 156, 158, 160, 165,
167, 169, 170, 172, 177, 179, 181,
186, 191, 192, 201, 202
for Cisco bugs, 281
for Cisco TAC, 281
Cisco Web, 16, 86, 88, 92, 101, 103,
106, 109, 111, 114, 116, 119, 123,
127, 131, 134, 138, 143, 147
for Support Tools documentation, 6
web.xml, 70
common, 210, 212, 214, 216, 218, 221,
223, 225, 228, 231, 233, 235, 236,
239, 241, 243, 244, 246, 248, 250,
251, 253, 255, 257, 259, 261, 262,
263, 264, 266, 268, 270, 271, 273,
Which utility, 273
Windows 2000, 27, 43, 48
WinMSD utility, 275
WMI, 56, 66
locations, 86, 119, 153
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide
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